Sarah Palin isn't sure if abortion clinic bombers are "terrorists"
By philjas
@philjas (1134)
United States
October 24, 2008 7:37pm CST
Absolutely positively Bill Ayers is a domestic terrorist. But abortion clinic bombers? Not necessarily.
Why does Sarah Palin have such difficulty with this question?
[i]Brian Williams: Back to the notion of terrorists and terrorism, this word has come up in relation to Mr. Ayers -- hanging out with terrorist – domestic terrorists. It is said that it gives it a vaguely post uh 9-11 hint, using that word, that we don’t normally associate with domestic crimes. Are we changing the definition? Are the people who set fire to American cities during the ‘60’s terrorists, under this definition? Is an abortion clinic bomber a terrorist under the definition?
Sarah Palin: There is no question that Bill Ayers via his own admittance was um one who sought to destroy our US Capitol and our Pentagon -- that is a domestic terrorist. There’s no question there. Now others who would want to engage in harming innocent Americans or um facilities, that uh, it would be unacceptable -- I don’t know if you could use the word terrorist, but its unacceptable and it would not be condoned of course on our watch. I don’t know if what you are asking is if I regret referring to Bill Ayers as an unrepentant domestic terrorist. I don’t regret characterizing him as that.
Brian Williams: I’m just asking what other categories you would put in there. Abortion clinic bombers? Protesters in cities where fires were started, Molotov cocktails, were thrown? People died.
Sarah Palin: I would put in that category of Bill Ayers anyone else who would seek to destroy our United States Capitol and our Pentagon and would seek to destroy innocent Americans.[/i]
It's only terrorist if it's a GOVERNMENT building - is that what she's saying? So then would she or would she not consider 9/11 to have been terrorist since the World Trade Center was not a government building?
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9 responses
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
25 Oct 08
It's political doublespeak. She didn't want to come out and classify fanatical nutjobs who bomb abortion clinics as terrorists because
A)she didn't want to alienate the fanatical nutjobs who bomb abortion clinics and
B)she was trying as hard as she could to keep the focus on Ayers, who is one of her favorite insindiary talking points in her campaign of fear.
She's about as sincere as a blow up doll.
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
25 Oct 08
spall, you forgot "C"! Let me help ya out (wink wink)
C) She didn't want to open up the possibility that people would start pointing out McCain's involvement with fundraising for the Oregon Citizens Alliance and his affiliations with Marylin Shannon, who obviously thinks that it's wonderful we commit terrorist acts in the name of God.
"It seems that in 1993, John McCain was the keynote speaker at a fundraising banquet for the Oregon Citizens Alliance, the notorious anti-gay organization that was causing all sorts of trouble in Oregon in the 1990s.
McCain quickly got a first-hand flavor for the OCA. Marylin Shannon, the vice chairwoman of the Oregon GOP, had a spot on the program to give an opening prayer. In short order, she praised the Grants Pass woman accused of shooting an abortion doctor in Wichita and thanked the Lord ``for Lon Mabon and the vision you put in his heart.''
Let's check that again. Marilyn Shannon praises a terrorist who shot a doctor while introducing John McCain, and not only does he stay, he stands up and gives a fundraising address for these terrorist-lovers?"
HMMM....I think that says it all.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Oh, you were giving her credit that she was thinking? I think she only knows the talking points the campaign has given her to recite. I don't really know what she was thinking well because I really didn't think she was. I mean why would you answer a question with something that doesn't have anything to do with the subject.
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@grandpa_lash (5225)
• Australia
25 Oct 08
Because she's a politician. It's disease they all suffer from, and I think it is a prerequisite for nomination.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Another stupid thread for Palin-bashers. I'm sure neither you, nor none of Obama's other minions know what a terrorist is defined as. An organized group attacking government installations ALWAYS qualifies as terrorism by the legal definition. When it's a privately owned building being attacked, you need to know the intent and design of the attack to determine whether it is arson, murder, or an actual act of terrorism. It's not black and white in that regard. I understand not everyone posting here has actually studied law, but to attack someone over something you know NOTHING about, is just presumptuous and stupid. Of course that doesn't matter because you're all just here to bash the women regardless of what she says.
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@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Aren't we quick to judge? Her question didn't seem to bash Palin at all. She only seemed to want to understand what logic Palin was using by stating that bombing an abortion clinic is not a form of terrorism. I don't know where you're getting your definition of terrorism, but terrorism is technically the use of violence or the threat of violence against CIVILIANS in order to attain religious, ideological, OR political goals. The first definition of the word "terrorize" was first recorded in the year 1823 and was defined as "coercing or deterring by terror". Mirriam-Webster's Dictionary of LAW defines terrorism as both "the unlawful use or threat of violence esp. against the state or the public as a politically motivated means of attack or coercion" and "violent and intimidating gang activity". The bombing of an abortion center would consistute as an unlawful use of violence against the public and it can be considered a politically motivated attack to coerce people into behaving in the attacker's desired way. Palin is somewhat irrelevant here, but she is the one who said it.
@philjas (1134)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Taskr, so you think the reason Palin wasn't sure if you'd call abortion clinic bombers terrorist is because she's very aware of the legal definition of "terrorism" and couldn't at that moment commit to an answer? Yeah.
She didn't want to call abortion clinic bombers terrorists because she's pro-life, and even if she does actually think abortion clinic bombing is an act of terrorism, she's already screwed up enough times saying things that go against the Republican platform she probably was afraid to do it again. Plus as others have said, she was stuck on making this about Bill Ayers, and couldn't get away from that.
I cannot believe the way people will continue to defend this woman when she has time and time again said things that are woefully ignorant for anybody who is running for Vice President of the United States. Not only that but she denies reality, or else just plain lies, and she is increasingly starting to sound like she's running against John McCain rather than with him. The only people who support Palin as VP are those who agree with her right wing policies, and many of them have openly admitted that she isn't qualified to be VP. That doesn't necessarily mean they're going to vote for Obama, but intelligent, honest Republicans are coming out in droves saying Palin was a bad choice and McCain should have chosen someone else. Why are there still those few who insist on denying the obvious and claim she's intelligent and just some kind of "victim" of liberal attacks?
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@grandpa_lash (5225)
• Australia
25 Oct 08
Where precisely did you derive your "legal" definition of terrorism? You seem to be claiming that yyou've studied law, and I'll do you the curtesy (with some reservations) od assuming that you have, in which case I might accept that ONE of the legal definitrions of an act of terror is targeting governemnt buildings, but it is far from the only definition.
Terrorism is in fact defined as "the systematic use of terror as a means of coercion", and most definitions include acts carried out to create fear to bring about an ideological goal, and carry also the connotation of targeting non-combatants (innocent bystanders). None of the definitions I have seen specify or restrict the act of terrorism to attacking government buildings, and as a PhD in the social sciences I have had plenty of opportunity to have done so.
Anti-abortion beliefs are indeed, by any deinition, an ideological stance. Bombing abortion clinics is indeed designed to create fear in the service of that ideological stance. Innocent bystanders (like those at the clinic for non-abortive procedures and examinations just to mention a few) are demonstrably put at risk by these acts. That will do me for a definition of terrorism applying to abortion clinic bombings.
I am not an American, and therefore do not support either the Republican or Democratic causes. So, to a certain extent Palin's election would not greatly affect me - except, as a fellow Aussie has said in this discussion, from what I've seen of her debates and interviews on Australian current affairs programs, I would tend to be a bit terrified at the thought that she could easily end up in charge. The US influence over what happens in my country makes that a scary thing. But if that makes me a Palin basher, it's because I have considered what she has said and made up my mind she's an extraordinarily bad choice, not because of any particular ideological stance on my part. McCain seems to be a fairly reasonable person, but I worry about his age and the possibility he could die in office.
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
25 Oct 08
I agree with ZephyrSun I do not think she knows how to think. She made the point that it is only terrorism when innocent Americans are killed so she clearly does not believe that the people who go to, or work at abortion clinics are innocent. To me it means that she thinks that abortion clinics deserve to be bombed.
In fact she probably thinks that the people who abuse and destroy abortionists are doing God's work and should be praised. I think this shows what a disturbed and dangerous woman she is and the thought that if elected she might one day be president is terrifying not just for America but for the whole world.
@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Say what? That is totally BS. If the government can label people who smoke pot (smoke, not sell) as "terrorists" (yes they really do this since the whole homeland security thing and the patriot act), then people who bomb ANY building should be called terrorists. I love how they like to throw that word "terrorists" around, but they connotations of who that word applies to are SO loose and sometimes illogical.
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@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Can you provide a link or source for saying that smoking pot equals terrorist?
Again, there is yet another definition for terrorist when it comes to investigators, CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, etc.
Come on! Are y'all THAT disingenuous or that misinformed? Which is it?
Anyone who has grown up in the US, for sure, would know that a legal definition, dictionary definition, and security/espionage definition are NOT going to be the same. It's more ludicrous to claim Palin is OK with people bombing abortion clinics than it is to claim Obama is a Muslim. He really could be a Muslim (I don't think he is, but it is within the realm of possibility). It is within the realm of possibility that Palin is OK with bombings of abortion clinics, but it is so UNLIKELY it is ludicrous. You think it is impossible for Obama to get "this far" without a birth certificate, but you think Palin could get as far as she has by supporting bombings? Of course she doesn't support or approve or excuse bombings of abortion clinics, and she said she doesn't, very clearly.

@scroller1 (12)
• United States
25 Oct 08
philjas, i personaly think sarah doesn't have a clue and not saying that she dumb or anything to that nature. so you really have to consider where she came from and the smaller issues that she has taken on and then sudenly thrown to the wolves so to speak to take on the issues of the world.i feel and without predjuduce that before she should be trying to run for vice president she should try congress for a while and then do for me personally i think every one that does a despecable crime should be dealt with as a terrorist,crimes such as blowing anything up. scroller1
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@philjas (1134)
• United States
25 Oct 08
I think I agree with Zephyr that she was sticking to her talking points. I think when this came up in the interview she accessed the Bill Ayers file in her brain and repeated stuff that's in there, rather than LISTENING TO the question. She's done this before, like when Katie Couric asked her the mind bogglingly simple question "What magazines and newspapers do you read" and she couldn't name one. That wasn't covered in her memorized talking points so she couldn't come up with anything.
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@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
25 Oct 08
grandpalash gave us the definition(s) of terrorist. so by that alone abortion clinic bombers ARE terrorists.
Palin beat about the bush, tripped over the definition of terrorist, and landed firmly facing Ayers again.."they" must have been drilling that into her head with a Black and Decker!
also..the ppl that do bomb abortion clinics are pro-life..Palin is she cant suddenly label a good number of her votes as terrorists. even though its hypocritical.
terrorist do what they do if for no other reason, than to create a sense of terror..fear of doing this or going there. abortion clinic bombers are domestic terrorists because they not only are doing it to make ppl fear going to the clinic, but also to "enforce" (kinda) THEIR ideology. therefore they fall under at least 2 parts of the definition.

@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
26 Oct 08
you are right, they are a small portion of her followers..however they are ALL Pro-Life..IF she had labeled them as domestic terrorists, she would have put out a general label of terrorist to anybody who is Pro-Life(not everybody would feel that way, but the media would have snapped it up and run with it like that). and she DID NOT WANT TO DO THAT. thats exactly why she didnt say it..even though abortion clinic bombers ARE domestic terrorists.
she was trying very hard to walk that line without saying anything that could be put together as Pro-Life = terrorist.
"How can you sit there and accuse ProLife people as being a "good number of her voters" because a majority of her voters ARE pro-life..i DID NOT SAY THAT THEY ARE ALL TERRORISTS. i was simply saying what would have been grabbed and run with by the media..they would have shortened the headline to "Pro-Life = terrorist" IF for no other reason than to cause an everything else.
@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
27 Oct 08
I understand what you're saying. It sounded like you thought most or all pro lifers are bombers! I agree that the media would have snapped up almost anything she said and misrepresented it. Better to misrepresent what she ended up saying than alienate the Conservatives who are her base.
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@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
25 Oct 08
I ABSOLUTELY RESENT THIS POST, CINDER! The other posts are pretty off and petty, but this one takes the cake! How can you sit there and accuse ProLife people as being a "good number of her voters" . I am PRO LIFE. Before Roe vs Wade ever happened, I was a kid in jr high, and doing mock (children's) campaigns, because I knew even then that life is LIFE and you protect it at all costs, no matter what.
However, I am not at all a terrorist or bomber, and indeed I have historically shown great sympathy and empathy for women who have abortions. I can easily understand all their reasons, but I also know they have been misled into believing that they did not end a life, but just a "clump of cells".
People who bomb abortion clinics are a TINY MINORITY of people who are ProLife. Period.
You insult a huge section of the population by implying that all of us support bombing, or that Palin supports bombing.
Palin has been grilled, insulted, lied about repeatedly, laughed at, scrutinized, and more, from Day 1! She does GREAT when speaking on her own, and when interviewed by an responsible interviewer who is not TRYING to trip her up. I can excuse her slip ups when she is under stress, and under a kind of underhanded attack, considering how quickly she was thrust into this intense limelight, AND IMMEDIATELY attacked -- no one even waited to see what she is about. They just viciously attacked her and her family. Even Obama said it was not right. Do you think you could go thru all she has been thru in the last few months and never slip up out of nerves? You cannot do a debate as well as the one she had with Biden and use talking points only. She had to know what she was talking about. She is used to the very, very laid back culture of Alaska. And not the intellectual elite that Obama hangs with. But that doesn't mean she is stupid or doesn't know what she's talking about. Joe Biden messed up, made mistakes on his facts MORE during their debate than Palin. Biden even tried to make a point against Cheney about the VP duties and he was WRONG. Palin's description was right. But you don't hear that, because the main media just doesn't call Obama or Biden on ANY of their lies or mistakes. They just harp on Palin unfairly. If you look at her real record instead of sound bites, you will find she did a great job as governor and she has an 80% approval rating -- Dems like her too. (They don't like her NOW because they are Dems, for Obama, but they loved her as their Governor). She is a very bright woman, who happens to have a very homey, laid back manner of speaking and she has REAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS to her credit.
I think TSKR hit it on the head: she didn't know the exact legal definition and she didn't want to say it wrong. She DID NOT agree or support bombings of abortion clinics. Of course, she is doomed either way, because no matter what she said it would be taken as wrong. And TSKR is also correct that legal definitions are not the same as a dictionary definition. I don't have to be a lawyer to know that; everyone should know that.
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@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
26 Oct 08
So let me ask you philjas, would you have a problem if you found out that she started her Political Career In the living room of someone that bombed abortion clinics?
@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
25 Oct 08
I don't think that is what she meant, and I think it is obvious she was not trying to lessen the crime of bombing an abortion clinic. It is not the first time I have heard that explanation for a "domestic terrorist" as being someone seeking to overthrow the government.
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