It is OVER!

United States
October 25, 2008 6:50am CST
Yes, it is true. The infamous lawsuit that sought to force 0bama from the ballot or produce an orginal birth certificate has been dismissed. More details here. I say that obviously someone got to the judge and intimated him, even though he'll never admit it. Here's why I say that. 1) The judge said it was obvious Berg had no standing to file the suit. 2) If #1, is true, why was the suit ever active? Why did the judge just not dismiss it right off in the beginning? Why did the suit go anywhere? Why did the suit last as long as it did? The judge found himself between a rock and a hard place. Crawling out from under the rock with this dismissal was his escape. What do you say?
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10 responses
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
25 Oct 08
I read on the internet this morning that Berg had Obama's grandmother on tape saying he was born in Kenya and she was present at his birth. Apparently, someone did get to the judge! Funny how money talks, isn't it! I believe Berg has the goods, but everybody is scared to do anything about it for fear of retribution. Seems Berg is the only one who stands up for what he believes. And now, the judge has dismissed the entire suit. Maybe he will go farther up the chain of command in government to get this resolved.
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• United States
25 Oct 08
I don't think the judge was bribed, I think he was threatened. It could be as innocent as peer pressure or something much worse.
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• United States
26 Oct 08
My comments were directed at the comment by Barb...Berg had Obama's grandmother on tape... I thought you would be able to tell that.
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Either way, red, it is bad! I wish the judge had held out and let this thing come to a head! Something is going on in the DNC and it doesn't sound pretty to me.
• United States
26 Oct 08
It happened this way because the judge fears for his life. That is the kind of world we have today. Our government has fed and clothed career welfare mamas and papas for a long time. They were breeding them and still are. Now,there are so many of those very people that we have to fear. They will riot...they will kill if. No, I am not saying all of them do that. And it is not just them. The rich liberals are love to egg them on, too. Our country has changed so much. We don't really have the freedom to express ourselves like we did in the past or to even uphold the law.
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• United States
26 Oct 08
I do not scoff at the notion the judge may have been threatened. Not at all. There is circumstantial evidence that some of that is going on behind the scenes, but there is nothing concrete or even enough to write a newspaper article about.
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@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
25 Oct 08
I find this whole matter totally astonishing. The most sophisticated country in the world cannot establish whether a candidate who runs for president is a citizen? You need a lawsuit to determine that? I am a simple person but I think I have common sense. Obama would have needed to use his birth certificate on many occasions in his life before he ran for president. No one ever questioned It. Commom sense tells me: 1. A hospital in Hawaii in 1961 would have kept records who was born there each day. 2. You would not put a birth announcement in the paper in the USA if you gave birth in an African Country. 3. An educated American woman would not go to an African country in 1961 to have her first child. 4. It can be established when Obama's mother married an Indonesian man. 5. It can be established how old he was when he moved there. 6. If his mother took out Indonesian citizenship it would be easy to establish what happens to the citizenship of a minor child. For instance in Canada if the parents of a minor child take out citizenship in another country the child automatically also becomes a citizen of this new country. 7. Obama's Kenyan grandmother is now old. How trustworthy is her memory. Who knows which one of her grandchildren was born in Kenya. I don't think your remark that the judge was intimidated can be corroborated. I just hope this will be clarified soon so all the rumours stop. If there was any truth to this America would become the laughing stock of the whole world.
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• United States
25 Oct 08
I believe all your points are correct. Even still, like John McCain has done, 0bama will not produce an actual birth certificate. He definitely is hiding something. The man who brought the lawsuit offered to drop the suit if 0bama would produce the actual birth certificate. The one previously produced was shown to be a fraud. Correct, that the judge might have been intimidated can not be corroborated. It is only circumstantial that it looks that way. I think America deserves to be a laughing stock. They can't elect politicans who can balance a budget or even tell the truth concerning the complete circumstances of their birth.
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• Canada
25 Oct 08
How come no one checked this when Obama applied for university or ran for Senate? I must confess my thoughts were a little simplistic. I checked a copy of his birth announcment on another site. It is in an Hawaiian paper but I guess you have different customs. I just says born a son Mr. @ Mrs. Barack Obama on Aug 4. Here the anouncements usually read: a son born to Mr. & Mrs. xyz on Aug 4 in such and such a hospital. Many thanks to Dr xyz and the staff. Sometimes it also mentions a midwife's name to thank her. There are so many rumours now, one being that he received aid as a "foreign student" at University, one that when he went to school in Indonesia his religion was listed as islam. (I can believe that I am sure it was to protect him) In any case the whole truth has not been revealed as you said. Since McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone and now we are not sure where Obama was born this makes an interesting situation for the United States.
• United States
25 Oct 08
No one checked when he went to the university or the Senate because there is no such requirement to be a natural born citizen for either.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
25 Oct 08
I am surprised that Berg's case got as far as it did. Even if Berg's case had merit, not one judge even if the judge was a Republican would have wanted to take this kind of lawsuit. Elections should be fought in the battlefield of the elections not the court rooms. Sure maybe Obama was born in Kenya then his mother flew him to Hawaii, but I would not want to be the judge that had to make that decisions.
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
25 Oct 08
It's only fair to all candidates that their citizenship isn't in question. When McCain's was questioned, he came up with his birth certificate. Why can't Obama come up with his? He knows it's a law that you have to be a citizen of the US, uncontested, to become the President of the US. Has lots of people thinking he isn't a legitimate citizen. He could stop it all, if he has one, or tell the truth if he doesn't.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
25 Oct 08
I think that judge didn't want the responsibility of the backlash if he had ruled against 0bama, so he took the easy way out. The fact remains that 0bama still refuses to release his birth certificate. Then there is his grandmother who says she was there in the hospital room when he was born in Kenya.
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• United States
25 Oct 08
My thoughts, too. Judge be chicken, but then again, I'm sure he had good reason. One of the things that came out of the Clinton's scandals was a report that Clinton had bragged that any Federal Judge could be gotten to. He did not mean necessarily a bribe.
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• United States
25 Oct 08
Red, why are you surprised? And why keep up the rumors when it has been proven already that none of Berg's assertions are true. Nor are the assertions of Corsi or Limbaugh or any of the other people lying about the validity of Obama's birth certificate? Read the entry below on Snopes. It pretty much debunks any of the rumors and asserts that Obama has indeed provided his birth certificate and it is a valid certificate. Also, read this on Media Matters. Corsi's employer, WND, even says that Obama's birth certificate is valid. How do you explain that? The link is below. At any rate, this question has been answered; Obama is an American citizen and has provided his birth certificate. Why keep on with the lies? Will nothing ever convince those of you who want to believe that Obama is not a citizen? He has done his part; why don't those of you who questioned it before accept that you were wrong?
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• United States
25 Oct 08
The title of the orginal post here is "It is over." Additionally, I have never maintained 0bama's birth certificate is not valid. I have linked to and discussed other's allegations that 0bama's birth certificate was not valid. As I've often said, "Please, respond to what I've written, not what you think I meant."
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@dfollin (25610)
• United States
25 Oct 08
I filed a lawsuit and then was told later that I had no right to file it,but I still was able to file it.
• United States
25 Oct 08
Certainly, anyone can file a suit and have it dismissed out of hand. This one actually went on for a while before it was dismissed.
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• United States
25 Oct 08
It's silly lawsuits like this that makes John McCain ,in paticular, and the Republican Party ,in general, seem erractic, desparate and unfocused on the real issues facing the American people. It's obvious to anyone with a degree of common sense that Barack's citizenship has be vetted. I believe these silly conspiracy theories ,promoted by those opposed to Barack Obama, has the opposite desired effect on the voters. If I were a Republican, I'd be furious with the campaign stategies directed at Barack Obama. Here are just a few that I can remember. Barack Obama is responsible for rising gas prices. Barack Obama is an eliist. Barack Obama "pals" around with terrorists. Barack Obama is a Muslim. Barack Obama doesn't wear a flag pin. Barack Obama is a socialist. Do you get my drift. This is what Barack Obama refered to as the "Silly Season" in polics. That is why Barack Obama is headed towards victory and John McCain is stuck in his erract smear campaign. There's still 10 days left before the general election. Maybe John McCain will begin discussing the real issues facing the American people instead of constantly harping on Barack Obama's plans. LLoyd
• United States
25 Oct 08
Republican party? Like was said, a DEMOCRAT filed this suit.
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• United States
26 Oct 08
I guess he's the same kind of Democrat that Joe Lieberman is. His actions has the stench of all those who desparately look for any loophole to smear Barack Obama, regardless if there isn't an ounce of truth to it. Regardless of his political affilliation, the American people have bigger issues to deal with. Wasting time on frivilous lawsuits won't help with our struggling economy and the massive layoffs facing the American worker. Lloyd
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
25 Oct 08
lloyd,this is ONE law suit that wasn't perpetrated by the RNC. It was started by a DEMOCRATIC lawyer, period. Has nothing to do with the Republican party of McCain. By the way, did you not know that your Obama belonged to the socialist NEW PARTY? Here are some more links:
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Oct 08
hi redyelloowblack dog for heavens sakes go to snopes and check. everything is fine now. leave it to the republicans to dig up more dirt. He had to have had a valid birth certifcate to be in the senate so why all the crap? why cannot people let it lay. in a few days a new president will be elected, and what on eaarth are all the raving republicans and my fellow democrats going to do for fun and insulting then. Once a man is elected president we cannot unelect him so i just wish every thing wou ld now die down.
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• United States
26 Oct 08
"He had to have had a valid birth certifcate to be in the senate." You do not have to be born in the USA to be a Senator. You only have to be a citizen.
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• United States
26 Oct 08
BTW: Snopes is what you would call a 'usually reliable source'. That is, it is not official or 100% accurate by a long shot. Quoting snopes is not an authetication for anything governmental or legal. What's the big deal anyway? Just produce the birth certificate is all 0bama has to do. Why not produce it again? Do people not realize how much easier that is than argueing about it?
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
27 Oct 08
You are right. Snopes isn't 100% reliable. They get their information the same way we do - through research on the Internet.
@eddie42 (270)
• United States
26 Oct 08
i say they should been throwed it out they trying to find anything they can against obama.
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• United States
26 Oct 08
Well, it is thrown out now.
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