Do you believe that God is really everywhere?

United States
October 18, 2008 10:55am CST
I am curious what some of my friends here think or feel! Do you believe that God is everywhere and in control of everything? Do you feel we have "Free Will" or He already knows the Outcome of everything?
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28 responses
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
18 Oct 08
Yes, I believe G♥d is everywhere and in control..We do have free will, but if we don't follow His plan, He will find someone else. So I think He does know the outcome, but still allows us to make our own decisions..
• United States
19 Oct 08
I think so too, we have free will, but it always used for His will.
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@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
19 Oct 08
You can't have God's control and free will at the same time. God will not control you without your permission. If he does he is taking away your free will. Also God must grant you a personal relationship with Him. There is nothing we could do that would make us worthy of such a valuable gift. Everything we receive of God and Jesus is a gift and no deeds we could ever do could repay them. Just being a person that's living our lives in a way that God approves is all He will ever ask of us. I'm afraid most of us fall way short on that one. That includes me too.
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• United States
19 Oct 08
Free will and Omnicsience are not mutually exclusive. God knew the outcome before He created us but that doesn't mean He caused the outcome. The events of the Revelation were written of in the earliest prophetic teachings of the old testement. 5000 or more years before they happen. God knew the out come but left us to decide what we would do, personally, individually.
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
18 Oct 08
Interesting question I do believe that we have free will, but I also am a firm believer that God already knows what choices we will make, even when those decisions are not the right ones. Yep, He IS everywhere and He knows all things
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
24 Dec 08
Thanks for the BR pencil
• United States
19 Oct 08
I agree!
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@worthy (2413)
• India
19 Oct 08
I believe God is everywhere,watching us all the time. He might not be control of everything because seeing the agony and misery world wide I don't think he would have allowed it to be so.
• United States
20 Oct 08
There is nothing going on that is not already in the Bible. The Bible has everything in it! Look at the agony that Jesus endured on the Cross!! Even before that Cross.
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@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
18 Oct 08
You have God the father, God the son and God the Holy Ghost. All three combine to make up the Trinity, If the entire world is still waiting for God the son to return then God is not everywhere.
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@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
19 Oct 08
Then what is the big thing about the coming of Jesus?
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• United States
19 Oct 08
Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen
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• United States
19 Oct 08
God is with us always but he has left the world in our hands. Those hands have done a wonderful job of messing things up and Christians in many parts of the world are still being persecuted, prosecuted, martyred, tortured ond otherwise put upon for thier belief. When Jesus comes he isn't returning to take us home he's come to take control. When His foot splits the Mount of Olives it will signal the beginning of His reign as King over all and we will finally live in the world He intended for us all along. THAT is something to look forward to.
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• United States
19 Oct 08
I do believe God is everywhere. He gave us "free will" and know what the outcome will be as a result of our choice.
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• United States
20 Oct 08
Yes me too!
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@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
18 Oct 08
I do not believe God is everywhere. I do believe the Holy Spirit of God AND Jesus is everywhere. Maybe not everywhere but the Holy Spirit lives withing those that have been Anointed. I do not believe in Free will. You cannot choose to do something unless you have been taught how to do it. The only way we can change the course of our lives is to educate ourselves with the information we need that will take us where we want to go. You cannot just say I want to be a Christian and it just happens. It just doesn't work that way. First you must have God's help to become a Christian. It really isn't our choice, God always has the last word in that matter. We want a lot of things in this life but very often we are not willing to do what is necessary to have them. I do not believe God has programmed everything to come out a certain way. This would come under the heading of God controlling us and He will not do that without our permission. I do believe God has a very good idea what will happen. I believe God knows it is just a matter of time until man destroys himself. This will be done by man, not God.
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• United States
19 Oct 08
Matthew 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen
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@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
19 Oct 08
The Holy Spirit of Jesus is still with us today and will be until the end of this world. I just wish we were using it the way Jesus intended when He gave his life that we can have it. The Holy Spirit of God is also with us. Through His spirit God can help us get to a point where He can Anoint us with the Holy Ghost.
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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
18 Oct 08
I believe that God knows and sees everything Yes. I have never been an overly religious person but there has never been a day in my life that I didn't believe in the lord. I have had far too many prayer requests answered to not believe in God.
• United States
19 Oct 08
Ephesians 6:18 Praying always with all and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
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@ladybug565 (2216)
• United States
19 Oct 08
God guides our journey, carefully watching every step we take, calling us to keep going and keep growing in him I believe we have free will to make our choices and that God is with us all of the time.
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• United States
20 Oct 08
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@ladybug565 (2216)
• United States
19 Oct 08
I agree with RedKathy. God is with us but we have free will over the choices we make.
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• United States
20 Oct 08
I believe this way too!
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Oct 08
hi louiseknittel I believe that God is everywhere and in control we do have freewill, but he knows probably what we will do anyway I do believe and that is something. I rely on that to help me face all the obstacles in the way right now. I have to, as its all I have right now.
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• United States
19 Oct 08
Revelation 3:8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.
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@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
19 Oct 08
I believe he is everywhere, and in control of everything, I believe he is all-knowing and all-seeing, I don't believe we can hide anything from him. The Free Will thing is hard to answer, because I think he knows the outcome of everything, he already knew us before we were ever born, and he knew what we were going to grow up to be like and what we were going to be doing, and he knows how long we will be on this earth. I know some people will disagree with me, but this is my thoughts on the matter, everyone is entitled to their opinions no matter what they are.
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• United States
20 Oct 08
I believe that he knows all too. and is everywhere!
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
19 Oct 08
Hi louise, I'm not really sure if I know the answer to that question. I think that God is everywhere and I do think that He already does know the Outcome of everything. Otherwise, why would things happen the way that they do? Why would some people die the way they do and some people live when they shouldn't? I think that there must be some sort of pre-determined plan for everyone and everything. Or else none of this makes any sense. Although, I still am not sure that I believe that it makes sense anyway. I don't understand why some people are made to suffer and others get away with everything and so on. So I have alot of questions I would like answered that may never be answered. So I guess I just will have to trust the higher power as best as I can, even though I have some doubts and questions about the whys.
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• United States
20 Oct 08
I have lots of questions too. I think that we all do. When I really want to know something. I asked Him to please explain it to me when I get up there. I am sure that He will.
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@Margarit (3676)
• Philippines
19 Oct 08
I still believe that God is everywhere through the holy spirit. since God promises us that he still send the holy spirit to be with us for his son is not around anymore. I believe through the holy spirit we will be save. Just ask Him to come to your life and direct us to the right path. I think this is the good news for everyone , we can still have eternal life even if we sinned. As the bible say, for God so love the world that he gave his only son, who ever believed in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
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• United States
20 Oct 08
I agree with you . We do not lose our Salvation if we sin after we Accept him as our Personal Savior! But, once your saved you really do not want to sin.. and you do want to have a closer relationship with Him. And will work on that!
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• Philippines
19 Oct 08
Hi Louise! Well, this is a very broad subject and so many answers. Personally from my experience and from what I know as a Christian, God is omnipresent. I believe in God the Father, the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. Unconciously, I treat them as one like, when I talk to Jesus, I am as well talking to the Father and the Holy Spirit. I know He is everywhere and He treats us in a very personal way. I feel like He knows me personally more than I know myself. His views of me is greater than how I view myself for I have yet to discover the totality of who I am. He knows my beginning and end. As for free will, it was a gift from Him but the limitation of our free will or if there is even a limitation, that I do not know. For He said, Man may make their plans but the Lord's will be done. Maybe, just maybe...there is already a predestined path for each of us but along the way their are tiny choices ("I have placed fire and water before you, chose which way to go", quoted from the bible, proverbs I think!). This tiny choices in layman's term is the left and right. You can choose to go right and do the right thing. If you choose to go left, you suffer the consequences with all the heartache and the pain and the realization which will lead you back to proceeding what is right. God is the true essence of love. And love is free will. You have the choice to love Him or not. One cannot force a person to love if he doesnt feel so. What would be the meaning of it all if there is no free will? This subject requires so much studying the bible and living to experience it. I may be wrong in my opinion. It might even be vague. For a lot of questions comes into mind when you start answering a discussion such as this. And I'd probably go beserk without starting a new question whenever I answer a previous one in my head. I hope to read more and get some ideas from everyone else who will participate in this discussion. Thank you Louise! Sheena
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• United States
19 Oct 08
I looked up the Bible verse for you! Psalms 66:12 Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water : but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place. I too hope that this discussion gets a lot of respsonses!
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
18 Oct 08
I do believe that God is everywhere and that he knows all about us. I do believe too that God has give us free will to behave how e desire. Naturally we have to pay for the consequences according to our choices. There were times when I live according to my will and left God out of my life. Although Gods wants to be invited in our life he never forces himself on anybody. © ronaldinu 2008
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• United States
19 Oct 08
No, He never uses force. Just wants us to love him! And wants us to accept him!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
19 Oct 08
Hi LouiseKnittel, Thank you for this discussion, and yes I do believe that God is everywhere and in all things. Over thousands of years people have made God like us humans with the same passions and failures. If however we look at nature and the universe and even back at our own life when we get older, we begin to understand that God is not small like we have made him, indeed we realize that it is impossible for us to comprehend the nature of God except in all that surrounds us. Blessings.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
18 Oct 08
Yes I do believe God is everywhere and in control of everything however, He's given all of us free will to do His bidding or not. He knows the outcome of everything in either direction we decide to take. But He does wish for us to go right and go straight.
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• United States
19 Oct 08
Me too!
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@redkathy (3374)
• United States
18 Oct 08
Well I believe that we do have free will otherwise we would not have choices to make! I also believe that God is everywhere and He knows our choices before we make them. Free will is a way of pruning I think. Like we make good choices and continue on the God given path. On the other side, we make bad choices, suffer the consequences and hopefully figure out what went wrong, then get back to the given path with a lesson learned under our belts. Pruned.
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• United States
18 Oct 08
I agree, we are continually being pruned/shaped/molded. I also believe that even if we do not make the correct decisions he uses that to help others as well as us!
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@Kmarie923 (875)
• United States
18 Oct 08
I do believe that God is everywhere and in control of everything. I'm not sure about the second question. I think that we have "free will" to do what we want, but that he knows what we are going to do already.
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• United States
19 Oct 08
I agree!
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@mods196621 (3652)
• Philippines
18 Oct 08
It is true that we have our free will to choose. When creation begun our first parents exist which is Adam and Eve. God gave them everything they need to live in paradise but when satan come out and start Eve to seduce the orinal sin was commited. Thier eyes was opened up for malice and they start to cover themself. In this case, they are well provided by God and nothing to worry about. The freedom is there. God gave them the order of one thing not to eat the fruit. But Eve still choose to disobeyed God. From the very beginning there is the free will. So, this is the small thing I can share as far as I know about free will. The question about if He is everywhere? for me it is according to our faith and belief. In my life I always feel that God is everywhere because in time i need Him as I asking his guidance and presence i can fell his spirit. But remember we have different faith and this is according to our belief.
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• United States
19 Oct 08
Amen! I have Never felt Anything on Earth, that even comes close to the feeling of the Holy Spirit churning within your soul!
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