is christianity a divided religion?

October 22, 2008 8:45am CST
people are sometimes divided with religions and belief, as a nation is divided with party systems with their ideologies..there is always some defined differences from the classes of people, to standard, to religion, to belief and ideology and some issues that somehow will make some people to agree and others to disagree, actually its always a two sided coin, even in christianity things are not different there are always things to agree and disagree and that will make others to regroup as other branch,sect or dinomination....with these continious trend in the formation of christian groups called sect and dinomination and of their bold declarations about some disagreement in some of the present doctrine of the church, are we christian a divided religion? what can you say about this argument
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4 responses
• Philippines
22 Oct 08
I don't think Christianity is a divided religion. The essence of following God's words through the scriptures is still the in the different Christian denominations today. But agree with you that some churches have different ideologies, beliefs and cultures which make them look like being apart from each other. I'm sure in the end, it's the common faith in God which will patch the differences of for them.
• Philippines
27 Oct 08
I must admit it is still a confusing matter on our parts. By human standards, intellect and understanding, we may have different and conflicting interpretations of the bible but God can see and knows what is in our hearts. We may not all think alike but at one point, we may have the same yearning to be close to God and that may be what He will see in us.
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• Philippines
23 Oct 08
well for me there so amny things that are now made christianity a divided religion, but what you have said is true that we all follow the same words witten in the bible but the question still there, how we interpret the bible is a big question and many people find the bible and some subject under debates for uncompromising reason and disaggreement to others perspective and way of interpreting the bible...many say that they are the only group that will be save and others will not, others say that you must be born again others will not agree with that...others say dont do these and dont do that while others allowed such, isn't it a confusing matter friend?
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
i think you said it right friend and to desire to serve and to be closer to God will somehow makes us one someday ....
@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
23 Oct 08
Yes. All religions are divided. People refuse to read their bibles for themselves, and instead let others tell them what it says. They go to false churches, where they blindly follow people who push their own wills instead of the will of God. And before someone says "Who are you to say what a false church is." The modern idea of a church as a building that you go to, and get up, and recite things over and over, and dress up in your best clothes, and pretend to be a good person is false. Read your bibles. Church is not a building. Church is a gathering of people that help each other out through life. A community of people that are there for each other. Not a building of people damning others to hell. If you want to stop the division you must change your ways. Stop going to church, and start going to church. Instead of judging, and pointing out sins, be there for people. No matter who they are. Be kind, and helpful. P.s.- its not a sunday thing. Its an everyday thing.
• Philippines
23 Oct 08
the truth about this division thing in the religion really exist not only on christianity but also on major religions of the world including islam, buddhist, judaism and others. perhaps the reason behind these division is our human limitations, sinfulness and short of the knowledge and wisdom of God that makes us to make mistakes and cause division. thanks for that great explanation about the church which is not primarily a building but a body or community of believers that exist for each other welfare and wellbeing rather than being a hypocrite who profess to be religious by always in the church but doesnt manifest the real identity of a real christian...the Lord said that his disciples will be known by their fruits....and not by the church or denomination you belong
• United States
23 Oct 08
very good. I see you have read your bible. That is very rare in people who call themselves "Christians" these days.
@owelm0408 (1011)
• Philippines
22 Oct 08
Christianity for me is basically a faith and not a religion. Although Christians has different denominations, still there is one thing basic thing that all Christians are in common- the belief that Jesus Christ is Lord and Saviour. And that should be no more or no less.The problem with religion is, some claimed to be believers of Christ also but they also require other practices and beliefs that is not written in the Bible. The question is how would we know that that a certain church/denomination or religious group is truly a Christian? As written in the Bible, you can see in the their fruit.There is only one thing that the Bible denotes. That there is salvation, there is hope...that is in CHRIST alone, and no other way...
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@owelm0408 (1011)
• Philippines
22 Oct 08
Well, the fruit of the Spirit are mentioned in the Bible.Love, peace, patience,etc...Good works comes along because one is saved (accepted Christ) and not doing good works to be able to be save. It is purely grace of God that one will be save. so that no one can boast.
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• Philippines
23 Oct 08
honestly friend we christian have a lot of things that we sometimes argued upon..way of salvation,how to dress, how to act, how to pray, how to be a good christian and theres so much argument and sometimes thats the way we become separated with each other, rather than being united we often times build a dividing wall to separate a dear brother, but i believe to you people that Jesus is our common ground despite these wall of arguments, in the eyes of God we are all but one through christ and through him are we saved and not of religion or sect or dinomination
• Philippines
22 Oct 08
We are divided in the sense that there are somethings that we do not agree upon but thge bottom line is that we all believe in Christ hence the word Christian. There are those who do not agree about the belief in saints, those who do not think they should be under the Pope, and yet at the end of the day, we all use the same Holy Bible and we all believe that Jesus Christ walked this Earth and that He will come again to judge all of us. I think all that matters really is that we follow the greatest commandments: That we love God above all else and that we love one anther as we want to be loved.
• Philippines
23 Oct 08
yeah.your right saying that despite the reason that we have some indefference in belief and christian practices yet the common ground should be there and that is to love God which is the greatest commandment and loving others and neighbors as we loved ourselves...and loving them as we want them to loved us also...thanks for the good response friend...
• Philippines
23 Oct 08
No problem. This is really my belief. What is important is we do not judge each other by the differences that we have to avoid conflicts. :) Happy My Lotting!