It is that time of year! Halloween oooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!

United States
October 18, 2008 12:07am CST
Have you ever had a ghostly experience? I have, one day after I just moved into a new house , I was washing a load of laundry. No one was home ,all my roommates are female. I was going about my business and it was around 2 in the afternoon. The sun was shinning and bright and then right behind me a male voice says "HI!" I said hi back kind of startled and turn around . There wasn't anybody there. Thinking IT was new neighbors just passing by I walk outside and around the house . The neighbors were not home and no one in sight. I was very creeped out and then later on other strange things started to happen. The toilet would flush on its own and the shower would come on in the middle of the night. One of my cats decided to go into the shed outside and not come out. I never let them outside so I had to get her back indoors. The shed was very dark . At first I was fine and then all the hair pick up all over my body. I was so upset. I am not one to get so frightened easily in the daylight. I started calling to my cat and not wanting to go inside . I stared to get so scared that I started to cry. MY cat made a weird noise and came barreling into my arms. I no longer live there , but have you ever had a similar experience?
3 responses
@lilfret (81)
• United States
19 Oct 08
i remember wen i was really little it was 2 in the morning at my cuzins house and everyone was sleeping and i looked and i swore i saw a shadow(probly my hair or sumthing lol) i freaked out and i couldnt sleep the rest of the night i just sat on the staircase freaked out lol
• United States
20 Oct 08
I have done similar things like this. One night I was home alone and forgot to close my windows before dark . I heard a strange noise outside and swore I seen something large fly by one of the windows. I ran to my room locked the door and wouldn't come out till my boyfriend got home from work.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
27 Oct 08
When I got married we were living in a house that always gave me the creeps. It wasn't old or anything, but I just didn't feel easy there. When my first baby was born he would wake screaming at night from the time we brought him home. I felt something odd in that room. I moved him to the other bedroom and he slept just fine, other than waking up hungry or wet, although I think he did have nightmares just as I did when I was a baby. Anyway, I went into that room and prayed, told whoever was there to go away and be at peace. The room was ok after that. I'm so glad I'm no longer in that house!
@vmksvmks (413)
• Canada
19 Oct 08
Sorry to say i have never experienced that No visions,haunting experiences,halluciation you get it I guess i am just a simple dude with nothing to add to this discussion I am on the fence to really understand or believe it (No offence) but that is me Good Luck