What do you think?
By Seppy1984
@Seppy1984 (2145)
United States
October 19, 2008 10:56am CST
Do you think abortion should be legal or ilegal? And why do you feel this way?
I Personally dont belive in abortions but I belive that it should stay legal due to the fact that some people might need to get an abortion if they were raped at a young age or if it would risk some health problems for the mother. I on the other hand have 4 children and would love to try for one more but if I do get pregnant there is a chance I could die from having the baby because of the fact that I have Cervix Cancer. So I have to say if I got pregnant I would go and have one only because I would not want to leave the children I do have behind. Am I wrong for thinking like this? But when the cancer is all clear then we will hopefully be able to concieve a child. My sister had to have one because the baby was up in her tubes and they could not get the baby into the cervix where the baby was suppose to be and she was told that she would have to abort the baby because of the fact that she would end up either having a miscarriage or having a really early baby, so the docter recomenned it. So I feel that abortions should stay legal.
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21 responses
@LadyWinter (195)
• United States
21 Nov 08
I think abortion is okay for whatever reason.
I dont think I am God so I dont know why someone would choose abortion, but they will have to live with it not me. I dont think abortion is ever an easy choice and I dont think its ever arrived at easily. No one wakes up and says for fun today I will have an abortion and some ice cream. In some situations it is simply the best for all involved. Women should have choices. Women sometimes find themselves in circumstances they hadnt planned on and unable to care for a child. I think it should remain legal for the health and safety of all women.
I believe what your sister had was a spontaneous abortion of the body...but the body didnt manage to expel it completely. The fetus was already deceased.
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@kenchihi (121)
• Malaysia
20 Oct 08
I believe this issue is really a cultural relativism. People have different opinion on issues like this. People should stop trying to interfere with other people's life and let each other decide for themselves what they want to do. For those who are against abortion, fine, don't do it. For those who have no choice but to go for an abortion should just do it, as long as they have thought it through. This issue shouldn't be under the jurisdiction of the government, but the people who are making the decision.
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@Seppy1984 (2145)
• United States
20 Oct 08
Very well said, I'v been waiting for someone to make this response. I belive that it should be up to us humans what we want to do and not the government. You make a very good point. Thanks for stopping and Happy Mylotting.
@praveenjena (1304)
• India
19 Oct 08
I say that it should be legal because people are going to do it anyway - is it not worth saving many more lives (the lives of the mothers) than letting them die getting back-alley abortions? Remember, this isn't about whether abortion is right or wrong (there are more than enough of those already) - this is about whether it should be legal or not.And so you know, I do not like abortion. I hate it. But I do think it should be legal. Have a very good day here at mylot.
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@Seppy1984 (2145)
• United States
20 Oct 08
I agree with you on this because I have heard of stories about places that are illegal and the mothers die because they are not being done right like they should be. I so agree with you are saying here. Thanks for stopping and Happy Mylotting.
@emarie (5441)
• United States
19 Oct 08
i agree with you. i personally wouldn't do an abortion but why take away the rights of someone who may need it. so i would say i'm pro choice. a womans right to chose what happens to her body. i think it should be legal BUT the process of an abortion be more 'nitpicky' so to say as to make the paper work a little more tedious to prevent reckless women who get pregnant just because they know they can have an abortion. i think the government should regulate those things because the privilege of abortion shouldn't be abused in the first place. my sister had an abortion when she was in college. i didn't even know this until i was faced with keeping a child or aborting it, or even giving the child up for adoption. but after a long talk with the father, i decided that i wouldn't want that and i would regret it. in my situation it was best for me to keep it. but for my sister, it was better for her to abort it because she person she got pregnant from wasn't going to stay with her in the long run.
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@Seppy1984 (2145)
• United States
20 Oct 08
I so belive that people should use abortions more wisely but I agree with you that they should keep it legal for people who really need for a good reason. Wow you and your sister had done the right thing that was suited for yourselves. I wish you the very best life with your child and good luck in having a very loving fun mother hood. Happy Mylotting.
@relundad (2310)
• United States
19 Oct 08
I think that it should remain legal as its a medical procedure that is sometimes necessary. But not only that I think that a woman should have the right to choose even if its not medically necessary. I don't know of any valid reason to reverse the law.
Given how long it has been legal, I think that even if the law were reversed that people would still perform abortions and get abortions. I would prefer that women have the ability to go to a medically supervised environment if this is what they have chosen to do.
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@Seppy1984 (2145)
• United States
20 Oct 08
You have a great point here. Because if the law was to reverse it then people would do it other wise and could possible die because then they would go to someone who don't know what they are doing. Thank you for response. Happy Mylotting.
@kezza246 (82)
19 Oct 08
I think that abortion should stay legal. Don't get me wrong i am against abortion, it's just the though of killing something before it has even had a chance to live. But then again i also think that if the baby would be born to neglect and unwant that it should be taken from the world before it can feel any pain. But then again having an abortion is depriving a couple unable to have a baby of adopting a baby. So overall i think that abortion should be laeag but people considering it should think about what would be best for the baby not themselves.
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@Seppy1984 (2145)
• United States
20 Oct 08
I will say I agree with this but at the same time I gotta think about my other children I have and because of my medical problem there would be a chance that I could die so that is why I and my hubby use birth control because I dont belive that children should be taken out of this world before they get see the world.
Happy Mylotting
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
26 Oct 08
I am against abortions. I believe in life, not taking a baby who has no chance at life because a parent forgot to use birth control because she was selfish of thinking of her own pleasure first. But not being responsibly thinking of consequences. Now with that said and out of the way i would liek to add. That I think if a doctor determines a mothers life is in danger, than yes an abortion should be preformed. Also if the child was raped. Under no circumstance should a 9 or 10 yr old be forced to have a baby under those circumstances.
@Seppy1984 (2145)
• United States
26 Oct 08
Thanks for stopping and I agree with you. Mothers should use birth control if they dont want any children. I just hope that maybe people will start thinking about the risks of getting pregnant if they dont use protection.
Thanks again and Happy Mylotting
@jonastabuena (2307)
• Philippines
20 Oct 08
I'm a pro life, life is a gift, in our country abortion is not allowed, no matter what our reason is, abortion is murder,if someone is raped and got pregnant and think of abortion will is not good choice to have a normal life or whatsoever, its not the baby fault and its innocent, for me people commenting abortion is a murderer, the baby has the right to live.
@Seppy1984 (2145)
• United States
20 Oct 08
I will say that the baby does have a right to live but for me though I think my other children need me here so if I was to get pregnant I would do what I have to do, and that does not make me a murderer in my own opinion. Happy Mylotting.
@Seppy1984 (2145)
• United States
20 Oct 08
I so agree with what your saying here. It should not be taken for granted. I belive they should some how get it so that the only way you can have abortions is if there was a medical problem or if raped. Thanks for sharing your opinion. Happy Mylotting
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
20 Oct 08
all i can say is god tells us not to kill whatever choice you make it will be answered by god.
@LadyWinter (195)
• United States
21 Nov 08
What god are you talking about? My Gods never said any such thing. If your speaking of Jesus where in the bible does it say that exactly?
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
19 Oct 08
I would never have an abortion because I would not be able to live happily with that guilt. I believe that life begins at conception and that every baby is innocent. I read about a girl aged 9 that was pregnant thorough abuse who was able to have an abortion even though it is illegal in her home country. I think that abortion should be illegal unless there is medical reason for one like your sister experienced. Perhaps it is wise that it is legal though because back street abortions still take place where they are illegal. I think that abortions should not be free but cost a lot of money so ladies are more careful. I think that education about how to avoid pregnancy should be taught to all teenagers. I wish that adoption could become much easier. The aborted babies are the lost people of the world. Sometimes like with a situation like your sisters it was unavoidable. I am really sorry to hear that you have got cervical cancer. Good luck.
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@Seppy1984 (2145)
• United States
20 Oct 08
Thank you for your warm wishes and I to so wish that adoption was easier too. Because then maybe the people who dont have medical problems would be more at ease wanting to give their babies to other good homes. Since there are so many people who can't have children and wish they could have a child.
@shell94 (990)
• Canada
19 Oct 08
I see no problem with it being legal. I am not one that totally agrees with abortion, but I do feel that there is a need for it in certain situations. I know that if I was a victim of a violent crime and if pregnancy resulted from this, I would really find it difficult to want to continue the pregnancy.
Just like many women that are quite ill and cannot take birth control, why should they have to go through the serious health implications that a pregnancy could cause them. I strongly feel that abortion is a matter of personal choice. People should not use it as a method of birth control.
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@ladysakurax (1161)
• Canada
9 Nov 08
Abortions has always been one debate and will always be. I believe that you should decide what is the best for you. You mentionned that you have children behind you. What is the best for them in the near future? They will be extremist who say don't and other say do. Such decisions is for you to make if it is legal in your country. I am personnaly pro choice. I went through mylot about abortions and some would call mother who abort killers and etc. What is important is your own point of view. If i was in your situation, I would go for abortion. Indeed, i would be sad but if the unborn baby is not over 3 months pregnancy, she/he is not considered as a foetus but an embryo in terms of biology. It is also said that embyo has no life yet until it reaches its stage as a foetus. But people have different belief. i hope you will be cured successfully. If you get pregnant after the surgery or whatever the steps have to be followed, I am sure your baby will be healthy and won't have that canceric genes. I wish you the best and wisdom.
@Seppy1984 (2145)
• United States
9 Nov 08
You have a great point here. I never really thought of it like this till I read your responses. Here it is legal or at least the last time I knew it was. Well thanks for your great response and Happy Mylotting.
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@charleepaige (3)
• United States
11 Apr 09
Personaly i belive that abortions should be legal, however i could never have one myself. I was recently pregnant with triplets, and have a long and confusing medical history and while i would never have an abortion i was pushed by my doctors to have one becasue of the risks a pregnancy would have with my body. While i had a miscarage and never had to fully deal with the decision the fact remains that some some bad things do happen and some people become pregnant and it is unsafe for them. I do not advocate that if teens are being "open" and concieve they should be allowed to remove the "problem", or what they see as the "problem", but in some cases the option of abortion is needed.
@Seppy1984 (2145)
• United States
14 Apr 09
I so agree with your opinion here. It should be legal but for good purposes only though. Well I hope that in the future that things will get better for you to conceive.
Happy Mylotting
@Ithink (9980)
• United States
21 Oct 08
I think it is a neccesary evil. It is something I wouldnt do unless I had to. Meaning I got pregnant and something was wrong that would kill me. I would then do so as I have kids and family that need me. I also think if someone is raped that they should be allowed an abortion.
Im not saying that it shouldnt be a personal decision thou, I just think it should be well thought over and decided on. I also dont think it should be a means of birth control, honestly that just makes me sick and mad when people use it as birth control.
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
20 Oct 08
I have no problems with medically needed abortions, but I do have a problem with using abortions as a method of birth control.
I also have a problem with people who call themselves pro-choice, when they're only promoting one choice - abortions. If you're pro-abortion, why not say so?
If someone was truly pro-choice, then he/she should join me in wanting everyone to be informed about all choices. As one who has spent numerous hours helping those who have had abortions deal with it - even years later - I think these things should be mandatory:
1) All abortion clinics and doctors should be required to explain the development of a fetus - with pictures.
2) All abortion clinics should provide counseling - before, during and after. Many women mourn and feel guilt for what they did for years. Some celebrate what would have been the birthdate of their child for 10, 20 years!
3) All choices should be reviewed with people considering abortion - keeping the child, having the child adopted, and abortion.
Only if all choices are presented it is really a choice. When there is one choice, it's no longer a choice.
@atul_tiet (3)
• United States
20 Oct 08
I think abortion should be banned. In some extreme cases they can serve a purpose. Otherwise they will increase the chances of abortion of Female child in some parts of world.
@ananthanainar (58)
• India
20 Oct 08
Well said mam. I am ananth from india who will be against the abortion. By this abortion the health of the mother will be spoiled Ofcourse it is one type of murder also So i am the one among the person who in the line against abortion.
@louise_08 (6)
20 Oct 08
I think it all depends on an individuals circumstnaces such as how the baby was conceived for example. As a rule i think it is wrong as people kno how to stop unwanted babies fromn being created but sometimes an abortion is the lesser of two evils.
@Amanduh (61)
• United States
10 May 09
i have mixed feelings on that subject, we debated that in my high school debate class.. this is a very touchy subject. i myslef would never have an abortion, it is to hard to have a child as it is with me. but i have two beautiful boys, and would not trade them in for the world.. i had them young, i am only 21, and i wish i held off for atleast a few more years. but then again if i was raped i would not want that child, but i could never take the life from an innocent baby.. i would let a family more misfortune then i am adobt. there are tons of families that want a baby so bad, and are not able to conceive. but an orbortion might be an easier way to deal with such a horrible nightmare, cause it would only be weeks of recovery rather then 9 months and then delivery.
my sister got one when she was 16, and i honestly think it was the best thing she could have done at that time, she was not ready for a kids, and was on all kinds of med and birth control when she found out, and she was told that it could come out deformed. but her mind was not mentally able to handle a child at that time, but now she has two boys like me, and she is very happy with them.