does god exists...????

October 23, 2008 10:47am CST
do u believe in u think he really it only a imagined story just created by ancient people...because even today many people use god's name to earn money...and temples and churches are the most profitable areas in our country(expecially india)...the ancient people might have created him just to bring some fear in people and avoid them from doing mistakes...but whatever may be ..i believe in god......i strongly feel he is along with me in all my sure there is some invisible force that is regulating and controlling all of us...and the secret of universe lies with him...nobody can reveal it...whatever the man try to do..wherver he tries t go(to moon or to mars..)god will bring him back to earth..
1 response
• United States
24 Oct 08
Hi ratheeshnice, I believe in the one true God of the Bible. The Creator of Heaven and Earth, the merciful, the compassionate, the God of love, of righteousness, of justice and of judgment. He is the judge of the earth. There are millions who will discount the existence of God and His plan for each and everyone of us down here. However, many estimate the truth to be what is told to them or what their own minds calculate. Saying that there is no God, who will judge our works and an eternity to live for won't ever change the fact that there is. It just will be sad for those who chose to believe the lies of man and the devil, after their time is over here and they stand before Him with no hope to ever change their final destination. Yet, there is still hope, because He is not willing that any should perish. God is a spirit. We were made in His image, therefore we are eternal beings. We will all have to give and account to Him one day soon, believe it or not. The truth will be revealed in eternity for those who refuse to believe it now. Salvation is the way to know the one true God. Jesus gave His life for our sins, that is our blessed hope eternal. God is good and His mercies endureth forever. He has given us time to know, understand, accept and live for Him not just here, but forevermore. It is up to each individual to search out the truth for their own soul's sake. No one will stand before God with you or for you, but you. Now, will you hang your forever on the lies of man and the devil or on the truth from God? So, where will you spend eternity? Heaven or Hell, confirm your reservation today! These are serious question that we all must truly know the answers to. Nothing disappears or is not existing because we say we don't believe, how foolish! Remember, a soul is a very precious thing to waste! Without faith it is impossible to please God... Faith or blind faith? Ultimately, the choice is up to you! Thanks for sharing, blessings...