Is this a Hate Crime?? ya think?
@morethanamolehill (1586)
United States
October 23, 2008 5:32pm CST
This is probably one of the most disgusting things I have seen so far in this campaign. And I've seen some pretty disgusting "stuff".
Sarah Palin was Criticized for "riling up" her crowds to say "kill him" at rallies. That was later shown to be a lie. The only ones who heard anything were the two reporters that wrote the stories. But there are stories all over of Republican Campaign workers being attacked and having their property destroyed. But this is truly pathetic. Who is going to be held responsible for "Riling Up" the Democrats?
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12 responses
@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
24 Oct 08
First of all, I don't believe this story for one minute. Come on, you're attacked at an ATM, but out of the range of the bank's cameras? Then you are robbed, only to have your attacker notice that you have a McCain sticker on your car? For having the McCain sticker, the robber gets you to be quiet enough and still enough to carve a backwards "B" on your face? lol Right.
The girl evidently was looking in the mirror (the reason it's backwards) when she carved the "B" on her own face. It's certainly not very deep cut and not likely to leave a scar. Get real.
Then there is the fact that she refused medical treatment. Can you say HOAX? If I didn't already think it was a hoax, I certainly would after hearing her say it was a black man.
Some people will fall for anything!
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@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
24 Oct 08
She is not sure if she was unconscious or not. And who would know? She says when she woke up her cheek stung but she didn't know about the wound until she got home and someone took her picture and showed it to her.
Also the Police at first said they didn't take any pictures but now they say they did, She has submitted to a polygraph but results haven't been released. Police say there are inconsistencies but they do believe she was attacked. She was not sure where the attack took place because she is new in town. But she remembers a Green ATM. Apparently there is only one because that is all that police have investigated.
It seems to me that Police and reporters haven't got the story straight either. But They weren't punched in the back of the head. I don't know why you would be surprised that she said she was attacked by a black man. I guess you believe all white people to be racist, But I myself have been Mugged at gunpoint twice in my life, Both times by black men. I also had a girlfiend who was raped by a black man. I am not saying all black men are criminals or that all crime is perp'd by blacks, but it does happen. I am watching this story minute by minute. This story was published 20 mins before I read it.
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@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Well, it is very weird, to say the least. On Fox news, they told the report as just a news report and then were actually discussing it on O'Reilly's show. O'Reilly said it doesn't look like a knife cut and the other person agreed. But supposedly the police confirmed the story. They ended up saying they still don't have all the details, but they don't get it, and clearly they didn't believe it.
It doesn't look to me like a knife wound either. I got the impression that he mugged her when she was on the way to her car, AFTER using the ATM, and that's why they were out of the range of the camera and how he saw her bumper sticker. But I still can't follow how such a perfect B only backwards could be made on a terrified person's face. Even if she was too scared to scream or fight back, wouldn't her face have been all tensed up or something? She doesn't work for McCain's campaign. She's a volunteer at some phone bank that was set up to call on behalf of McCain's campaign. I didn't read that she said it was a black man. I just can't understand how the police officer would say he saw the wound. Weird. She did supposedly go to the hospital the next day but that also makes no sense. Ha ha! Zephyr said on another post that maybe he has dyslexia! Is that the first political thing Zephyr and I have agreed on?? LOL We need to bring some levity back....
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Of course, 0bama's speech to get in the face of McCain supporters had nothing to do with this.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Here is that link:
"The feistier, more sarcastic tone came as worried Democrats urged Obama to get tougher and show more passion. Obama has tried to assure donors and voters that he's been schooled by Chicago politics.
"I'm skinny but I'm tough," he says...
In Elko, Obama tried to anticipate his critics and called on the crowd of about 1,500 to sharpen their elbows, too.
"I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face," he said."
Text & video can be found here:
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@DelicateFlower (314)
• United States
23 Oct 08
It is difficult to figure out who exactly is doing the "riling up". To prove anything, you would have to have someone directly saying or clearly implying that they wanted criminal acts to be done, vandalism, ect. If you just have an energetic speech or something, you can't really prove anything. People often come to events with pre-conceived ideas and hear what is said through that lens, this is how things become distorted in the minds of some.
Regardless of political opinion, property damage is a crime, and the person's who actually did it should be the ones getting in trouble. Where they got the idea we probably can not know for sure, likely it was in their own minds. Vandalism is usually an act of anger, so if they were angry before, anything could set them off.
Is it a hate crime? I don't know, it is a crime against a group for belonging to the group. I guess you could call it a hate crime in a way. I would think, most of these victims probably had yard signs right? that's how they knew whose property to damage. They have a right to have their yard signs for whichever candidate they want. Vandalizing someone's property because of a yard sign seems to be more of an attack against there right to free speech than a "hate crime" in the sense of someone attacking a person because of race.

@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
25 Oct 08
She's been described as mentally unstable, but if you want to call that "self hate", you go right ahead.
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@cbreeze (1205)
• United States
24 Oct 08
I didn't read the article in depth. How old is she? She looks like an adult. But you are right. However old she is, she needs some help. You think she did it for attention? You know how some people fake illness or even make their children ill so that they can be the center of attention. Could that be her issue?

@cbreeze (1205)
• United States
24 Oct 08
There have been violent acts against both McCain and Obama supporters. I think that the problem is that the people who commit these crimes are not wrapped too tight. They have hatred in their hearts and are just looking for an excuse to take it out on someone. So whatever situation that comes up that makes someone else not on the same side as them will do.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
24 Oct 08
When are people going to accept the fact that there are bad elements on BOTH sides? What happened to that girl is completely unacceptable but it's equally outrageous to deny that Palin was instigating people at her rallies into an ugly frenzy. Does anyone remember McCain being forced to defend Obama and being booed at his own rally because of the things that Palin had been putting into people's heads? Does anyone remember the man who stood up and told McCain that he was "scared" or the old woman who believes that he's a muslim? NO ONE should be made to be afraid...on either side!
This entire thing has gotten out of hand and it ALL started with the fear mongering coming from the McCain camp...pals around with terrorists...Rev. Wright will be in the White House...muslim. So, now people on both sides are angry and it WILL get uglier. I hope the McCain camp is proud that they turned loose the pit bull with lipstick and instigated so much hatred. It was very irresponsible to turn the campaign in that direction.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
24 Oct 08
You're right, Redmen. All Arabs are not Muslim. Geesh, Antioch is the root of the Catholic church, and it's historical roots are Arab. There are non-Muslims living in every country in the Middle East. Excellent point, Redmen!
You make a very good point, Redmen!
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@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Yeah, the only problem with your post is that Palin never said that Obama is a Muslim. A lot of people have said it, and they were saying it even more back during the Democratic primaries. But Palin didn't say it. Palin said the truth and she was supposed to say it, and even liberal media have acknowledged that: She attacked Obama's policies, his voting record, his associations with unscrupulous people -- all facts. That is her job! She did NOT ever attack Obama as a person. The fear mongering didn't come from the McCain camp. It came from average people who are genuinely scared of Obama's agenda. It was going on well before Palin was even heard of, and it worsened again after Obama explained more detail about his tax plans and other ideas. SO what did Obama do -- he changed details in his tax plan, so it wouldn't upset people so much. How can you trust someone like that? And I have not heard the man speak ever, without a reference to McCain being a liar. But McCain says Obama is a good, decent man.
But you are VERY CORRECT about one thing: it goes both ways and there are some extreme crazies in EVERY GROUP, even beyond Democrats and Republicans.
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@redmen12 (33)
• United States
24 Oct 08
First of all, that woman said he was an Arab, not a Muslim. Not all Arabs are Muslims. Im Arab but I am also Catholic, and so is my entire family. McCain should have, instead of saying that obama is a good family man, to say that there is NOTHING wrong with being ARAB.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Hello Morethanamolehill,
Any kind of an attack like the one reported here is very, very difficult to believe -- that our fellow (fill in the blank... Democrats, Republicans, potato soup lovers) could ever do such a thing. Though, let's remember that the perp is, first and foremost, a brutal street thug whose apparent motivation for the 'crime' was armed robbery.
I would urge those folks who are jumping all over this as a fraud (without any corroboration) to take a moment of pause, embrace your own humanity, offer a bit of empathy, and wait for the authorities to work this out. If Ms. Todd's claim is above reproach then you folks will have given yourself an ugly black eye for being so quick to demonize this young woman, for being a victim. If it turns out that Ms. Todd's allegation is fraudulent, then I'm sure that everyone, Democrat & GOP, will condemn her. I know that my reproach will not be bridled if it turns out that this is some attempted fraud.
In the interim, I will give this young woman the benefit of the doubt because an equally unthinkable attack against a campaign worker happened in my own state, during the re-election cycle of Bill Richardson (2006). A campaign worker for his GOP opponent was beaten with a tire iron by what was believed to be a politically motivated thug (speculation has it that it was a contract job, but the allegation cannot be proven). The perp was never caught, yet Paige McKenzie, "The spokeswoman for Republican gubernatorial candidate John Dendahl’s campaign in New Mexico was severely beaten in a roadside incident and was hospitalized in critical condition.... Her jaw was shattered and her teeth were splintered.... the flat tire had "apparently been slashed.”
Paige McKenzie was similarly attacked in a bank parking lot, and was also parked out of the angle of the view of any camera.,5620,650196469,00.html?printView=true
To those who say that the "B" is backward: look a the picture again. If Ms. Todd was on the ground when the letter was carved (or scraped with a knife tip, as it appears), then the letter would appear just as it does -- if the perp was kneeling on her left, above the area of her head. I find it unfathomable that Ms. Todd would have stood (standing) still while someone carved her face. Suggesting that she must have already been on the ground.
If people sincerely question the veracity of this claim, then I suggest that they do the responsible thing: Check it out! Don't just spew venom!
Below is the name and phone number of the original reporter who reported this incident for the Pittsburgh Trib. Call her and ask if the veracity of Ms. Todd's claim is being questioned by the police or medical staff.
Jill King Greenwood can be reached at or 412-321-2160.
Oh, and I'll add that I sure as shootin' wouldn't have gone to the hospital in that ambulance, with media in tow either -- unless I was unconscious! Heck no, I'd want as little fanfare as possible. And, who's to say that her friend didn't drive her to a medical facility -- on the sly???
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
24 Oct 08
It turns out that Ms. Todd has admitted making the attack story up. According to the Pittsburgh Police, she will be facing charges for filing a false report, and other charges may apply. Which is as it should be!
Well, that didn't take long, now did it?
When it was found out that the Texas teen-aged girl made up the story about being attacked by illegal immigrants, the authorities got to the truth within a week. In the current case of Ms. Todd, the authorities got to the truth within 24(+/-) hours. The Duke LaCross incident took many months, but still the truth was found out.
While I will not withold the appropriate disgust that anyone would or could do such a thing, I am more relieved then angry. Relieved for two reasons: One because the story unravelled so quickly, and two because this wasn't the vile, vitriol that it might have been!!!
Shame on you, Ms. Todd!!! In addition to the appropriate punishment, I hope that psychological treatment will follow.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
24 Oct 08
First, let me say if this is true it's absolutely horrible and whoever did it should be put away for a long, long time. However, is it true the "B" was backwards? Did they see anything in the ATM video camera? I find it really hard to believe that someone would hold still for a mugger to carve a letter in their face and I find it even harder to believe someone would decline medical attention following such an attack. Say this girl's story is 100% true, is that a reason to blame all Democrats or the Obama campaign? I'm not acquainted with any muggers, but I somehow doubt if they're generally very politically active.
Second, you said, "there are stories all over of Republican Campaign workers being attacked and having their property destroyed," yet you only mention this one here. What are some other examples? Needless to say, these kinds of actions are despicable but I really fail to see how the Obama campaign is responsible for anyone doing these things.

@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
24 Oct 08
There is a picture above of the girl. You can also find a video here: I hope that works. The story is also on that page.
Do let me know what you think after you watch the video.
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@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
24 Oct 08
It seems she is mentally unstable and needing attention. Unfortunate.
Go ahead and gloat. Don't forget to blame the McCain campaign for setting the whole thing up.
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@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
25 Oct 08
This is just way beyond horrible..I sure hope they get the creep who did this..
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Okay, I was just reading where she made this whole thing up...Now that is awful..
@Feona1962 (7526)
• United States
25 Oct 08
That is okay..It struck me weird when I looked at the photo..and then read that she didn't want to go for treatment right away..I thought that was very odd...I would have wanted my face looked at asap due to the knife wound...
I do feel sorry for her and I hope she gets the help she needs to get through this..
@shewolf52002 (1214)
• United States
24 Oct 08
I am not sure what is significant about the B being forwards or backwards. Last time I checked the letter B had nothing to do with either campaign. You would think if she had done this to herself that she would have carved an O in her face. At least that would have made sense. Plus it wouldnt look backwards.
I do not know if the photo has been retouched or not but I can tell you one thing for certain if that is a real injury it is deep and was more than likely done with a knife. Have you ever seen pictures of an abused woman? I have seen someone beat harshly, and the photos taken later barely show a bruise. For those marks to show in a picture she was hit hard and cut. IF the photo was not enhanced.
I will be glad when this whole thing is over, it has gotten to the point that I do not believe in the government or our process very much. People are ignorantly hurting people for what? Go vote if you want to do anything at all productive but stop screaming and yelling racism, hatred and bull.

@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Hello Shewolf,
I'll share the brunt of the joke with you, 'cause I didn't snapped to the "B" straight away either. I gave myself a great, big "doh", and had a good laugh at myself for the momentary brainfart.
I'll also share that I'm with you 100% on calling for an end to the venomous vitriol that has plagued this election cycle. Like a great many of us, I'm sick and tired of the lies, the name calling, and 'in your face' attitude! When we've lost our ability to disagree using logic rather than emotion-soaked venom, then there is something very, very wrong with society!
@shewolf52002 (1214)
• United States
24 Oct 08
OK I feel really stupid! The B would be for Barak! DUH!! I am so used to hearing Obama that the B just did not make sense to me. Everyone can now have a laugh on me!

@Seppy1984 (2145)
• United States
24 Oct 08
I have to say it sounds like a hate crime, a hate crime against herself. I watched the footage and studied the picture and it sure enough that she did it to herself. For starters no matter what you can tell the B is backwards, So there for she had to been standing in front of the mirror and also if it was a knife then the wound should have been deeper. So this is what I came up with, If I was to take a knife and try this stunt I would not push the knife all the way into my flesh cause it hurts and if someone would have really done it to her then the wound would be deeper and you can tell that it is not that deep. I believe she is making it up so that she can try to get pity votes for McCain. I think she should just come out and tell everyone what really happened. The way I see it is that no matter who gets in everyone will have opinions. I feel that everybody should just sit back and see what happens instead of being violent and immature.
@mercuryman3a (2477)
• India
24 Oct 08
Elections are always bad and they are getting worse each day. Lies, half truths and untruths are being traded. God Bless the nation.