United States
October 20, 2008 9:16pm CST
So I havent been on here in along time but here goes. I so dont understand girls at all. I listen to girls claim they want to find a guy that treats them good, one that pays them attention, does all the little things like leave them notes or just call or text with a little message. Someone who tells there friend thats her.. Thats me and all I get out of it is nothing... I have been in a several relationships in the past year and they all end in some crazy way. Girls say they want the nice guy but I believe this is incorrect. The last girl I dated was going so good and out of no where she says I have to much going on in my life. She says it wasnt fair for me although she had so much feelings for me. This is after me telling her I understand her schedule and I respect that she has a son that she wants to spend time with. I was good with her schedule for work/school and her son. I wasnt scared away becasue she had a 10 year old boy and would have treated him as good as her. She knew this and still kicked me to the curb.. Just dont understand..... So So Confused. Do girls wanna be treated bad? What do I have to do???
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6 responses
@redkathy (3374)
• United States
21 Oct 08
Communication is most important. You say she kicked you to the curb, no reason? Did you discuss with her, ask why or if it was a fixable problem? Girls do like good guys. Good girls treat good guys as they should be treated. Even still sometimes it just not meant to be. I know you are probably hurt and/or mad right now, but try to continue living and doing as a good person and keep looking up. There is a plan for your life, you simply haven't found it yet.
• United States
22 Oct 08
Yes did... She said it was because she didnt have enough time to show me and thought seeing and hanging out with me only 1 or 2 days a week for 2 months while she was in school wasnt fair for me. I explained when we first stating dating that it was good and I understood she was bettering herself.
@redkathy (3374)
• United States
22 Oct 08
So keep talking with her from a distance of course. Maybe it will work out.
@Jhordie (5115)
• Philippines
22 Oct 08
I really don't know what's the matter with them... girls have a weird kind of mind... wants the both extremes... Now I know why you want to resort on an online dating. If you want, I can recommend my friend to you she is a Midwife... pretty, tanned, 26 yrs of age like you and single and have a good character.. I guess it will be much better to have some girls recommended than rely on online dating which you never knew those girls there were. Unlike somebody who can be referred by someone who really new them.
@stryker5 (52)
• United States
21 Oct 08
To be honest, no, we don't want to be treated bad however, some guys have ruined it for most guys. When a nice guy comes along, for some us, it scares the living daylights out of us. We are so used to being treated bad that it is hard for us to believe that there are good guys out there. For some of us, we believe that there is some ulterior motive or that nice guys are just hiding who they really are. We are afraid that we are going to fall for them and then they are going to pull a total personality change on us. For those of us with kids, it is even harder because we don't want our children to become attached to that person and then things not work out and not only have to deal with our hurt but theirs as well. This is true whether it is friendships or intimate relationships. Sometimes, we just don't know how to react so the first thing we do is run.
@pkraj111 (2458)
• India
21 Oct 08
Just continue what you are doing now. You will find the right girl soon.
@shinymood (405)
• China
21 Oct 08
No, we definitely don't want to be treated badly. Did you talk to her about the problem? It might not be that you are not good enough. She may have found out that things were not going right presumably?After all,women with kids have to deal with more complicated situation in their lives. Just stay a good man, girls like good guys and the whole world need good guys!
@ememCz (139)
• Philippines
21 Oct 08
Hey! not all girs wanted to be treated badly. Just continue to being yourself and not pretend to be somebody else. The way you describe how you handle relationships seems you have patience and understanding. Those girls who left you are maybe not yet ready for serious relationships. You will see, you will meet a girl who would love you back because you are great!