The Amazing Race...October 19th...Cortjo Report...
By cortjo73
@cortjo73 (6498)
United States
October 21, 2008 12:23am CST
Sorry this is so late but my hubby and I record about 10 different shows on Sundays and because of Football season...ugh...CBS runs late so, we record the Amazing Race on our DVR upstairs and have to transfer it down to our DVR downstairs and that didn't work last night, and we couldn't stay up any longer to try to watch it so we had to wait until he got home tonight to watch it...blah blah blah! LOL! So already too long story short, we finally watched it tonight and caught up with some other TV too and in an effort not to miss anything, I wanted to wait until I had a quiet moment to do this discussion! So, here I am.
I am thoroughly tired of Ken and Tina. Why do they have to do so well? Can't they screw up so bad one of these times and end up in last place...preferably not on a non-elimination week? Because, you know the one dang time they end up in last place they will be doing it on a non-elim. week and that will be the last time they do it. LOL! Ugh! Good grief do I hope not!
So, farewell to the Southern Bells. I'm not sad to see them go. Is anyone else? But, I still would rather have seen someone like Ken and Tina or Terrence and Sarah go. And, I am a little annoyed with the Frat Boys. They haven't managed to annoy me until today and, suddenly, I think I might be on the road to disliking them. As for everyone else, I don't have any other strong opinions one way or another just yet. I still don't have a team that I am rooting for. I basically just know who I am not rooting for. LOL!
One thing that my hubby pointed out was how very petty Terrence is towards Sarah. I mean, don't get me wrong, I already knew he was a twit. But, he took the envelope from Sarah and told her that she can't open them because she doesn't do it right. What? How do you screw up opening an envelope? Dump him Sarah! Ditch him Sarah! Drop him like a bad habit Sarah!
The one thing I noticed was that while everyone else was complaining about how painful the Kiwi stomping was, the Southern Bells did have a pretty cheery attitude about it saying it felt good and that it was exfoliating their tootsies. More power to them. They certainly were a fresh perspective on an otherwise painful task. But, alas...they were still eliminated so, cheery or not cheery, farewell.
So, what did everyone else think? Any new favorites emerging? Any old favorites becoming newly disliked?
Oh...and I couldn't figure out which of the two last tasks I would have preferred. I have problems with my feet and they are pretty sensitive so, the Kiwi thing would have killed me but, that ground sail thing...or whatever it was, would probably have resulted in me getting hurt like...was it Starr? Yea...I am really clumsy and I have a hard time with recreational vehicles so, I probably would have been totally thrown everywhere but on the track and ended up breaking both of my arms, a knee and maybe cracking my cranium to boot. LOL!
How about you? How would you have faired and which one would you have chosen?
4 responses
@capirani (2840)
• United States
22 Oct 08
I missed part of the ending. Did the one girl actually break her arm in that one challenge? I can't even think of what they called that challenge, but it was the one with the cart and the sail and it tipped over with her. I was wanting to find out if they got her a doctor, if she broke her arm and if that would mean that her team was out of the game, but something distracted me and I missed it after that until the very end. Does anyone know?
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
22 Oct 08
I don't think she broke it. They didn't get her a doctor on camera. I think she probably just bruised it really bad. Phil asked her about it at the end but, no doctor was seen with her on camera and there was no news on whether she broke it, sprained it or just bruised it. Perhaps we will find out next week. Either way, you didn't miss anything.
I can say that it didn't look broken to me. My nephew broke his arm several months ago and it was painfully obvious that it was broken. In fact, I am going to include it so you can see what a broken arm looks like. Her arm didn't look anything like my nephew's arm.
@capirani (2840)
• United States
22 Oct 08
His looks like it must have been a compound fracture. There are lots of different kinds of fractures and it doesn't have to look like it is broken to be broken. Maybe she just sprained it badly. Sometimes a sprain is worse than a minor break. Okay, well, I am glad I didn't miss it then. It would make doing some of the challenges pretty difficult if she has to wear a cast or a splint, or even an ace wrap.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
22 Oct 08
I have been awaiting your update. Because of the show being on late, I missed most of it..had to watch Desperate Housewives!
Anyways, I liked the southern bells, so I am sad to hear that they were eliminated.
I also don't like Tina, so was upset to hear that they were first again!!
What happened to starr? did she break her arm like she said in the previews or was that just drama?
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
22 Oct 08
Sorry to hear you missed it. That whole CBS, Football, all other programming running late because of football thing is ticking me off. LOL!
As far as Starr goes, I don't think she broke her arm. I think she may have twisted, sprained or bruised it. It didn't look broken to me. And, I would think that if it was broken, she wouldn't have been able to move it as much as she was and, they would likely have gotten a doctor to her immediately because a broken bone is very important to take care of. People go into shock when they break a bone. And, if you look at the post above, I included a picture of my nephew's broken arm. Starr's arm looked nothing like his did. So, the lack of medical professionals and the fact that she was able to finish that leg of the race leads me to believe that it wasn't broken. So...yea...drama! I think that was the case.
@rosettaresearch (1285)
• United States
21 Oct 08
I would have done the Kiwi stomp. You notice that when terrence and sarah (it pains me to admit this) realized they needed to clean out the pipe occassionally, it went really well.
I would rather the divorcees left than the southern belles. the southern belles were blah, but that is better than the negativity and pettiness of the divorcees. Aja and Tai get on my nerves too. She is so nasty and when he gets nasty back when calling her on it. They are so busy being nasty and copping attitude, that they don't listen to each other. This will hurt them.
I really like Toni and Dallas. They work well together and are supportive. Yeah, they stress, but they get through it without being nasty to each other.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
21 Oct 08
Yea...I couldn't figure out why the other teams didn't reach down there and unclog theirs. That is what I would have tried to do. And, I kind of agree...I would rather see the divorcees gone too, then the Southern Belles. But, maybe next week. Although, I would really rather see Ken and Tina gone next. But, I worry that that won't be happening any time soon.
I also don't like when people are constantly at each other's throats. Once in a while is one thing. But, when they are constantly bickering, I tend to dislike them. I like to see people work well together. Granted, I can understand the occasional meltdown but,if they are pretty much always fighting, it gets annoying.
I think I kind of like Toni and Dallas too. They are growing on me.
@Reesers (1387)
• United States
21 Oct 08
I thought the same thing about Terrence when he said that. Now if Sarah was ripping it in a way that was tearing into the clue to where you couldn't read it, then yeah, I can understand that. But the way they make those envelopes, it's kinda hard to screw it up!
If my mom and I were on the race, there is no way we would have been able to do the Fast Forward. I'd be all for it but she's afraid of heights. In her words, "F that! This is where we would lose the race." Can you imagine the view they must have had from up there?
I would have gone with the sailing task. I'm picky about what I eat and drink, so I'm not sure if I could down a glass of kiwi juice. LOL
They weren't a total favorite but it was a shame to see the Southern Bells go after they were doing better the week before. And it's hard when I rather see other teams be eliminated first.
I don't know how much longer Ty and Aja can hang in there. They seem to be dragging and bickering with each other doesn't help. Hopefully Ken and Tina will stumble soon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that when they do, it will be an elimination week.
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
21 Oct 08
That Fast Forward would have thrown my hubby and I off too. When they hit the top, my hubby had me grab his hand to feel how sweaty it was just watching them climb it. LOL! And, I have a combo fear of heights and small spaces. Doesn't get much higher and smaller than that. LOL!
As for the Kiwi juice, I would probably like it but wouldn't be thrilled about drinking toe jam too. Yuck! LOL!
Ty and Aja are getting annoying. There are ways to say things without being so mean to one another. And without having to call one another names.
It does sort of suck to see the Belles go home before people like Ken and Tina and like Terrence and Sarah. And like the divorcees. Hopefully Ken and Tina will go soon!