Whom Did Cain Marry?
By ptl9900
@ptl9900 (209)
7 responses
@tcage08 (88)
• Canada
28 Oct 08
From a logical standpoint, since Adam and Eve were the first humans he would have had to marry one of his sisters. But since there is no revelation of such I wouldn't guarantee it 100%. This is one of those cases that we'll likely find out in the Afterlife, as God reveals things 'line-upon-line, precept upon precept'. So the truth is there are somee things we don't have access to the knowledge of, and this is one.
In matters like this, i usually take the side "it'as likely the most possible outcome, but the answer isn't vital to my faith"
@ptl9900 (209)
• Canada
13 Nov 08
I agree with you tcage08. The bible has a lot of mysteries and asking questions is one way of making ourselves aware and knowledgeable of God's word. Sometimes when I read the same Bible verses twice in different ocassions it will mean differently to me. It is amazing when God speaks to us through his holy wod

@wrprofit (71)
• Indonesia
24 Oct 08
Please think about this first before answer or questioning this topic.
Who is the author of Bible? Is Bible a historical report?
In my opinion, Bible is a religious report, not a historical report. There are no detail historical stories and places there. Minimum, places and the name of the people on Bible only as the part of religious notes.
It does not matter to whom Cain married. The matter is, do you believe God has created us as His Beloved One? We (human being) are special because we are created as His partner to manage this entire nature altogether with God, The Creator.
Be blessed...
@ptl9900 (209)
• Canada
24 Oct 08
Thanks for the comment.I totally agree that the base of everything is to trust God. To have more faith and to know more about the Creator, we need to know more about the Bible and the ways of God. I dont really care whom Cain married but was just wondering if there is any reference in the Bible that I am not aware of.
@UnityOfGoals (22)
• United States
22 Oct 08
They went to the land of Nod, not the dreamland some call it, but then perhaps
a dreamland in and of itself because life of humans was noted to be there.
Always the travel was east. (another clue). With sonar many have not seen, the
original garden of Eden (of the bible) with four rivers. East of Eden is
a common term because it was the only non-water route off of the peninsula
(another mystery). From advanced sonar records which I have personally seen
myself, there is an extensive peninsula beneath the Mediterranean Sea.
The neck of the peninsual would have them connected to Phoenicia/Syria! Recall the Phoenicians and them being mentioned in some healing works as an advanced (healing) people and culture. The Great men and women mentioned in revaltions mentioned born to the gods within the Bible. Even Satan was long there before, some of these (Nodites) aka Nephilim were from Nod, which was east of Eden. Cyprus is the leftover highlands. The Med. sea was once seperated by all study from the ocean, over several hundred years, not days or weeks as Atlantis mythology, buy over a long period of several hundred years the ocean after the land (the pillars of Hercules) upholding the world, the then known world as it was then.
The stright land bridge crumbles allowing this process to happen, and over a period of several hundred years, the peninsula (Eden and to others known as Atlantis with added embellishments perhaps) sunk gradually beneath the new weight and height of the incoming water of the Atlantic Ocean!
Nodites were of the staff of Satan, and once followed God, some of them fell to self pride and the doctrines of Satan, the devel, and Lucifer. The dragon symbolic pf the three. Some relate to them all as one entity, but they are commonly the three heads of the dragon, serpent. Recall, there were giants in the earth in those days, and these Adam and Eve, simirarly Nodites appriximately eight feet tall in height, some relate the giants to dinosaurs as well. Rev. Kent Hovind of Florida (he can be seen on Christian channels) states there are live dinosaurs still, and reson why King Kong (kong, the Congo) of Africa is a story from the region, fact in fiction, he states theres evidence of fifty foot alligastors and had a picture of a huge alligator in a picture on a show of his I had seen, was gi-normous! He claims some dinosaurs exist there, Congo region of Africa is, after all about as large as numerous combines states of the Unjited States alone! He showed a comparison of Congo over America also.
Nodites/Nephilim are of the original staff, beings of the devil, the larger percentage of them fell to false docrine of Lucifer/Satan/devil but a smaller percentage remained faithful to God. The originated on earth by Ur, to Kabbalist known as Ur Kasdeem, the Fertile Crescent region of then southern Persia, Iran!
The belief in the actual satanic bible and origins comes from the Persian Gulf region area. (noted years ago in the 1980's on several news channels in report).
Many of the worlds mysteries will eventually yieldto us and release, but only with faith in God willyhou truly begin to know and find them!
@owelm0408 (1011)
• Philippines
22 Oct 08
I assume that is.You can see in the Bible before, only males are counted.I suppose Adam and Eve have other female children.
@LilPixelle (828)
• United States
22 Oct 08
yes adam and eve had many other children...I'm fairly sure that someone once told me he married his niece or something... yeah it was a case of incest marriage but that was common practice a lot back then...
@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
22 Oct 08
No one can answer that, but the ones who were involved. But it is an interesting thing to wonder about, so I will give my guess.
ok "eve" woman was given to "adam" man as a partner, to help him through his journey through life. Before adam was alone. Male and female; adam and eve; man and woman were the same being. Remember a rib was taken from adam in his sleep, and it was used to create eve. Now to go out there a bit...what if adam (man) could produce on his own. Makes sense to me. adam at one time was male and female. So the wife of cain would have come from a family of an offspring produced by adam before eve was formed. If cains wife had been produced by adam and eve together than she would have been mentioned earlier, and cain wouldn't have had to leave his family to meet her. And if you think its funny that a man could produce on his own, then think about this. Recently they have started to produce sperm from the femur bones of women. Helping lesbian couples to have children of their own.
or there were other humans on the planet earth , and they just weren't mentioned. The bible does not tell everything, because it is the family biography of the line of Jesus. If everything were put into the bible it would have no end.
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
22 Oct 08
Haha, it also questioning me. It's not clear to me what's really happend and how their family grows.