Letting go of someone you are in love with

United States
October 21, 2008 8:33pm CST
I am going through a difficult situation. I am seperated with my husband who I have to kids with. The catch about our relationship is that when we met I was sixteen ( I am now about to turn 24)and we hung out and all that. The problem is we hung out and drank together and it was always at night. Then one day a few years later he call me and says he want to be together and have a family and so on. Obviously I said yes and we did the whole have kids get married start a life together. But we never actually got to really know eacthother before we jumped into all that. Now it just we are not right for each other. I love him deeply and I know he loves me. We are just not healthy topgether. Our girls are of couse so special and beautiful. It breaks my heart to have them not understand what going on. they are just babies 2 and 4. My problem is through the years we havent been happy but I still love him. But I love him enough to let him go at the same time. Im really just wish we could just be over and live our life and thats it. But its such emotional rollercoaster. Any thoughts?
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2 responses
• Australia
25 Oct 08
You were young when you got pregnant and I think it must have been difficult for you to take the responsibilities of a young mother having kids. It made sense as it shows that you are struggling to manage to do the roles of both parents to your kids now that you are separated from your husband. Obviously when you were young, you didn't have second thoughts to get to know your husband and to decide whether to start a family planning and to have a family at an early age. Later you realized the imperfections of a married life - fights, jealousy issues, money, etc. - whatever reasons that made you both separate in a way or so. It's indeed an emotional rollercoaster ride for you. You may let go of your husband but don't take it to heart. You will eventually move on and grow more maturely.
• United States
25 Oct 08
I'm sorry but you read me wrong. I had my first daughter when I was twenty by choice. For the years we have been toghether I've held my own. Never needed to go out and party still dont. I've let him go. I was just sharing that its hard.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
24 Oct 08
I am a grandfather of 3 and have 2 daughters, aged 36 and 32. I have read your post several times. What advise can I give you? I'm a believer in marriage, unless adultery has taken place. If that is the case, then you must decide whether to leave or work on the marriage. You have two small children, that need a father and mother. You have been together for some 8 years. You say you love each other. Surely you have enough to work on the marriage to make it a happy one. Why not go for some marriage counseling and see how you both can work to make the marriage a success? I know this modern world doesn't believe in the permanency of marriage. Yet, there is much happiness when two people work together towards a common goal. Your children need you both. I hope things will work out for your family.