WWE loosing its popularity, should the superstars comeback
By zipk11
@zipk11 (98)
October 19, 2008 4:09am CST
WWE has been one of the biggest comany in sports and entertainment for dacades now.... but in last 3-4 years various top superstars of WWE have left the company... Stars like ROCK, STONE COLD, GOLDBERG, BROCK LESNAR, KURT ANGLE have either joined Hollywood or some other company like TNA..... Do u think some of these stars should comeback and enhance the ratings of wwe.....
Kindly post ur suggestions
7 responses
@frosteee (70)
• Australia
22 Oct 08
first of all stinge jesus christ thats alot of writing :O!! back on topic, wwe does bring back some of the stars but usually only at wrestlemania i remeber the last wrestlemania stone cold came back. But then again wrestlemania gets terrific ratings whether there is stone cold the rock etc. Yes TNA does take some of the superstars from wwe that have left or been waved and hollywood also they get paid lotss ... cheers happy mylotting
@hookahradio (11)
• United States
20 Oct 08
well i personaly miss those days off the old wwe, id like to see all of em back to wrestle, but the rock is a bigshot movie star, he'll never be back in wwe, Stone cold i so wish he was back on the active roster, but due to his neck problems hes been told he could never wrestle again, which is very bad for everyone Steve was the biggest success for them. Angle of course is in tna but due to what happened with the whole wwe thing, kurt is in a better place. about goldberg, i liked him but i didnt like how wwe just destoyed his legacy. brock was a talented wrestler & id love to see him back as well. i would like to see x-pac road dogg & billy gunn back in wwe too, i always though billy would be one h*** of a wwe champ, i think he could draw. other then that i think they do need to push people like matt & jeff hardy & not in the ways there doing now. those are my thoughs anyways
@redfang (967)
20 Oct 08
I don't think there is any need for any of the ex-superstars to return in order to pull wwe's rating back up what they need to do is change the way they put their shows together, at the moment we have got, raw, smackdown and ECW, ECW is just Naff so not really worth mentioning, smackdown is plagued with bad scripts, bad sub acting by the podgy mare Vickie, half assed matches that can be over in a matter of 2-3 mins, high profile matches having interference ( undertaker should have his HW championship back by now ) it's just become boring and stupid.
We have Sky+ in the uk and i record raw and smackdown each week i do this because i refuse to sit up at 1am and have to sit through more commercial breaks than flamin programme, at least with Sky+ i can just fast forward it but it's like 8-10 commercial breaks per show now, it's beyond a joke here and we pay for sky sports for god sake.
When i do get to watching the shows i now tend simply to fast forward to the matches as i really can;t be arsed watching or listening to all the talk that goes on now, i mean don't get me wrong i am all for a bit of hype for a major match but the soap opera we now have is just pathetic, the main event matches are extremely lacking most of the time.
At the end of the day i think that WWE are responsible for their own rating losses if they buck their ideas up a little and produce some better viewing then ratings might go back up again, until then its their own fault.
@henry140468 (323)
• India
20 Oct 08
I would definitely like some of the former stars to return.Especially the ROCK.There is no need for Kurt Angle to come as he won most of his games by cheating when he was new.
@caskins (689)
• United States
19 Oct 08
hello my fellow myLotter, according to wwe they are not losing their ratings. i would love for the Rock and Stone Cold to make a comback. also Trish Stratus and Lita but they all want to do different things. Brock does mma now. you can catch him on UFC. happy posting!
@Badman2236 (10)
19 Oct 08
WWE is the program on tv but since last 4 years This show has lost his popularity because some of the biggest superstar was left this company.
@stinge (810)
• United States
19 Oct 08
I used to be a follower of the wwe. My parents are kinda old school, so I wa allways last to get things like cable. I grew up watching the WWF as it was called. I remember watching the main event that use too come on regular television every friday or staurday. I believe it use to come on NBC or Fox. Every week at 8pm. When we finaly got cable in 1993, I discovered monday nite raw. I didn't know what the hell it was. Do you remember when they used to show WWF on regular TV on saturday mornings? That's what I used to watch. I think it was mostly repeats of what happened on raw. But I grew up in the Hulk Hogan era. When it was everyone cheers for the good guy, and booed the bad guy. When they used to have matches like, Tripple h VS some no name guy that was allready standing in the ring with no entrance music..lol. Me and my cousin still laugh about that till this day. There was I time when I stopped watching, probably cause I didn't have cable at the time. It was very boring watching Hulk Hogan beat up on some no name clown. And with no cable, I couldn't see the main events anymore cause they were all on payper view. But after discovering Raw, I was back in the game. Every match was a good one. No more no name wrestlers. It was superstar Vs superstar. I also discovered WCW monday nitro and saw some of the former WWE guys over there.
My favorite of all time is Stone Cold Steve Austin. Not only for his matches, but I enjoyed his interviews in between matches. I thought he was mean and funny. As with most of the wrestlers interviews. It's not just about the wrestling, it's the story lines as well. I tell people to this day, I think the best yrs the WWE had was Stone cold vs Brett hart and the hart foundation. You had guys like the Rock comin up. Remember when he 1st turned bad and joined The nation of Domination with Farook. During this time, they were competing with WCW and monday nitro on tnt. This was the hottest thing going on. NITRO came on at 8pm, so I would watch that. When Raw came on at 9pm, I would be switching back and forth. It was great. But like every good story line in the world of wrestling, they eventually mess it up. Stone cold feuded with Vince for a while. Degeneration X broke up. The whole NWO take over became stupis and very clownish. It started out with Hogan,Razor Ramon and Deisel, better known as Hall and Nash. But then the regular guys from WCW started to join. That's when it got really silly. It started to loose it's interest. The story lines became even more stupid. Look at how good the matches were between Edge and Chritian when they fought the Hardy Boys. But nothing lasts forever. I used to wonder all the time how it was going to be when Stone Cold leaves. Would I still watch? I don't think most of the stars should come back since most of them are either too old, or too hurt. Like Stone cold. He was at the point where he had 2 knee braces and a serious kneck injury. He couldn't really do much in the ring anymore. I don't think that guys like the Rock, Brock lesnar, or Angle would have a problem drawing the interest of the fans. Some of these guys are still in good shape. Most of these guys have moved on to TNA. The few times I've seen TNA,it doesn't really seem like the crowd is into it. That was why I liked ECW so much. Remember when it used to come on at 1am on msg. It was like watching wrestling inside a dungeon, but the crowd was crazy. One thing I can't stand with most of the wrestlers today, is that everyone has on black trunks with black boots and black knee pads. Stone cols started it, now everyone does it. There is no originality anymore. I also have seen the story line with the late Eddy Guerreros wife and Edge. I thought that was one of the dumbest things I have seen. But Speaking as former fan, I can officially say I have been retired from wacthing wresteling for several yrs now.