Islam's Big Lie!
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
October 25, 2008 12:11am CST
There is much that is questionable in Islam perhaps its biggest lie is that Mohamed wrote a book called the Qur'an and it has been handed down unchanged to this time. The truth is, there was no book in Mohamed's time. The Qur'an was not written down until long after Mohamed's death. It was passed down as an oral tradition until the battle of Yamama where many of the oral reciters were killed. The Qur'an has changed considerably since Mohamed's time. It is a lie to say that it has not.
If Islam lies about this what else are they lying about?
For confirmation of this please watch the following video:
If you want to know more about the big lie called Islam this site is informative:
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13 responses
@urbandekay (18278)
25 Oct 08
Is there not one Muslim here that can read the question and answer it without engaging in childish ranting?
all the best urban
1 person likes this

@urbandekay (18278)
19 Nov 08
1. You are rude bringing you petty temper tantrum about another discussion here.
2. As you well know I have fully answered your questions on that discussion.
Time to grow up, pup.
all the best urban

@LovesTravel (303)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Hmmmm, I guess I don't get your point. All faiths have similar misconceptions associated with their basic tenets and holy writings. You might even make similar points about Christianity during its formative period. After all, Rome was the single greatest persecutor of early Christianity, yet Rome became the standard bearer of Christianity until the Protestant reformation. Christianity has often been at war with itself, by the way--the Inquisition, for example.
You seem to be making an effort to discredit Islam based on the failings of its followers. Also, when you start the discussion by labeling the faith itself as a lie (or a collection of lies), you will lose many thoughtful readers--not just those of the Islamic faith.
The nature of the authorship of the Koran isn't a "lie," by the way. It's just a misconception. When asked who wrote the Bible, many Christians might routinely answer "God" or "Jesus." I would hope that non-Christians wouldn't discredit the whole faith by pointing to this common error and labeling it as a "lie."
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
25 Oct 08
Pleas go back and read again. I did not say that Islam is a lie. I did say that one of the points that Muslims hold dear and use to promote their story, that Islam is unchanged since the tine of Mohamed, is a falsehood. I do not need to use the failing of its' adherents to discredit Islam. They are doing a pretty good job of that without my help.
I did not label Islam a lie, only one of its claims. Don't read more into a discussion than is there.
@LovesTravel (303)
• United States
26 Oct 08
I understand what you're saying. What I'm saying is that the charges you aim against Islam could just as easily be aimed against Christianity or any other faith. Believers have many misconceptions about their own faith--misconceptions that they perceive as fact. Many of those could easily be labelled as "big lies"--but to what end? Such observations just make people mad.
Please follow your own suggestion. Go back and read your discussion topic again. Your apparent purpose is to undermine Islam. If you want to present historical context, that's one thing, but your discussion sounds angry rather than educational. "Big lies" are all about perception. If you launch such words against believers, the discussion is over before it begins.
I actually have no dog in this race. I am neither a Moslem nor a Christian. Still, based on my own experience, I find that a dispassionate approach promotes a better discussion than one that provokes a defensive response.

@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Well - chiang_mai_boy you have tried at least to put forth
a statement, but it seems that a few here are as you say:
NOT reading it right, or they're so angry, that they
can't remember what they just read.
And the statement about christianity was totally
out of context of your discussion.
And - even as their statements about Jesus Christ are
mistaken - probably because they haven't read the
Bible. No need to go into all of that. They are choosing
what to believe, even as the rest of us have.
Why is it that muslims get so angry that they can't even
carry on a decent conversation? Why should they get into
a rage about their beliefs being questioned? - If they
are secure in their beliefs, then it shouldn't bother them
for people to question some things.
Have a good day. 

@ford_mts (232)
• India
26 Oct 08
Signs(facts) will make you believe what is true.
Who created the whole universe ? who governs it.It is none other than ALLAH.
Have you forget that you are created.Did you forgot that you have to meet your lord.
Study the Quran,you will not find a single mistake in it.Its a challenge.
And to classy.
I am not agree.I can understand that you have doubts about Islam because media portraits its like that.Misconceptions.You have been wronged by the concept itself.
@Tushavi (2077)
• Karachi, Pakistan
25 Oct 08
Christianity is Big lie Because Jesus Don't Ever Say he Is GOD If He Is God Why He will Die???(God never Die, God Never Looks Like any human) No Any Christian have Confirmation About Bible It's God Words Or not If It's God Words God Telling YouOur Rules in 51 Books (AHAHHAHHA) & All are Different that's a nice joke Muslims Have Only 1 Books & it's Quran Past 1400 Years no one any changes on this (It's not answer your question Only Start a Questioning Like You???)
My Opinion about you & Your Type Users Please Shut Your Mouth & Don't Start Any Discussion Like this Because Whole World Criticize Islam But have nothing to proven Islam is a lie. I Know Whole World Know About Islam is the Truth Religion Ever & that's why Islam Increase day by Day What About You?? Whole World Are Fool Or You??? Find any other tips that increase your comments:D

@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
25 Oct 08
Lets try this one more tine. I did not say that Islam is a lie. It is never a waste of time when you post a discussion that is true. This one is.
Islam is no better or worse than any other religion. They all have a story to tell. Some believe one and others chose to follow another. There is no right religion and there is no wrong religion.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
25 Oct 08
How did Jesus get into this? Do your homework. There was no Qur'an in Mohamed's' time, only his teachings, and he constantly revised them.
I will not shut my mouth. Like it or not, I will continue to tell the truth as I see it.
Islams growth rate is based on its birth rate. It is not growing through conversion. It keeps it adherents through fear even when they wish to leave. Not much to be proud of.
@Tushavi (2077)
• Karachi, Pakistan
25 Oct 08
Now Listen Start 10000000000000000000000000000000000 Stupid Discussions Like this & But you never proven any one islam is lie ok ??? as u wish shut ur mouth or start discussion again & again like this Only waste of time You don't earn anything if you pinging truth & start waste of time discussion like This

@luntian_grace (1373)
• Philippines
25 Oct 08
if ever quran if fake then people might think they are very stupid to believe such a thing for a long time... but then again i can not tell the truth from a lie for i am not studying religion and it's history. even i questions other religions like judism and christianity. if ever every thing that was writen are true... for like you said before they were put into writing they were pass down as an oral traditions. so if you think that you know very thing cause an idiot put some videos or post something in the internet about history, you are wrong. it's not that easy to find facts from fictions.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
25 Oct 08
The man you are describing as an idiot has spent years in the study of Islam. Have you?
Perhaps you need to read my post again, I did not say That the Qur'an was fake. I did say that it is a lie to say that it has not changed,
At least I respect the Qur'an enough to spell it properly and to capitalize it. How about you?
@ford_mts (232)
• India
25 Oct 08
Chaing Brother you said that Quran is not fake,Right that's what you said.Instead you said Quran has undergone changed.Brother why fill your heart with such created doubt by you.It is a landmark Brother It is the only scripture on the face of earth Which has not changed a bit.If you wanna proof for it go to Topkapi museum and check the Quran with us and in the museum.
Allah said in the holy Quran that he will protect the Holy book Quran no one can change it.
Brother You said you know lot about the religion Islam.Brother inshallah Allah will give you hidaya read it understand it.
And brother i have a doubt that may be you are reading the translation of Quran and not the Arabic one.Brother there are many translation of the Quran all translation will not be same because translator will use different word with the same meaning.That's why it looks it is changed.
To proof quran wrong you should learn Arabic because translator can make mistakes.And if you find hard to proof wrong (i.e for proving wrong why learn Arabic? may be you have such question)ALLAH give opportunity to non Arabic people to prove it wrong.
Allah says in quran
find one contradiction it will be proved wrong.
@DINA1005 (55)
• Malaysia
25 Oct 08
How dare you said Islam's Big Lie.What you know about Islam? How you know that no book in our prophet Muhammad at that time ? Where do you got the information and who give you the stupid and nonsense statement.I don't care about what kind of website that you give as a reference , that's all the big lie too , same like you. What is your problems ? Islam was hurt you before? or muslim people hurt you? I'm just want to tell you that Islam is peace.But the only things that you have to know Al Quran was true . If you don't know how to respect , please learn from someone that you respect .And maybe you can tell me what is mean respect ...gotcha...

@ford_mts (232)
• India
25 Oct 08
Quran was written down in the presence of Muhammad(pbuh)
I wanna ask you Did the companions of prophet(pbuh) lived for three hundred years.
How come then other people memorized it.There are millions of people in the world in who has memorized the quran by heart.
It is perfectly in history Quran was written and there were made many copies of it at the time of Uthman(R.A) which does not go even more than 25 years.
Quran not written till three hundred years hahaahha.Really it will be a big laugh.
May be you are saying simply as it is just a discussion.Brother don't conceal in you heart the truth,come to the right path.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
26 Oct 08
the same can be said about the christian bible.. and the book of mormon.. and any other "holy" text.. why youve singled out islam for yer particular brand of bigotry and hatred is beyond me. take a good long look in the mirror and fix yer own defective heart before you start running around slamming others beleifs. 

@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
26 Oct 08
It might be a good idea to reread my post. It was not slamming anyone's religion. It is simply discussing a historical fact that is misunderstood by some followers of Islam. The post said nothing about the Bible or the Book of Mormon so they have no place in this discussion. Look at yourself and try to figure out why you are so upset by a discussion of a historical truth.
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
26 Oct 08
There is a point here and I do think it is a valid. If you enter into a discussion with Muslims concerning Islam you will find that they have an almost fanatical belief that Islam has not changed since the time of Mohamed. This is just simply not so. The Qur'an as it exists today did not exist in the time of Mohamed.
I don't really know how Christianity got into this discussion. It was never mentioned in my original post and this is not meant to be a discussion of comparative religions.
@germany_fan (511)
• Malaysia
26 Oct 08
please, respect others religion. all religions are showing us to do good things. so i believe who ever did bad things, no matter what religion, it's because they didnt follow what had been tought by their religion. i hope moderator of mylot would close this discussion. show some respect
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
26 Oct 08
I'm sorry, your comment leaves me a little confused. If you read the discussion it shows no disrespect for Islam. It merely demonstrate a misconception that many followers of Islam have. The only disrespect shown here has been by the some of the followers of Islam.
@dorothyDauphinee (534)
• United States
26 Oct 08
In my humble opinion the world would be a better place today if they changed it again!
@pinkfloyd007 (375)
• India
26 Oct 08
To be frank there is nothing as best religion.It all preaches the same.It is only our mind set that our religion is the best.We are taught that way when we are young.I really resent it when people say about their religion.You try to understand other religion only then you will know about them.Sadly people dont do it.
@pinkfloyd007 (375)
• India
26 Oct 08
I dont know what you people think.but for me Quran,Bible,Bhagvat Geetha,Ramayan are all the same.They were written just to guide people towards truth.I dont know whether it was written by God himself.I just know that it was written so that man wont move away from the principles of life.They all preach the same thing.Love your god,love everybody.Just that in the present day people dont think so.Its really sad to see people fighting in the name of religion.I respect all religion.
@seeiloveu (100)
• India
30 Oct 08
Ah ... Ah ... Ah ... My Friend ....
You are absolutely wrong in saying that Muhammad ("Mohamed")(PBUH) wrote a book ..
How can he? He, the greatest of-the-greatest man, was illiterate (although he could sign).
The Book, Holy Q'uran, was revealed to Mohammad (PBUH) by God to be passed onto us, the humans.
So, there has been NO CHANGE in the Holy Q'uran; it is all, actual God's words.