Do women really equal men?
By kens425
@kens425 (436)
October 17, 2008 5:46pm CST
Being a gentleman seems not to exist nowadays because of the fight against gender bias which upholds the equality of men and women. women can do anything that men can do. however i ussually encounter situations wherein women beg men to do things for them especiall if it concerns getting their nails dirty, their reason..."please be a gentleman"..seem odd for people who seek equality them use their gender to save their energy, or are they making us slaves. i'm just talking about some people i know, i'm not referring to all.. can you share your stand on this?
14 responses
@kmurti (100)
• Russian Federation
18 Oct 08 are men and women are women ..they are made so differnt by nature..and are meant to be different..women are emotionally mentally very strong ..while men are more simple and less complicated human beings..women you can never know their it is really beyond is alwys nice to see women petitie delicate and sweet and even more nice to see men act protective possessive,protective and nice to them!!
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
18 Oct 08
You know, I get so tired of these threads (always made by men) who like to pi$$ off us women by implying that we are not their equal. Well you know what? In some ways we are superior to SOME men!
People are people, be they male or female. Some men don't like to play in the dirt. Some women, like me do. I LOVE to garden, and do my own landscaping. I've created ponds, I've planted trees, I've put in fountains and even outdoor lighting. I'm not out there worrying about breaking a nail and acting helpless. There are some men I know who are certainly more helpless that I am! I really wish men across the world would wake up and realize we no longer live in caves and expect the caveMAN to save us from the dinosaur. Step aside man, I'll get that dinosaur myself thank you.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
19 Oct 08
If my response didn't make my position clear enough, then you need to clarify what part of feminist you are referring to.

@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
19 Oct 08
women can do anything a man can do, but lots of women are just plain lazy. they just dont want to do it.
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@creative_genius (992)
18 Oct 08
I don't understand the whole thing about men and women being equal. Yes they should be treated equally and with respect but they will always be different and people should learn to understand that. As a woman I like to see chivalry in men but wouldn't demand it.
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@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
18 Oct 08
I'm not sure what you mean by gentlemen not existing. Doesn't seem true for me, but I know what you are saying. Lots of women say they want equality but they don't act like it. They want some kind of special treatment and for men to spend all their money on them. If you truly want equality then act like it. Stop waiting for the man to always hold the door and pay for everything. Women are allowed to have jobs now so why not chip in and pay for dates since you have money of your own? And women can not do everything a man can do because its physically impossible. I help my dad sometimes with working on home repair and there are jobs only he and my brothers work at because I'm not strong enough to do them. Equal is suppose to mean you have the same rights, not you have the same rights and then some.
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@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
18 Oct 08
Let me try to answer it in a different way, one that maybe helps to define the playing field of equality both by intent and execution.
Intent first:
Equality in opportunity = education, career choice, promotion, pay
Equality in the eyes of the law = the ability to seek justice in the courts during a divorce, the ability to seek and receive equitable division of marital property, to receive child support due to us when we are the custodial parent, to own property in our own name, to own a business in our own name, receive credit in our own name, to be treated with respect and dignity in the case of assault or rape, to be protected by the law in the case of domestic violence
The above two items are really the cornerstone of the equality statement. Not more and not less. It is a societal issue that draws a line in the sand a creates a "fairness doctrine" for women.
Execution now:
Some women and men take the equality to far by failing to recognize that men and women must continue to live and work side by side. This means that we should continue to practice good manners. It also means that we, each of us, will continue to exhibit personality quirks and individuality.
Some women and some men will take the "demand" for equality to an extreme. Others will go to the opposite side of the fence.
I am a woman. I will most often try to be a lady (manners). This doesn't change that I have ambitions. It doesn't change that I expect to be paid equitably for the work that I do. It doesn't change that I will compete in the work world and usually win. But if you open my door I am not going to be upset (manners). At home I am going to ask my husband to do man work because he is better at it, has nothing to do with breaking a nail it has to do with the fact that he is physically stronger than I am and thus better able to accomplish that work in a shorter period of time and with less effort. I will continue, at home to be the primary cook, not because I am a woman but because in our relationship I am the better cook thus it makes more sense.
The truth is equality means that people should do what they are good at and they should be allowed to do so. If someone is using their gender as an excuse to get out of work you should ignore their request, there is a name for this which I won't use here.
@rymebristol (1808)
• Philippines
19 Oct 08
contemporary society is just beginning to delve into the true distinctions between men and women. besides the obvious physiological differences, there are also differences in the way men and women think, speak, and behave.
for us to understand the essential nature of man and woman, we must do away with human subjectivity and look through God's eyes. every human being, man and woman, was created for the same purpose -- to fuse body and soul in order to make themselves and their world a better and holier place. in their service of God, there is absolutely no difference between a man and a woman; the only difference is in the way that service manifests itself.
i think that men and women should accept they have different ability, but in the end they are the same.
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@trudyanndac (100)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I do belive that men and women are equal. Having said that...there are things that men can do better than women and there are things that women can do better than men and women can do something that men could never do in their wildest dreams (give birth) So I think that it all equals out.
There are some girls that hate getting dirty. But there are also guys (like my younger brother) who are just afraid of dirt. There are also men who take advantage of girls who are in love with them, to get them to do degrading it goes both ways.
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@20021114476 (691)
• Philippines
18 Oct 08
In a local tv here in the philippines, they say that there are difference in both sexes but somehow both have their weights but totally equal. Men usually have the strength but women have the higher pain theshold. There are other interesting traits but Im not prepared answering now and maybe I can supply the others as we progress on this discussion. By the way, it is an interesting topuc.
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@20021114476 (691)
• Philippines
18 Oct 08
Before the spaniards came to the Philippines, women enjoyed the respect equal to any man. They even have the honor of naming the child she bore. She can have a title, rank, and inheritance. Even in counries like Cambodia and Egypt, women enjoyed these privileges. Physically, men dominates but mentally, women think in a wide network and can perform several tasks at the same time which they can easily manage.
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@luvandpower (2048)
• United States
18 Oct 08
when i first read this my first and natural instinct was of course. However, I believe that we are equal and we arn't equal all at the same time. It kind is like how something might claim its free but then it wants all this info about you so to speak, thats how I look at the gender differences. A male can do so many things, and in a guys enviroment and how their personality was made ( nature vs. nurture) makes taht guy more adapt to stuff like bridge building and being a mechanic. While, a female on the other hand may be in the situation but will be a model or something. But before you counterattack this let me also say there are those women who are mechanics and construction workers and those men who are like more feminine and stuff and become like fashion designers, and there is nothing wrong with that. That is why the government made the ERA ammendment because some males are more feminine and some females are more masculine. While, on the other hand I do not believe it is right for a female to go take a males job, only do like half the work a man does and gets paid the same amount ( dock workers). If a man has the capacity of lifting something that is 500 pounds, then if the female wants to be paid they should have to be able to pick up 500 pounds. We are all equal, but what you do is what makes it if it is fair or not.
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@Ruth77777 (15)
• United States
18 Oct 08
Do men really equal women? Or? maybe just maybe men and women both? have a great deal to offer?
@LilPixelle (828)
• United States
18 Oct 08
Note this might be slightly off topic
you are right, its getting harder and harder to find a good gentleman these days, and its harder to find a good lady these days too. personally I think we are equal to a degree, i think it should be understood that we CAN all cross stereoptypical boundaries, but I think a lot of the submissiveness of yesteryear is lost... a woman must be able to do the CEO whatever job, and take care of her kids, and cook dinner, and this and that, I'm scared of growing up, because I dont want to be that, I want to stay with my kids all day, and homeschool them, so that they dont have to go through the drama and brainwashing of public school but because of these woman who have to have superpowers, I'm expected to do it all, including put my kids in daycare while I go work a job. I dont want that...
I think I'm way off base here but I agree, If a woman wants it all, let her have it, and everything that comes with it. she will find its more than she bargained for, including those nails dirty jobs (For the record, I can catch and kill my own bugs, and usually do so, I'm also a 16 yr old female)
@kmurti (100)
• Russian Federation
19 Oct 08
mmm u are rite women are expected to multi task cos they do it willingly/unwillingly..yes..but any day staying bk and being with kids is the best role a woman could play at least till she really feel the urge to do something more..maybe never too!! i never wanted to do a job and thought the same way as u but it it watever had something else in store for me and am still slogging and multitasking ..doing those small liitle things dat i really wanna do full time one day..
wish u marry a guy who says no way my wife stays bk and takes care of home sweet home..will pray it hapeens for u!!ha ha
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@maureengrace (41)
• Philippines
18 Oct 08
being a gentlemen is also not applicable to all men. I have numerous guy friends and all of them differ a lot when they treat girls. But, men and women are equal....its just that men and women also are unique in their own ways. There's a demanding woman, a lazy man, insensitive woman/man...etc! so, if talking about their capabilities...well, they're equal...women also are not making men slaves...well, not all...but in time, men are also doing everything to prove to women that they are superior...right? so what's the best defense mechansim of women is that they challenge the man.;) sounds pathetic right?