Do you/will you respect your president no matter who he is?
By dizzblnd
@dizzblnd (3073)
United States
October 19, 2008 9:23am CST
Thinking about the current President, as well as the next president; do you respect your President BECAUSE he is your President? Regardless of your political affiliation, I feel that you have to give the leader of our country your appreciation for being in the position he is in, the tremendous pressure he is under to do what he thinks is right for our country. You must realize that it looks bad for us to the rest of the world as Americans not to give him the reverence he deserves.
So what say you? Will you respect our next president, not bash him for the decisions that he and congress make together? Even if you don't agree with the policies, will you continue to bash and bad mouth him as so many of you do now no matter who is elected?
I will, not only because he is president, but because he is a human being and a fellow American.
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29 responses
@anonymili (3138)
19 Oct 08
A difficult one for me to answer as I live in the UK and we have a Prime Minister and not a President. To be honest, I am not one who is blinded by people's positions. If someone is doing a bad job I will openly say that I have issues with them. We've had some diabolical Prime Ministers in the UK and it's not a cardinal sin for people to discuss how they feel about them, whether they feel good or bad. I don't really believe in patriotism - if people are doing good, I will respect them, not blindly agree with their policies just because they've been voted in by people who mostly fall for politicians spiel when they're trying to get elected :)
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@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
19 Oct 08
Right... to respect.. not blindly agree. For there are many issues one candidate and yourself may agree with,but at the same time.. there might be 2 more stances with that same candidate, that you do not. Does this mean that you lose respect for this person just because you do not agree 100%? means over all,you should respect the position he he holds... unless of course he is someone like Hitler or Sodamn Insane
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@anonymili (3138)
20 Oct 08
Of course you're right hun and if we all agreed and had the same point of view, all the responses on myLot would be exactly the same! Haha imagine how bizarre that would be! Happy Monday hun. x
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
19 Oct 08
You have a point... politicians in general leave a lot to be desired. But even some teachers, doctors, and health care workers make bad decisions, but that doesn't mean I won't respect the position in general.
I know that everyone will never agree with everyone. That's what makes the world an interesting place. If we all agreed on everything.. we would never learn anything about other people and different points of view. Thanks for yours

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@piasabird (1737)
• United States
19 Oct 08
I will give him respect if he deserves it. But he won't get it unconditionally. Right now I do not respect Barrack Obama. I feel that there are too many unanswered questions about him and that he is less than truthful. So, if he wins the election he is going to have to do something to earn my respect.
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@piasabird (1737)
• United States
19 Oct 08
Well, I haven't seen much respect for President Bush at all. Especially by the media and celebrities. I think if we as Americans weren't so divided we wouldn't be so disgraced in the eyes of foreigners. I think we need to pull together more.
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@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
19 Oct 08
It is unfortunate that this has happened. This is exactly why the strongest country in the world has become so week in the eyes of the world.
Domestic upheaval is not what this country needs. We DO need to unite and show the world that we are STRONG and that we can be depended upon when needed, that we are not week and vulnerable
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@rowantree (1186)
• United States
19 Oct 08
I have always respected our President no matter what. Always. This time around though, I am having a really hard time and I don't feel that I will be able to do that if "my" candidate doesn't win. So while I feel that we should respect our President no matter what, at the same time, if this candidate gets voted in, how in the world could you expect anyone to respect him? I feel that strongly against him. So...I guess my answer is no!
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@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
19 Oct 08
This time it does seem all about voting for the lesser of the 2 evils. But still no matter who it is, as long as he doesn't order the extermination of an entire race of people, I will still respect the man as our President, whether of not I agree with his policies
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@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
19 Oct 08
Yes. I think the OFFICE of President of the US deserves an amount of respect and dignity. It is fine to disagree with him/her, but it is NOT fine to go too far with disparaging comments, esp in print, on TV, in public speaking. It is possible for a reasonably educated person to point out all the flaws in a particular President's policy, without stooping too low. And yes, in addition to respect for the Office, I believe every human being deserves respect. I am not for Obama, but I have not criticized him as a person, just his beliefs and where I think he will lead this country. If he is elected, I will still give him the respect his office and his humanity deserve, tho I will not be happy if he wins.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
19 Oct 08
I don't know it's sort of hard for me. I mean when anyone not just the president makes bad decisions it really makes me loose respect for them. So I guess I could say that the president would have my respect until they start making stupid decisions. 

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@FadeAwayShoot (151)
• United States
19 Oct 08
I don't respect president bush because he has messed up the country alot over the years he started war with Iraq.
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@onesiobhan (1327)
• Canada
20 Oct 08
I don't' have a president I have a Prime Minister. I don't respect his policies because I think he is doing a terrible job. I'm not going to pretend to agree with him when I don't. The right to disagree with our leaders is an important part of our political process, I have no intention of allowing that to be taken away.
@freefogging (356)
• United States
29 Oct 08
Yes. I believe that no matter who the big guy is, he deserves all the respect he is supposed to have. No matter who he is, he still has a ton of things need to be fixed in this world.
@wrld_n_harmony (695)
• United States
20 Oct 08
I used to think I would respect anyone who make it to be president, but that all changed with W. Bush. I have no respect for someone who can ruin a country in such a short period of time.
As for the next president, I've started to think that respect is earned, and although I think either of these guys are better qualified than our current president, I will have to SEE the changes in order to give them my respect.
@cbreeze (1205)
• United States
20 Oct 08
I kind of have a wait and see approach. Of course I hope my candidate wins. If he does not, I know the world won't end. I will continue to get up everyday, go to work, be a good citizen, try to affect positive change in any way I can and live with America's decision. I will complain, if I don't like what I see in the next administration. But I will do that even if my candidate is in office and I don't like what he does. I feel the only people who have no right to complain are the ones who are eligible to vote but do not.
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
23 Oct 08
Good for you! So many people seem to think that it is the end of the world if their candidate does not win. But all we can do is vote for who we think go along with most of our beliefs, hope Congress carries out those things in which we believe are right. We should all continue to live our lives and be positive about things... no matter hard it might be
@blackmantra_x (2732)
• Philippines
20 Oct 08
Good day... Nice point yes I would respect and follow his policies and things that you've mentioned provided that he/she is the duly elected president and that he/she won and didn't cheat. Since we are in a free world or a democratic country rather then I think people must give their president due respect.
@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
19 Oct 08
I will respect the position he holds, whoever wins. And, whoever wins is just another human being, just like the rest of us.
We've all made bad decisions, and we have all made mistakes. Granted, ours probably does not affect the entire nation , but still maybe they do what they feel is best.
Will I still complain about things, yes. We all feel we have some idea on how things could be better, but we also know that for the most part, we are not going to be heard.
We all live with the same affliction, no matter what position we hold in life. It is called the human condition.
Don't know if any of that made sense to anyone, but I am leaving it just the way it is.*L*
@thebohemianheart (8827)
• United States
20 Oct 08
Holey Cow! If that is in better words than yours, you are in sad shape, lady, cuz I don't even know what I am trying to say, half the time!
But, I am glad you understood it.*L*

@evanslf (484)
20 Oct 08
Whoever wins, I will respect the office of the President and, being fair-minded, will also respect the winner even if he is not the person I would have voted for. This respect comes from my acknowledgement that the winner has the legitimate authority to government on behalf of the people as he has been elected by the people. Once the people have spoken, then it is time for all to accept the result, respect the newly elected President and get on with it.
However, respect is also earned. Respect goes both ways. So if President having been elected starts making bad decisions or is exposed as been untruthful or corrupt, then my respect for them will go out of the window.
hope that makes sense!

@TonyaFig (14)
• United States
20 Oct 08
Makes perfect sense to me evanslf...I feel the same way. I have my preference for the Oval Office and will cast my vote in that directon come November 4. However, if the candidate I vote for does not win then I will most definately respect who does. This does not mean that I will blindly continue to respect him if I feel he is doing a disservice to America and its people. Once the election is over whoever wins is MY President and deserves my respect...keeping it will be up to him.

@kenchihi (121)
• Malaysia
20 Oct 08
I think, I will respect the man, or to put it in a better way, I will respect the position of the President. But as for the person who is IN that position, I think its mostly based on the person's performance. No point supporting someone who leads us to the worst of situations. I think it is perfectly FINE to not support the person leading the country. I mean there is nothing wrong with criticizing another man. Only through comments, criticism, etc can we only help improve our situation. That's how democracy is supposed to work, right? At least you Americans tend to teach others so. Freedom of Speech.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
20 Oct 08
I will respect him if he earns it. I have no respect for either candidate right now but once they take office I will give them token respect. When they prove they are worthy of my respect, they will get it genuinely.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
20 Oct 08
I respect the office, no necessarily the man. Especially the one we have right now. I ofen wonder if his claim to fame is going to be the man who ruined the country.
@mercuryman3a (2477)
• India
20 Oct 08
Who respects the President? He has to be borne for 4 years, good or bad Thenonce again start off the process of finding a new incumbent. it is the process of finding a new guy which is interesting. having found one the interest is lost for 4 years. Enjoy the process till 4 Nov then go back to work.
@lovely30 (26)
• Philippines
20 Oct 08
well, we have to give respect tp our president no matter who he is or she is because we choose them to be our leader in our country, and if coomit a mistakes or what ever that is not good, well we let our law run after her or him, we will wait till the term ends, and because he is not a good leader we will not elect him or her again, we will choose another to be our leader
@rahulnegi007 (32)
• India
20 Oct 08
i would definitely give respect to president of my present our president is a woman n she has done a great job n i feel proud to be a citizen of a country whose president is a woman.she is the first woman president of our country.