Boy did someone make a mistake

@GardenGerty (162475)
United States
October 23, 2008 8:59pm CST
And my taste buds found out about it. I have waited for my peppers to produce, they were late. I bought yellow bells, green bells, and pimientos, I thought. Well someone made a mistake about the tags at the garden center. I had green bells. I had what I thought were under ripe, under sized pimientos. So I chopped them up along with what I thought were mild banana peppers, and put them in a salad, and soup. I was on fire!!!! I had yellow chili peppers, and those stunted pimientoes? They were habanero peppers. One of the hottest. Do you like habaneros? Have you ever bought mis marked garden plants? What is your remedy for eating things that are too hot? I ate ice cream.
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25 responses
• United States
24 Oct 08
that is really aggravating [& painful for u] when they do that. put out what i thought were bell peppers & all but one turned out to be banana peppers but thank goodness they weren't hot. i use hot pepper to cook with but i don't eat them by themselves. can't think of anything better to use than ice cream.
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@GardenGerty (162475)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Yes, they really seasoned up my chef salad and my potato leek soup. Peppers are supposed to contain a substance the relieves arthritis pain, and they are great to fight off colds. I am so glad I had ice cream, though.
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@GardenGerty (162475)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Things like peppers (hot) and tumeric, and cumin and ginger are supposed to have anti inflammatory effects, just like NSAIDS. Also good are cherries and cherry juice. I buy candied ginger and chew it. Ginger is good for nausea as well.
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• United States
24 Oct 08
if i thought they'd help my arthrius i might take on a dinner of them, lol
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• India
25 Oct 08
just make use of stunted pimientoes and yellow chili peppers for preparing some other eating i never like habaneros.yes,sometimes i bought such a mismaked garden plants.But myself make use of it in a good way.If it is so hot means take some items like cool drinks,ice cream.Of course, your remedy exactally correct.
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@GardenGerty (162475)
• United States
25 Oct 08
I would have used them some other way. I do still have one of the chili peppers and I will use it, maybe stuffing it with cream cheese and bacon. I am glad I am not the only one to ever get the wrong plants.
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Yowch! What a way to find out they were mis-marked! I have had mis-marked plants only a couple of times in all of my gardening years. Both times it was with tomatoes, I wanted a large eating tomato (early girl,/early boy) and once I ended up with Roma (for making sauce) and the other time it was cherry tomatoes. Both of these goofs were from this little nursery out in the country here. I never said anything because I can see where it would be easy to get them mixed up lol. Habaneros...I've only grown them once, and that was only because a relative gave me the plants. I remember I used them very sparingly because they were just too darned hot for me! When I eat something too hot like that, I always have a slice or two of bread. Seems to work pretty good. I read that somewhere that bread tames down the fire of them. Ice cream is something I almost never have on hand, but I'm sure it would help!
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@GardenGerty (162475)
• United States
24 Oct 08
I wish I had been more on the ball. I would not have blindly used them. With the tomatoes, well, my mom would have had a fit, but I just would have eaten the evidence.
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@cblackink (969)
• United States
26 Oct 08
Sorry to hear about the mixup. I have never had that happen. Usually, if I eat something too hot, I just drink lots of water.
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@GardenGerty (162475)
• United States
26 Oct 08
Well, I will try to look harder at the plants, but I know I did not buy habaneros. I am smarter than that. They could have spiced up a couple of gallons of soup.
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• United States
24 Oct 08
haha that's horrible, I had the same problem this year, but it did not matter much to me because I was using the peppers for hot salsa anyway. But anyways, I thought I was getting jalopeƱos but I got the habaneros instead- I am sure instead of the garden center being at fault there were some teenagers in there laughing as they switched tags. The habanero is actually the hottest pepper on the scale, so it can't get any worse, unless if it was a completely ripe one, red and all, then it would have been all the more agonizing haha. Happy mylotting and have a great night or day!
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@GardenGerty (162475)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Mine were not fully ripe. They were a really pretty coral orange shade. I think all baby peppers look alike and someone put the tags in wrong, but you are right, it could be a prank. I like medium salsa, but not hot. I have a really great pork roast cooking right now, with one jar of salsa and one can of refries. It will shred and be put in tortillas and tacos.
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• United States
24 Oct 08
I do like things Mild sometimes, not HOT! Man that is awful! Ice cream is a good choose because the milk in it will help neutralize it!
@GardenGerty (162475)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Milk, sugar and fat are all good. I have heard cheesecake recommended to remedy a hot mouth, but I did not have any, darn.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Ooopps!! I am eating ice cream right now as I m responding. good choice to help cool you off. What kind did you have. I am having chocolate fudge brownie ice cream, yummy. I don't want nothing to do with a habanero pepper.
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@GardenGerty (162475)
• United States
24 Oct 08
I had cherry chocolate cordial ice cream. I was glad I bought it. My sour cream was fat free sour cream and so I do not know if it would have helped. I caught on quickly about the chili peppers, which were just in my salad. The problem was the habaneros were in the hot soup, so it made them even hotter. It did add some color to the commercial potato soup.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
24 Oct 08
I love hot peppers and although for myself I prefer them not to be so scorching hot that you cannot taste the rest of the food, but habaneros are among my husband's favorites and I'll be shopping for habanero seeds to plant next year. This year I only had room for purple hots, red fires, and jalapenos. How tall did those plants grow? Sour cream is one thing that helps cut the fire for me when I bite into something hot. Of course, I love sour cream and usually have some handy. I don't care for soda pop, but any carbonated beverage seems to help in a pinch, too, if the sour cream is not available. Sometimes when I plant seeds there is a "volunteer" in the packet. One plant we use as a salad green comes in two varieties--one has green outer leaves and red leaves in the center and we got a nice surprise in the last bunch I planted, as one with green outer leaves and white leaves in the center came up. I was going to buy a packet of that variety too, but now I'll just root cuttings from the free one. :-)
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@GardenGerty (162475)
• United States
24 Oct 08
All my pepper plants were very stunted this year. It stayed cold too late. None of them were big at all, and that is why I was not surprised that the peppers were small. I will admit, a little thought in my brain said,"Those resemble Habaneros and Scotch Bonnets" but I did not buy those varieties and so I just picked them and cut them up.
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• United States
24 Oct 08
Oh my goodness, what a mistake that was! I heard a lemon drop will stop the burning. I saw it on some home show. Never tried it myself. I avoid super hot things, although I do like spicy foods. Sorry that happened to you and your garden.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Oct 08
hi gardengerty wow habaneros, wowee hot hot and hottest, sorry you got mismarked plants. yes ice cream willl work great just as milk does too. I would opt for ice cream, yes indeed.I am not fond of the really hot peppers, sometimes I will eat the mild chiles in chile relennos but that as far as I go for spicy hot.I have never been unfortunate in getting mismarked garden plants but I can see how a person could do that. I have yet to see a banana pepper but would love to taste one.
@GardenGerty (162475)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Some banana peppers are hot, but the ones I usually choose to grow are sweet and mild like bell peppers. My grandkids love them. I ran a daycare once and the kids would pick them and eat them in the garden.
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24 Oct 08
Ooh I like hot food, however they sound very hot. I eat a bit of bread if something is too hot, the worst thing you can do is drink water. My friend swears by eating a banana if chillies are too hot.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Hi gerty! OMG! That was quite the mistake alright! I'll bet that did hurt! I happen to like spicy things, but those were quite the hottest spices around! You poor thing! How did they manage to mess up like that? I can't believe that mistake! A pimiento and a habanero! Boy is that a difference in taste! Yea, I think only ice cream would put out a fire like that! I would marched right back to whatever friendly store you bought them in and given them a piece of my mind for sure!
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@GardenGerty (162475)
• United States
24 Oct 08
To me, baby pepper plants look alike and I think it would be easy for some employee to put the wrong tags in. On the other hand, when they were delivered to Wal Mart, if the tags fell out, some employee could have just picked them up and put them in anywhere. I should have realized that the peppers there were not what I wanted. I just did not think of the switch being possibility.
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@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Yikes! That's terrible. I have never experienced it with peppers but I used to with tomatoes all the time. I think it is where people weed through and get what they want and pay no attention to where they sit the ones they don't want. Then you come along and buy what they have weeded out. I had this problem (tomatoes) with a local greenhouse and now when I go to get my plants I always ask them to get them from the back of the greenhouse where they know noone has gone through them. It has worked so far. If the place where you got them is closed for the season I would definately try to remember to tell them next planting season and maybe they can double check for you. Oh and by the way a slice of bread will help the hot mouth too!
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@GardenGerty (162475)
• United States
24 Oct 08
I bought the seedlings at Wal Mart, and I imagine some people pawed through the plants and disarranged the tags. It does happen a lot. I had a buttered roll with my soup. It was helpful. I still ate the icecream as well.
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• United States
24 Oct 08
Well Wal Mart may be a problem as far as getting an undisturbed flat. But maybe you could tell by looking whether someone has disturbd them. Good luck and glad the roll helped. Thanks and have a great day!
@jamesgrub (673)
• United States
24 Oct 08
that is crazy. that has never happened to me but it can be very dangerous. what if someone really old would have ate that and they could have like seriously messed them up. they need to be more careful when they package that stuff. or someone could be allergic to some of that stuff and they could get it mixed up. you never know. it could happen.
• Canada
26 Oct 08
Ice cream is a good remedy for hot stuff like that, as is milk, sour cream, yogurt, anything like that. You did the right thing to get rid of that hot taste. I always like having sour cream around when I am eating hot food of any kind just incase it gets too hot for me.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
26 Oct 08
ooohhh!! I do love hot peppers, but not when I'm expecting the sweet ones! I do eat them in things, but in moderation! If I get something too hot, milk usually does the trick for me.
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
24 Oct 08
I love banana peppers, but I'm like you, that is about as hot as I can go. REmedy, milk or ice cream, depends on what is in the house. I had just a little piece of a hot pepper that made a huge 5 quart pot of meat sauce hot. Wonder you didn't kill yourself, even with the ice cream. Take care.
@GardenGerty (162475)
• United States
24 Oct 08
Well the tag on one says sweet chili, but it was hot. I know I would not have deliberately bought a habanero, so I know it was in the wrong spot or tagged wrong. I enjoy a little heat, and I am glad these were very small peppers.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
24 Oct 08
You would think they would be really, really careful as to how they labeled it. Maybe it was a Cajun who finds them mild and thinks they're sweet(Ha, ha, just kidding).
• United States
24 Oct 08
Hi Gerty, What a lousy thing to have happened to you!! Habaneros are very hot and a lot of people are very sensitive to them. They are extremely hot. We had a garden and grew lots of them. I have a very deep respect for that pepper since I have been burned several times. My husband loves a salsa that I make using the habanero, so every fall I make several batches of salsa for the winter. Sorry you got a batch of mixed plants at the store. I take it that you are not familiar with what the plant itself looks like. I learned to recognize the plant, so I may have an advantage there. Different pepper plants look different at different stages, it is very interesting to see if I can identify them. My personal challenge to myself. I find that bread and tomatoes helps to calm the burn from hot peppers. At least that 's what helps me. My husband likes ice cream for hot stuff.
@GardenGerty (162475)
• United States
24 Oct 08
I do think that the plant stock got mixed up somehow. The peppers struggled all summer and did not really look good or healthy at all. Probably a combination of weather and then later a lazy gardener. I will have to look hard at them or start my own seed next time. One Habanero would certainly go a long way toward seasoning my food. I believe peppers are a very healthy food.
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
26 Oct 08
On no! That would be quite a shock to the taste buds. Depending on how its too hot depends on my remedy. I noticed that certain foods get hotter with water so i do like you and eat ice cream or eat a Popsicle. if its too hot because its burning me..I drink water.
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
26 Oct 08
Whew, that's a big mistake. Those are some hot peppers. Good thing you weren't allergic.
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