Obama is not a Natural born Citizen in fact he might not be a legalized Citizen:
By dbusichio
@dbusichio (80)
United States
October 24, 2008 5:23pm CST
Acording Philip J Berg A former duputy Attorney general who filed a law suit against Berack Hussin Obama & D.M.C. in August 2008. To prove that once and for all, Obama was not born in the United States which Obama has said and tryed to prove on his web sight that in fact is a born citizen. But fails to produce documents to the effect that he is a citizen of the U S. In fact he carrys multiple differnet alias names.
Which I found very strange.
The U S Supreme courts have ordered Obama and the D M C to bring forward the Legal Documents of his birth, which was indeed as Obama said, was in Hawaii in Aug,4th 1961.
Instead they have refused to produce, asking for a dissmissal, or a stay of court orders.
In light, I believe he was born in Kenya, That his Mother of 14 years old did not travel to Hawaii until after the birth of Barock Hussin Obama, I beleive there were falsified Documents to make Obama a citizen of the U S.
His assossiation with Rev. Wright and Bill Ayres Two anti American Radicals.
I quote " God bless america? No no no God Damed America!!!"I don't know about you but, when I seen the twin towers come down. I became angry and helpless. To see our great country, Our freedom, our Democracy being attact by foreign terrorist, and now with the possibilty of a corrupted Election.
I am ready to fight to the bitter end to protect the Constitution of the United States. To up hold the laws of the land.
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10 responses
@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
25 Oct 08
It makes you wonder about the state of our country.A man who can't or won't prove he's a citizen,may be the next President of our country and no one seems to care.Welcome to socialism!
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@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
26 Oct 08
The sad thing is that blacks are going to vote for him because they think he's black.In truth,he's only about 6% black.He's 43% Arab.If that doesn't scare people,I don't know what will.
Americans just aren't thinking.They think that Obama can actually change something in this country.It's not going to happen until we do something about Congress.
@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
25 Oct 08
OK, I'm OUTRAGED at hearing myself and others called racist because we expect Obama to fall in line with all other candidates and presidents, and open his life for full scrutiny as the others have all done, always, or because we are voting for McCain.
I have HAD it, and I just don't even know how to express my outrage fully!
My family is a mirror image of Barack's in as much as race is concerned: I'm a white US citizen, and my husband is black and is from Africa (Nigeria, not Kenya). OUr daughter is biracial, just like Barack.
I am not racist. I'm not voting for Obama because of his politics ONLY, no other reason. I am demanding he open up the records and show ALL to the American people, because that is what is RIGHT, PROPER, ETHICAL, and because all prior candidates, and presidents have provide any requested documents, period. In fact, even now Biden, McCain, and Palin have all provided their full medical records for scrutiny, but Obama also refused this standard request: all he provides is a doctor's note stating he is in good health.

@theproperator (2429)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Even if Obama was born in Kenya (which I have no reason to think he was), he is still considered a natural born US citizen under the law because his mother was a US citizen. Therefore, he would still be elegible to serve as president. Below is the pertainiant section of law covering who is and isn't elegible.
The complete explaination can be found here:
Currently, Title 8 of the U.S. Code fills in those gaps. Section 1401 defines the following as people who are "citizens of the United States at birth:"
Anyone born inside the United States
Any Indian or Eskimo born in the United States, provided being a citizen of the U.S. does not impair the person's status as a citizen of the tribe
Any one born outside the United States, both of whose parents are citizens of the U.S., as long as one parent has lived in the U.S.
Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year and the other parent is a U.S. national
Any one born in a U.S. possession, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year
Any one found in the U.S. under the age of five, whose parentage cannot be determined, as long as proof of non-citizenship is not provided by age 21
Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is an alien and as long as the other parent is a citizen of the U.S. who lived in the U.S. for at least five years (with military and diplomatic service included in this time)
I say, vote for who you want and on the issues that are important to you. In this case, I can't see how it would really affect his ability to govern if his first few days of life were spent in Kenya vs. Hawaii, but whatever. I just felt you should be making your argument with some knowledge of the actual law.
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@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
25 Oct 08
So, Obama's mom had him in Kenya, then RUSHED over to Hawaii as soon as possible to get them to plant a false birth announcement in the Hawaii newspaper ( http://texasdarlin.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/close-up.jpg ), just in case her son wanted to run for President one day?
Stop peddling debunked nonsense.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
25 Oct 08
A little scrap of information doesn't prove anything. Birth announcements aren't automatic, someone has to call them in to get them in the paper.
The grandparents could have easily have put the announcement in the paper.
As for the birth certificate it is missing some of the details of all other birth certificates I've seen. Perhaps it is not a requirement in Hawaii to name such things as an attending physician, but I find this hard to believe as it serves as proof of the birth i.e. a witness to the birth.
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@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
25 Oct 08
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
25 Oct 08
I've seen it and I'm wondering who exactly gave factcheck the authority to secure someone else's birth certificate. You have to show a right to the information. I stand by what I said.

@philjas (1134)
• United States
25 Oct 08
There have only been like dozens of links posted here on MyLot proving that Obama IS an American citizen born in Hawaii. But we'll just ignore all that, spread around rumours, and hope there are undecided voters out there gullible enough to believe them.
@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Show me one link to ANYWHERE that PROVES that he is a natural born citizen of the US.
There are plenty of links that claim it, but no link that PROVES it.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
25 Oct 08
She may be referring to the birth certificate they keep showing. I'm skeptical of it because it is missing a lot of information and when a birth certificate is originally issued what you obtain is a copy of the original, not the original. I'm talking the legal document, not the ones given out by the hospitals.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
25 Oct 08
John McCain isn't a natural born citizen, but congress passed a law making him one. I don't believe for one second that Obama would have made it this far without someone making sure he is a legal citizen. Try again DB, maybe next time you might find a real reason to vote for McSame.

@us2owls (1681)
• United States
25 Oct 08
My daughter was born in the United Kingdom - her father was there serving in the military when he and I were married. Her birth was legally registered at the American Embassy in Liverpool and when I brought her to the United States to join my husband she travelled on her own passport - a US passport. She is as American as George Washington was. John McCain has the same claim to being American as she does - maybe he should have picked her as his running mate (LOL). I do not know anything about Obamas family but if he was born outside the US borders and neither his Mother or Father were abroad serving this country then following my experiences with citizenship - NO - he is not a US citizen. He should realize that if everything is open and above board with his birth certificate then producing it would stop all of this but the way he is acting it appears that he has something to hide about his birth.
@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
25 Oct 08
To say John McCain is not a natural born citizen is a slap in the face to ALL who have ever served our country in the military or in civil service by serving outside our country!!! Congress knew that. Any reasonable person knows that. How can you send citizens overseas in military or other capacities and then tell them their children are not automatically natural born citizens? That would be ridiculous even tho it had to be hashed out thru Congress, to make sure there was no confusion. To his credit, McCain put it all out on the table, for Congress to review and decide, BEFOREHAND, needing to not be demanded or sued to provide what is really, seriously the right of the American people to know.
Senator Obama did NOT NEED to be a natural born citizen in order to be a community organizer, or a Senator. The ONLY office that requires that is the office of President, so it would be pretty easy, since he has not held a normal job since 9-11, and possibly never, for him to get this far without having to show proof of being a natural born citizen. He owes it to the American people to prove this, and put the rumors to rest, and it will be very sad and damaging to the American people if we find out that he cannot prove this is false, even if it happens before the election. It was only after 9-11 that the proof of right to work in the US was really started to be enforced. And Obama was already known and on his way by then, so who would think to ask him? Until now.

@lizard211 (240)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Dbusichio, I agree that we should protect the Constitution. However, how are you protecting the Constitution by believing and trying to propagate a bunch of lies about Obama's citizenship and his mother?
I do agree that we live in a great country, we have freedoms that many other people in the world do not, and I was angered by the fall of the Twin Towers. We do not live in a true democracy but a republic though. I am not a religious person but IF I was I would say God has blessed America and in recent times, I would also say that God has also damned the United States. Since I am not a religious person, I say WE have damned ourselves in recent years.
Umm, I guess you would also label me anti-American since I associate with people that talk about Cascadia - have coffee with them, go shopping with them. I am not originally from the West Coast so when I moved out here it was very surprising for me to hear. However, I have heard about this Cascadia idea so many times from conservatives and liberals, friends and acquantainces. Am I anti-American for thinking that it is very possible that the USA could split up regionally, in the future? Am I anti-American for thinking that President Bush should be brought up on war crimes?
@rosettaresearch (1285)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Oh please, the US Supreme Court has issued no such order. Nor would they. Nor could they. They cannot get involved in something like this. There must be a live case or controversy which has been appealed all the way up to them. Which has not occurred.
I am no Obama Supporter. But, for the love of all that is holy, STOP POSTING ALL THIS STUFF. STOP BELIEVING EVERYTHING YOU READ. Obama is a US Citizen and eligible to run for president. PERIOD. You want to argue his policies and positions, go right ahead. But, do not make this race more divisive by spreading lies.
@dfollin (25553)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Obama was born Aug. 4, 1961 in Honolulu,Hawaii or he couldn't had became a senator.
@jinglebee (61)
• United States
25 Oct 08
this is foolish! that's all i can say. what a shame to be even discussing this possibility. i cant wait to see more of this funny details. i had a great laugh, thank you.
@msfallon1230 (27)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Come are you serious...First his this now his that etc...come on accept the fact that the man is a GREAT AMERICAN MAN...John McCain was not born on us soil either but do u see people harrasing him...Can you please just give it up...I feel all this is done because of BArack Obama being black which he is not 100% did we forget his mother was white...he just looks more black then he does white...You ready to fight for the constitution yet sara palin dont know whts in it...She does even know what a VP does...is that not important...huh...lay of barack and think about the real issues...