Is Your Job Making You Sick?

United States
October 18, 2008 2:54pm CST
I don't mean just the office politics, back stabbing and such kind of sick. I mean is it making you physically ill? When I worked outside my home, I always felt bad. I got migraine headaches, panic attacks, and threw up every Wednsday morning for about 3 hours before I went to work.(Monday and Tuesday were my days off) I have noticed that since I quit my job, I haven't had a headache, no panic attacks and I have only thrown up once, from a virus. I have lost 5 pounds, and am generally just in a better mood. I enjoy what I am doing, and wake up every morning earlier than I have to, just because I want to get my day started. So, have you thought that maybe all the little things that make you feel bad may be due to your job?
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15 responses
• United States
19 Oct 08
Well... I've worked with children for a few years ... and snotty, runny noses carry icky germs. I"ve had pink eye, strep, stomach viruses, flu you name it I've had it. My daughter came home with coxsackie and a virus that got her hospitalized for over a week (during her first Thanksgiving too!) - I'm glad I took a break from my job for a bit...
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• United States
19 Oct 08
Ewww. Yeah, it's bad enough when your kid comes home with something but, to be around all those kids with all kinds of icky.... Taking a break for awhile is sometimes good for mental health reasons as well.*S* I have to tell you, when I read your response in e-mail. I thought it said : I've worked with chickens.....and snotty runny noses...... I was wondering how snotty noses related to chickens. I am glad I didn't answer from e-mail!*LOL*
• United States
19 Oct 08
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@jackgym (274)
• Australia
19 Oct 08
It takes me 10 seconds to get to work at my home office, so lucky me. But I know what you mean, I used to nearly get physically ill sitting in traffic every day. Eventually I had to resign through medical reasons, I got sick of the boss, lol.
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• United States
19 Oct 08
*LOL* Been there a few times myself. Isn't the trip to work great these days? I feel better than I have in 20 years. I certainly don't miss the traffic, headaches and panic attacks.
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@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
19 Oct 08
Since I retired at the end of March 2005, my health has been vastly improved. I think part of it was the building, I think it was/is a sick building. But it certainly was mostly one toxic person I worked with. Nothing could get me to go back there!
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@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
19 Oct 08
This building was built in 1976, during the PREVIOUS energy crisis. They built earth burms around the building so it has little air circulation and at least once while I worked there they had to close off one section because of black mold.
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• United States
19 Oct 08
Sometimes, one person is all it takes. I will admit that the chemicals and stuff I worked around didn't help, but it was way more than that that was making me sick. I just had to get out.
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
18 Oct 08
I too work from home now. When I worked in an office environment, I was sometimes ill. I don't think they clean very well. And ventilation was a problem. Especially after they would spray for insects. Yes I think the workplace was a factor.
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• United States
18 Oct 08
Oooh, that doesn't sound good. I think my problem was just that I did not wan to be there. I wanted to be doing my own creative thing.
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@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
19 Oct 08
Yes, we have a mold problem in the office where I work. I always had headaches that I only got during the week. Our building leaks whenever we have torrential rains like with tropical storms or hurricanes. Sometimes the leaks are between the walls, so they go unnoticed until people start complaining. They did install air purifiers, they replaced the wood, and insulation inside the walls. Less than 6 months later, Tropical Storm Fay came and pounded us for days. It caused even more leaks. The mold inspectors are back. So are my headaches as well as allergy and sinus problems due to the change in the season.
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• United States
19 Oct 08
That doesn't sound like a very safe work environment. Even if the mold is gotten rid of, it will continue to come back because of the weather in the area. Does a health inspector ever come by your place of business?
@jackiew (915)
• Canada
19 Oct 08
My stomache turned everyday that i had to get up for work.I worked in a call center selling credit cards and i really hated it.The thought of calling the next person sickened me.I did this for 6 years and then i thought it would be easier if people were calling me so i switched to another center and did catalogue orders for two years.It was hatefull!!People were calling me to do orders and some were literally hatefull--I did get alot of very nice people as well.I did customer service as well as take orders.I am now on medical leave from there after 2 years and i really don't think i am going back.I was always sick but since i have been off i am doing much better. happy mylotting
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• United States
19 Oct 08
I am glad to hear that things are better for you. It is just too bad that because we have to earn a living, we feel we have to endanger our health to hang on to a job.
@jackiew (915)
• Canada
20 Oct 08
I know,especially in a small town where the call center is really your only source of income. happy mylotting
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@miryam (6505)
• Italy
19 Oct 08
i'm sick in weel chair and 10 years ago.....i'n reterate of jobs----- myryam
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• United States
19 Oct 08
Are you in the wheel chair because of a job you held previously?
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
19 Oct 08
I have been fortunate to have never had a job that made me feel this way. Not physically anyways! The closest I have come I guess is in a job I had in an abbatoir many years ago when I was 19 or so. I did actually become quite ill on occasion at this job but this was more to do with the conditions I was working in more than anything else. It's amazing how much our mentalities can affect us physically when you think about it! I am glad to hear that you have found solace in what your are doing now. Getting to start each and every day with enthusiasm would be a positive step for anybody!
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• United States
19 Oct 08
It has got to be hard to go into a job where you know the working conditions are not particularly safe. Sounds like you are one of the lucky ones who enjoys what he does for a living, and the conditions are not so bad. Knowing that this is what I always wanted to be doing didn't help anything either. I knew what I wanted to do, I just didn't know how to get there. It was a tough decision, but I have not regretted a minute of it. I love being able to look forward to my day, every day. Especially the part of the day when I can give you a hard time.*L*
19 Oct 08
Yep. It's psychosomatic. Gives me a migraine every time I talk to my incompetent boss.
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• United States
19 Oct 08
*S* I worked for a few of those in my life. Some days you clench your jaws, before the day is even started, braced for the worst.
@ladybug565 (2216)
• United States
19 Oct 08
I am actually verry lucky right now because my job is great. i make pretty good mony(not great but better than some) and we all get along very well. I have had a few jobs though that werent good and was sick quite often, with headaches and stomach problems from my nerves.
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• United States
19 Oct 08
Yeah, sometimes jobs like that are just not worth it. I am glad you are in a good work environment and enjoy your work.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
19 Oct 08
I believe my job made me ill. I believe it gave me chronic fatigue syndrome from too many years of high stress and overtime. I was feeling trapped and desperately wanting to get away from the place in my last year there before I took my long service leave. While I was on leave I talked to my partner and we decided that I would not go back as I believed it was really bad for me and then a few months later I crashed with fatigue and could barely move. That was 2 years ago and I have not been able to work since.
• United States
19 Oct 08
I think sometimes that we push ourselves way too hard in that kind of work environment. We don't really know how bad it is, or what a toll it has taken on us physically, until we stop for a bit, then it just all comes crashing down on us. At least you are not in that situation any more.*S*
@currykai (427)
• Malaysia
19 Oct 08
Yes my job was previously making me very sick because I am too dedicated to it. I was having irritable bowel syndrome and insomnia. However, i realised is more to my ownself on how to control the workload. I learn to work as much i could and relax at the same time. I might not be the great worker anymore but I gain back my life and health.
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• United States
19 Oct 08
Sometimes we just have to know when to slow down and take time for ourselves. For some of us, that is not easy, is it?
• India
19 Oct 08
no not at all.if the job which we are doing is interesting then no headaches.
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• United States
19 Oct 08
Then you are one of the lucky ones.*S*
@Varica (1)
19 Oct 08
yeah my job makes me sick. Apart from all the usual gossiping and bad management, since starting my job I have developed stress induced IBS, and I get tonsillitus and ear infections more than I used to (2-3 times a year). Then again I work in a call centre so am always talking and listening to customers 7 hours a day so gonna start affecting you after 4 years I suppose :)
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• United States
19 Oct 08
Yeah, I suppose that would start to wear on you after a while. Try 20 years in pharmacy. Not a fun thing. While I did enjoy my specific field of pharmacy, the rest of it just got to be too much. It wasn't worth it.
• Lubbock, Texas
19 Oct 08
Now that you mention it, I haven't had one of those woozey, nauseated, feel like I'm gonna kiss the floor spells since I retired. I have to admit sometimes I miss the steady paycheck, but this time of year? OMG I'll juggle the budget and pinch every penny til it screams any day to keep from doing another H G Christmas!
• United States
19 Oct 08
Boy, do I understand that. Flu season was always THE worst when I was working in the pharmacy. I can deal with pinching pennies to keep my sanity and health.