So we finally broke up.....
By shamsta19
@shamsta19 (3224)
United States
October 21, 2008 9:41am CST
If anyone here has been following my plight with my current girlfriend you will be pleased to know we finally broke up. After all we've been through we split last nite because she was disrespecting me (again) and talking to me like a child. I had some important things to handle and assumed I was going to leave her out in the cold while I went out of town for a few hours, which was never the case but instead of talking to me about it, she decided to blow up on me for nothing.
Now I am assuming that action was a cover up to what really is going on because she told me she was going to stay somewhere else last night. When she told me this I told her to get her things from my house, which she did with no argument, further letting me know something is going on. I took a walk for two hours before I told her this, had to clear my head and figure out how to handle this. I finally just got fed up with the verbal abuse and the mistrust. I know I deserve much better and she is not willing to make the same type of sacrifice as I do for her, to make me happy. We are much better off I think.
That was last night, so how do I deal with today? I am a little saddened and wondering if I should call her. I do love her but I just think we are not meant to be together. In retrospect I think we broke up for a stupid reason but her disrespect in the matter is what continually drives me away from her. Everyone deserves respect, at least a certain measure of respect especially in a relationship. My whole family watched me run around like her lapdog and cater to her and they even asked, "what is she doing for you?" I need some help getting over this I guess. I still don't know how final this is but I did throw her things in her car and she left last nite, haven't heard from her since.
I guess I am just venting here. Guess I just need encouragement. Guess I need to move on.......
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15 responses
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
26 Oct 08
You have heard it all from me before so I won't say it again. But what I will do is try to uplift you .... hold you up.... encourage you when you need it ... and just be a friend indeed and spirit when you require it.
Can't say if it was a stupid reason or not. Think that she was angling for a fight so that you would be the decision maker. You are now the "bad guy" and she is guilt free and free to move on. You feeling me on this?
You will feel saddenend. It is ok to feel sad, it is natural.
It is also ok to feel lonely. There is nothing wrong with lonely we all feel it at times. Problem though is that you were feeling it with someone who claimed to love you and who you though you loved. Darlin' that ain't love.
So go ahead and feel sad for as long as you need to. Let the sad and the mad come out in your music, that is the release. Then step back and find you in the hurt and walk on through it. You will be fine. Plenty out there who will find you wonderful for who you are and what you bring. So wait till you feel right about bringing it and sure they are bringing it for real this time.
You will be just fine, really I promise. But please don't call the wench.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
26 Oct 08
LMAO!!! Literally. "Don't call the wench!" Classic. I needed that laugh today too.
And you are right she did this all the time to make me the bad guy. Then she can tell all her friends how I threw her out and convince herself that I was so wrong. I have been doing a good (not great) job of not communicating with her at all. I am staying busy and waiting for things to come. I wish I could express it in my music it's just right now I have no studio (temporarily). Next month I am back on the music and we'll see what comes out. We are in pretty regular contact up here. You are one of many who has stuck by me through this roller coaster relationship. You gave me good advice and I want you also to know that you were a tremendous help for me. At a time when I had no one to reach out to the MyLot family was enough and you were, are a part of that. Thanks a million.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
26 Oct 08
And I'd love to go with to The Netherlands, whether physically or just in spirit you know!

@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
26 Oct 08
Well I check in regularly, don't always right but do check in. So if you need a boost up, even if it is of your ego just reach out - I will try to make sure I catch it.
As for the music. While you are waiting to get back in the studio, write!
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
21 Oct 08
Shamsta darling I told you longtime ago to forget about this girl. I told you that it is not good to be living with someone who is disrespectful apparently she makes a date and you change your mind. You are not the only one she has. Don't call her you will only be putting yourself up for another abuse (verbally). You will get over her soon enough.
When you told her to leave she did isn't it. This simple means that she is no longer in need of you. Stop behaving like a love sick child because I know that you are a wonderful person and there are other girls out there who will respect and love you for you. Just relax and try to enjoy the things that you did want to do but was unable to. Stress is not good and at least this one is out of your life.
Take care and remember love and respect yourself because there are no one who will.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
21 Oct 08
You are right though, and I cannot afford to behave like this. Screw her. I know what you told me long time ago to leave her alone and I didn't listen. I set myself up for hurt and I don't need or deserve that. I know I can do better but I love hard that the kind of guy I am. I knew she was up to no good. And I just caught her heading to dudes house!! I am much better off without her. Thank you for putting up with my blubbering anyway all these months you have helped tremendously.
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
22 Oct 08
Shamsta, I am really sorry that you have to go through this hurt. But you know some relationships are like that and sometimes we has to learn from our mistakes. My advice to you is not to blame yourself because you were loving her the best way you can and sometimes we as female run after something that looks like glimmer but turns out to be a flop. I remember when I was younger I was talking with this guy who I thought act too immature for me and now sometimes I wish I did stick to him because I know that he loves me and I would eventual love him if I did give him the chance. Now I am the one regretting my mistakes. At this moment she will not see the treasure she has before but further she will.
I think in one of your discussion you said you have a child just continue to love this child and give him/her all the attention and love that she need. True Love is hard to find but I believe that when you do one should grasp it with open arms. Thanks for the best response and take care of yourself.
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@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
21 Oct 08
Dude! I feel for ya. I'm sorry it had to come to this. I felt really bad because I felt like I kept pointing out the bad things & I didn't feel like any help at all. I'm amazed at the fact that you had as much of self control & patience to last as long as you did. You've been a better man then I would have been, bro! But look at it in a brighter side of this. You're finally free of all that bull she's been dishing out. Phrase "Being a master of your own domain" just flashed in my head. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you this but just for the record, give it time. You'll find someone who's much more deserving of your time & attention. Think of this as a "practice run". Ever wondered why we call what doctors & lawyers do a "practice" when peoples lives are at stake? Sometimes at times like these, we learn from the bads & mistakes so we can make our next journey better. I wish you the best, bro! I'll be sure to be looking for you here to see how things turn out. Keep me updated...!!!
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
21 Oct 08
Another follower if my woe here. I am also sorry it came to this cause as you can see it's not what I wanted. I am going through some very mixed emotions right now. I know I don't need her to survive or anything, it just hurts a little she's gone. And she blames it on me! Says I threw her out!I want to be happy. I don't know where else to go with this. I don't think for all my sacrifice and loyalty, that she is ever going to change and I cannot continue to subject myself to the abuse. In the end I want her to see what I was doing for her and realize her mistake here but I don't want to go back to the same thing. We were planning on getting another place together as I have been staying with family since our last breakup, she moved in for two weeks and this happened. I am gong to get my own place again in a month probably and I know she'll love that. She is going to try to get back in with me. I don't know what I want to do, or will do cause right now I want her here even though I shouldn't.
Thank you for sticking with me through this though. you have also helped me out a lot.
@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
22 Oct 08
I remember about a month back, I was trying to tell you a story about a frog & a scorpion & the nature of things. Just a reminder, story goes something like this. / "There were a frog & a scorpion standing at one side of the raging river... Previous flood washed away all the food on the side they were staying so they need to cross the river to get to the other side... Scorpion turns to the frog & says, "you're an expert at swimming... Why don't you put me on your back & get us across...? Then I'll share all the food I find with you..." Frog says, "I can't do that... You will sting me on my back & kill us both..." Scorpion says, "I swear I won't... Why would I do such a thing that like you said, it would kill us both...?" Frog thinks about it for a second & decides to give it a go since he wouldn't be foolish enough to do such a thing... About a half way across the river, frog starts to feel this burning sensation on his back & realized scorpion indeed stung him on his back... As the frog starts to slip into unconsciousness, he turns to scorpion & says, "why did you sting me? Now we both are going to die..." Scorpion says, "I don't know what came over me... I just couldn't help it... It felt like a natural thing to do & next thing I know, I stung you... I'm sorry..." / I'll say this again. It's in her nature to do the things that she does & did. In most cases, you can't change someones nature. Take you for an example. Like I mentioned earlier, you're a better man than I am. I wouldn't have had as much of a patience like you have. You're an intelligent man, you know better. But you've decided to give it another shot at it despite some discouraging remarks by others. It's not about "I told you so!"s, but it's about good nature of your heart. You have decided to see the good in the situations & possible goods that could come out of the situation. You know why? Because it's in your nature to do so. That just goes to tell you type of person you are. Despite that, what does she do? She decides to walk all over you, instead of be thankful for having a man like you in her life. Sounds familiar? Who's the frog & who's the scorpion now? Despite your good nature, she decides to hurt you with her poison. Keep this up & she's gonna end up killing you, or at least your good nature. She's not worth it. Don't let her drag you down to her level, or even lower with her. Ever wonder why people call what doctors & lawyers do a practice? It seems a little unsettling when you depend your life in their hands & all they can call it is a "practice round"? Doesn't seem fair, does it? Point here is, I know you won't get back a single moment of all the time you wasted with her back. Even though your life at this very second seems like it's in shambles, write it off as one of the life lesson & consider it a "practice run". Sooner you put it behind you & learn from it, better off you'll be.
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@rareability (129)
• United States
22 Oct 08
Re-group baby! listen, no one can come into your life and make you happy. The only thing they can do is contribute to the happiness you already have. If you depend on someone making you totally happy, you will be miserable. It's seven days in a week, if that person is miserable two days out of the week does that mean you are going to be miserable also? NO! The next woman that comes into your life set your expectation and stick with them. She either going to grow or go! You are alone right now, but never lonely. You are star and you don't need company to shine. Send her a sympathy card. I have a son your age, believe me if it's meant to be don't make the first step. Because you will get played.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
22 Oct 08
Sympathy card? Why would I ever? Please explain that one. What would be the benefit?
You are absolutely right though and I don't believe you've been following my story all these months but you hit the nail on the head so to speak about her. She is miserable all the time! I know I can shine without her too it is just the matter of getting over the hurt, but it won't be too long I am expecting a big check in the mail soon.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Wow and thank you for that. I had been thinking about that sympathy card for days now wondering what you meant by that and if I should send her one. Maybe I will. It will also serve as my final act of this relationship and signify its ending. I miss her but in the end I know she isn't good for me anyway.
@glords (2614)
• United States
22 Oct 08
Breaking up is hard to do. Stay strong, you made the right decision. When it's "over" its always easy to remember the good times but don't let them hurt you or make you feel like you've made a mistake. You could see things the clearest while you were in the relationship. The fact that you might have some positive memories now, just go to show that you are a nice person who chooses to think of people for their qualities instead of their flaws. Good luck. You deserve to have someone who will treat you with the same respect and kindness that you have in your heart. Don't settle for anything less and don't go back.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
23 Oct 08
I know and we have been thru this before and I took her back. Somewhere in her delusional brain she thinks she took me back. When we split up the first time i stopped calling her after awhile and she called me wondering why. She said things would be different this time and when times got hard again she broke out.
When we first met she was doing bad and I took her into my apartment and took care of her for a year. I never abandoned her like this. That's the kind of person I am. I was expecting the same in return but instead I got crapped on.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
23 Oct 08
Its like she never appreciated anything I did for her. I have never met anyone more selfish. This has truly been the most stressful relationship I've been in. And the thing is I loved her the most.
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@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
21 Oct 08
I do not think you should call her. You need to get back in touch with yourself alone. You can make it alone. You did so before she came along. You can be happy without her. I was heartsick when I broke up with my fiance many years ago. But after a while that pain went away and I could see the whole relationship through new eyes. That is when I realized that breaking off the engagement was the best thing I had ever done. Now I have been very happily married to my husband for 22 yeats and never regretted the break up since.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
21 Oct 08
I will not call her anymore. We have been here before and when I stopped calling she called me wondering why. I had to get busy and start a new job. Dove into my music and I was happy without her. Personally I thought it would be easy to break it off but I miss her already.
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
21 Oct 08
Oh yes you will miss her for a while but if you get yourself busy you will miss here a shorter amount of time it will seem
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
21 Oct 08
I know and I did it already. I have to make this one final I think. She didn't want to be with me. I see that and it's her loss.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
22 Oct 08
wow iam sorry about your break up maybe you need some time apart to figure out what you really want out of life who knows a break maybe what you needed don,t be so hard on yourself it,s going to be ok.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
22 Oct 08
I don't beat myself up because I saw this coming. She had been doing all types of suspicious activities and just seemed like she didn't really care about me anyway. All of the signs were there. I should've cut her off first instead of trying to make things work.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
22 Oct 08
I haven't followed your entire story but just from what you posted here, I'm advising you to just sit still with this. You are right. I have been thru this scenario far too many times to count with relationships. It always...always hurts when it ends and is so tempting to call them and try to work it out. It never works. sit tight and try to keep busy and do things to keep from dwelling on this...hard, i know. I'm pretty old and I've been thru this a lot so I know what I'm talking about. If you give it enough time, you will look back and not only be glad you escaped but wonder why you had so much struggle in doing so.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
22 Oct 08
I know this already too. I have already began that healing process and it took all of one day. I am not saying I'm not hurting over this but it was much easier this time than the last time we separated. This time she showed me how much of a liar she was and how trifling she could be. I never treated her wrong and I guess all she would respect is a guy that beat her or something. She is going out of town next week to visit her son in Colorado. Her baby daddy there too I wonder if she is planning on getting with him?
I know I have to avoid thinking about these things but I am much stronger this time around and I am definently seeing things more clearly.
@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
21 Oct 08
Too much of that element fuels the inability to be adaptable and too much endurance to burn.
That's probably one of the top few gross misconception people often have about Love - they reason to themselves that if they remain unchanged till the very end, it probably suggested that their Love is the ultimate truth.
However, there's a clause in this belief; it's only when Love is mutual. In all other cases, it's almost karmic - like a devil lurking behind the stone idol.
And the latter is simply narcissistic.
Avoid putting yourself in a predicament. Learn to release yourself from this emotional bondage and live a free man.
You can only move if you enlighten yourself the reason to move, and the reason to move cannot come from others - it has to be from within you.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
21 Oct 08
Its funny because I was adamant about staying single before I met her. I had been two years out of another bad relationship and vowed to stay single. Had fun too, but was often lonely. I met her and never planned on being with her like this but we hit it off on so many levels. It was the quickest I ever got with somebody and I thought it was because we were so right for each other. We still have so much in common. The biggest thing with her is her mouth. On a daily basis I know she will explode on me at least once for nothing. She can shrug it off though while I am left with this ill feeling for the rest of the day. And the things she has said to me have just gone too too far. (IE:I will slap that b*&%h! and she was talking about my mother!!!)
That ain't even the half. I don't know where we stand right now but I think, given enough time I will forget about her. We have been here before and she called me three months later to get back with me. I was a fool for falling into that trap. But I was in love. I am in love.
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@Amberina (1541)
• United States
22 Oct 08
Oh Shamsta your such a love, I too have followed this story for awhile now and I think you have done all you can for this relationship and this woman, you can only lead someone to the water but you can't make them drink. I do wish you the best and I understand about the relationship I have been in one like that myself. It's hard to let go when you love someone so much but you have to put yourself first my man and keep the hope going. Many hugs to you and if I was there we would go out and have some fun, nothing like having fun with friends to make ya feel better. 

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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
22 Oct 08
AWW thanks for that. I wish I could hang out. I need to do something and the way the economy is right now we are all suffering financially. I am more or less stuck in the house while she is having a ball out in the streets. My only comfort is knowing that karma works in strange ways and everyone who has done me wrong has gotten their just rewards without me lifting a finger. She will realize what she gave up and then she will suffer. I will be okay.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
22 Oct 08
And thank you for being there these past few months with me. As I said above the MyLot family helped me through a lot of this ordeal and I appreciate everyone who offered kind words and advice. If people who have never met me can see how good of a person I am, I know she is mistaken and has given up the best thing she ever had.
@cbreeze (1205)
• United States
21 Oct 08
Breaking up usually hurts even when it is the best thing for you. Just treat it as an addiction. The longer you keep yourself separated the easier it will get. Find things to occupy your time, cry if you have to. But I think it's better to let it go. If you get back into it, you still won't be happy. In order for you to find someone who makes you happy, you need to get what makes you unhappy out of your life.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
21 Oct 08
Cry? Not saying I am incapable but over her? I don't think so. I cried while I was with her it didn't do any good. You should read some of my last posts about her. Some folks here have been keeping up with me through this ordeal. I have been with her for a year and seven months. Its not forever but that is a lot of time to invest into one person and get sh!tted on in return. I am worth more than that and I know it. I am a good looking, intelligent, capable man and it is her loss not mine.
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
21 Oct 08
That is a weird break up.
It almost sounds like she got angry at you first before you had the chance at being angry at her for spending the night somewhere else.
I am not sure what kind of help do you need, you have the answer in your hands if you want to take her back or not, I would at least wait for her to call you.
And you are right, respect is important in a relatioship.
Good luck!
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
21 Oct 08
Weird right? She has been known to start arguments with me to hide alterior motives and I believe this was one of those instances. She complied way too easy as well. Then tries to flip it on me and say i threw her out. She told me she was going somewhere else told me she was coming to get something to sleep in and leave, because I had to go somewhere today (the next day).
Quite as kept I told her I was going to visit my brother in Prison, how can you get mad at that?
@Lilchele36 (139)
• United States
21 Oct 08
Yes, yes, yes, you need to move, she is not appreciating what you do for her. I guarantee you that a another lady will be very appreciative of you. You need to let her go. yes it's hard but try your best to keep your self busy so that you do not call her again. If you call her again she will do you the same way. You need to let her change on her own. Time will tell if she is right for you or not. but for now i think you should go your way and let her go hers. Maybe if you let her have her time, she will see all that you did for her and realize how she acted towards you and she may change. you need to let her know that you are serious about your do'nt call her. As for today,try to hang out with friends/family. do things to keep you busy, like reading a book, watching a scary movie or do things to better yourself. you can also get an extra job and reward yourself when payday comes. Best of all you should pray, and ask God to help you get through this and to take her off your mind for now.
stay strong
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
21 Oct 08
Thank you for that advice. I am trying today to do just that (though I have talked to her today). The thing is she never learns as we have been here before. We broke up for three months and got back together before. She said she would change and hasn't. I spent so much time and effort trying to get her to be different and nothing worked. Nothing I did was good enough for her and I wonder if she even loved me at all considering how she just left.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
21 Oct 08
it is so much better for you to be left alone... this is for your own good. i am sure your parents will be pleased as well that they will be happy and support you in this decision of yours. you have to let go of this kind of relationship before it make you lose your confidence in your self. this is not a healthy relationship and all the abuse you are getting... well your parents are correct... we are not counting who's done what here since love is also a sacrifice... but i guess love never and must never be the reason why we let others belittle us. we can only do so much...
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
21 Oct 08
And I have not and will not let her break my confidence down. I am a good person with high moral values. She is not going to bring me down into thinking otherwise. I treated her better than myself, took care of her daughter too. She doesn't deserve a guy like me.