Brett Favre May Have Tried to Sabotage his Former Team

United States
October 21, 2008 2:03pm CST
On Sunday, it was reported by a solid reporter who had two sources for his story that Brett Favre called the Lions the week before they played the Packers and detailed the entire Packers offensive strategy. Brett texted another reporter to deny it, but that is it. The Lions' coach to whom Brett allegedly spoke is saying "no comment." Trying to sabotage your former team is majorly bad. Calling them to do so is really bad. If the Lions had called and he had talked it would still be bad, but he called them. So what do you think of Brett Favre for doing this? Do you think he did?
1 response
@Aurone (4755)
• United States
21 Oct 08
I hope he didn't. I like Favre and I have always thought he was a good upstanding guy. I would hate for him to prove me wrong.