Some neighbors does"nt extend their hand for others.

October 19, 2008 8:33am CST
Usually when we said neighbor it our first area to seek help in case of emergency especially when we are in critical condition and nowhere to go like in the middle of the night. The moments that we relying on them. But some cases it does"nt happend. Some of them trying to close their ears to listen the needs of others. Even though they have things to do for help. Maybe they got tired from work or they dont have really the intension to help. Most common thing we always do if this is happening is not to attain their needs too when the times they are in the same situation. In here partways begun. And the Lord command do not follow to "love your neighbor as I have love you"
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6 responses
@stryker5 (52)
• United States
19 Oct 08
I have tried to reach out to my neighbors. I have offered my friendship and food. I have one neighbor who I have given her food to feed her children when she didn't have any money or food in the house. I gave her rides when she needed to go somewhere. I have watched her kids so she can go to her womens classes at church. I have been there to listen when she needed to talk. Now, she acts like I don't exist. I have another neighbor, who is very young and has 2 boys. I have given her clothes for them and tried to be her friend. The only time she talks to me is when her boyfriend has beat her up, or they are fighting, and she is scared. She will come over here because she knows she is safe here. Other than that, I don't exist to her. Finally, my next door neighbor is an elderly woman who is a ball of fire. She is absolutely a delight to talk to and I know that if I need anything, I can go to her. I have offered her my help repeatedly and she refuses it because she wants to be independent and I understand that. As for the other 10-15 houses on the block, I have lived here 3 years and do not even know their names.
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• Philippines
19 Oct 08
You know there are still up to now a kind of fellow that they almost forgot to thank the goodness of ones who help them especially in times of their needs. But to say to you gladly you"ve done great. It is truelly the christian way act. God will bless you and continue to extend your hand to those who need your help.
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• United States
21 Oct 08
Thank you for your kind words. It is nice to know that someone appreciates what others try to do. I try not to judge these people because I have not walked in their shoes and don't know their circumstances completely but after awhile, you feel like your being used and have to say enough is enough.
@abyin007 (426)
• India
19 Oct 08
u r right..but see very one r not like us..i wil day u one example..once my neighbours house was one fire.unfortunatl there was no current supply then me and my father call fire force and tred to reduce the growing fire by taking our stored drinking water but hte other neighbour didnt do anything. they simply said " its drinking water i cant use them for distinguhing fire".see the way others think...but eventhough our neighbour didnt help. we need to give them our two hand when they r in trouble...remember our such feel make s differ from animals..Be Human...God will help us..
• Philippines
19 Oct 08
Yes. helping others is the right way to heavenly treasure of our life here on earth. And we are human also a subordinates among the nature and those creation of God. Hoping that there are still drinking water that left to you for drink. Happy mylotting!
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• Australia
19 Oct 08
I think it's got a lot to do with trust ,people are not as trusting of others and so keep to themselves in case they get a kick up the backside instead of a thankyou. Its the way the world is today and its very sad that neighbours don't look out for one another the way it once used to be when everyone in the street knew each other ,but I guess with the violence thats around us every day people have become wary of getting to close to their neighbours.
@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
20 Oct 08
well, we are blessed to have such wonderful neighbors.. they are always there to lend a helping hand most especially during emergency situations.. i remember when my sister was attacked by our dog, our friendly neighbors came to rescue her.. they accompanied her to the nearest hospital and even stayed longer to give love and support..
• Philippines
21 Oct 08
Well how lucky you are! It"s nice to hear the goodness of one person doing like that extending their helping hands and love for others.
• Philippines
19 Oct 08
You can't expect everything from your neighbors.Most of them are selfish even in troubles.
@kezza246 (82)
19 Oct 08
Yes, I agree with this. But some neighbours don't want to make relationships with people, these people are generally quite unpleasant people. For example my neighbours always leave full bin bags at the front of their house, and i have a labrador and living up to true labrador fasion she always pulls stuff out of the bin bags and eats it, and there was no way to stop her doing this as we cannot take her for a walk without walking past the neighbours house, as we live in a clu-de-sac. Anyway i was concerned about the matter and also worried about the prospect of rats and so i went to have a word with my neighbours. I asked them very politely to try and keep the big bags in the back garden or the always empty weelie bin that they own. They replied to this with 'f*** off you w*****, go sort out you're own s*** boring life!!!' I was completely offended by this, but did not want to lower myself to their level. This was a week ago and since i have reported it to the council. But it just goes to show that some people really don't care about their neighbours or others in the community.