Let's Talk MRSA in Football

United States
October 19, 2008 10:48pm CST
I wrote an article about this for Associated Content (link in my profile, look for the widget). Today, it came out that Kellen Winslow's "undisclosed illness" was in fact a staph infection. The Browns wanted to keep it quiet (this is Kellen Winslow, surely they knew better). After all, the Browns tore out the locker room and the training areas after LeCharles Bentley, et al. contracted staph. They rebuilt -- at considerable cost -- whole new facilities that were supposed to be staph resistant. Staph are durable little buggers ain't they? It also came out that Peyton Manning had to have an infection cleared out of his knee that was operated on for an infected bursa sac. Also, that Tom Brady also had a staph infection clean out of his recently operated knee. No one knows where the players are getting this. No one knows how widespread it is. No one knows how to stop it. It's already cost at least one player his career. How badly do you think this will affect the League? What steps should the NFL take to protect players and fans?
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