Sisterly love..
United States
October 25, 2008 10:30am CST
My sister is two years older then me but.. we are close like there is no age between us.. Well we use to be.. she has decided to put her boyfriend before everyone else.. family friends and me..
its crazy.. and she doesn't think shes doing it.. but if hes here dont even try talkin to her.. or if she is with him dont bother her wit texts or phone calls.. she would drop anything to go get him or see him.. and if u trying to talk to her she isn't gonna listen inless u put his name at the beingin..
is this healthy?
1 response
@bloodynerd (33)
• India
25 Oct 08
ohkk..dis is sumthn..whch evry1 faces..u gotta chill! u need 2 put thngs b4 her..but i a way such..dat she feels ur importance..i mean..y dun u write a lettr imp were u in ma life..u were ma bst frnd..n do u evn rememba me? like..nethn bout me? nah..coz i guess ur busy wid UR life..n ur guy! if u hve sum time..jus spnd sum time wid me! coz..i feel lonely..i miss u ma old n sweet sis!
dats it..i'l do wonders 4 u..she'l feel ur importance..n den..u gonna rock! but..plz 2 rememba..dun repeat al dis whn u find a guy in ur life! :P