What comes to your mind when i say "HELL"?

@loxion (1553)
October 25, 2008 1:11am CST
What do you think hell is, a kind of life someone live, or some strange place we go when we die?.You go to church and the priest is talking about sinners going to hell when they die, where the hell is that?I belive things like "hell" are just a bunch of myth.What kind of life do you think people in hell live,or you believe in things like hell?
2 responses
@artibg (292)
• Bulgaria
25 Oct 08
I agree with you that hell is something like a myth. I believe that hell is not a place where sinners go to when they die, but it's rather a place deep inside us. Everyone has his little hell inside him that awaits the right moment to take control over our minds.
@loxion (1553)
• India
25 Oct 08
So why does the preachers keeps on mumbling about at churches that when we die is either we go to heaven or hell?
@kenchihi (121)
• Malaysia
25 Oct 08
I think of Hell-o! :) Hell is like heaven, they either exist together or not. Though, it does depend on individual perceptions. Through the many cultures around the world, there are many similarities where hell is talked about. Perhaps it is one good method in getting people to behave well and not go against the social norms of the day. To be frank, I do not believe in a REAL place such as hell, though I take it is a place where the people who committed sins 'will go' when time comes.