If you could write a book what would you write it on?

United States
October 25, 2008 3:27pm CST
If you could write a book what would it be about? Would it be a book for kids, novel, poems, life, reglion, love, family what would you write about?
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10 responses
• Philippines
26 Oct 08
Hi! If I were to write a book, it would be about people who have made an impact on my life. The book will be a gift that will speak of life, of family, of friends, and of lovers..
• United States
26 Oct 08
That's really cool. Have you ever thought about writing it and giving it as a Christmas present? You can go to lulu.com and download your book and create a cover and everything and then order as many copies as you want.
@paid2write (5201)
26 Oct 08
I have no plans to write a book, but I could collect some of my articles together and publish them as an e-book. This year, so far, I have written more than a hundred articles, and nearly a hundred blog posts, all of them are published online, and for some of them I have reproduction rights. If I add in the number of discussion posts I've made at myLot, I have written enough words this year to fill a book. It would have to be an anthology, as I write on so many different topics, but there would be no point in doing this. I'm happy to continue writing articles and posts on the internet. I make money this way and my articles can be viewed by many more people than would read a printed book.
• United States
26 Oct 08
I understand that. I love writing fiction but I have quite a few blog posts and articles that I could fill a book. Happy writing!
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
29 Oct 08
I've written several books actually, all fiction...mostly not good for anyone but adults (ironic as this was at the time). My current series is YA, and it's basically my take on how things would probably go in reality for a "hero"...to question the nature of the word, of reality, and of sanity itself. So far I've managed to even avoid cliches. All books of mine are different, sometimes they're set in different worlds, different realities, different dimentions...and occasionally set in exential things that can't be defined as any of the above. I like to experiment. My genre tends to be supernatural dramas. I've covered angels, demons, magic-users, inter-dimentional beings, vampires, psychics, shapeshifters... But what every story's ABOUT tends to be deeper and isn't always intended to be gotten by a stranger who happens to read it.
• United States
28 Oct 08
I am currently working on putting together my first children's book and have just started an adult thriller. I have about ten more ideas for children's books. I am also hoping to write some craft books that I would like to sell in e-book format and some day I would like to write a marriage book on having a positive and successful marriage. I would also like to write a self help book on learning to think positive for a better future! A book of poems might be nice too since I write a lot of poems.
• Philippines
26 Oct 08
The bestest, most beautifulest story in my head is about my mother. If I could write a book, it would be about how wonderful and terrifying she is, how both of that plus her strength + a lot of other things that only I might be interested in makes her the most beautiful person on the planet. And then I'd wax poetic some more. But writing books is different from writing books, which is also about writing for a specific target audience and having the ability to impress upon them the concept of that book, and me babbling about my mother and the complex my friends tease me about will make no one interested. If I can "write a book" (translation: create a book in my head where all the details will be present without me needing to rearrange them in such a way that someone not me would be able to understand them), then I'd write about family, the strengths and weaknesses that are inherent in such a unit, the everyday lives that are simple and profound at the same time and, well (as I've said), about my mother, who happens to be the center of mine. But writing slice-of-life is harder than any other genre, IMO, if only on account of it having more complexity and less stereotype because people are more complex and less stereotypical in real life, but then, I'm not really writing it, hehe. Oh well. Imagination is more important than knowledge. XD
• Netherlands
29 Oct 08
I started with writing two weeks ago, cause I was very bored and was asking for suggestions to my friends what to do, I can't exactly say what I enjoy about it, but I enjoy it. The thing i'm writing on is 1/2-autobiographic story with lots and lots of philosofic questions were I give my personal answers. Its about one person (You could say myself) who just tells how he is seeing the world, and how he thinks about people/stuff, I'm also adding parts of mystical dreams to the story to get some more questions and to give myself more opportunities later in the book.
@celticeagle (169875)
• Boise, Idaho
26 Oct 08
I would like to write a series some what like Pippi Longstocking about a bizarre character who lives alone and takes neighborhood children on fun adventures. Also, I would like to write a futuristic saga about a many faceted woman/child that within her adventure incorporates the use of animals that are becoming rare in our present day. I would also like to conpile a anthology of several shortstories thatI think are unique and up to the minute. All in good time.
• United States
26 Oct 08
I have written two books, one is for young adults-it's a supernatural thriller and the other is for ages 8-12-it's a pirate adventure. I am currently working on an adult romance and the sequel to my young adult book. What would you write about?
• United States
26 Oct 08
I have several books planned... 2 of them with Sci Fi Fiction... 1 on fantasy fiction... and then one on parenting with a twist.... Not giving that secret away XD lorl I'm looking forward to NaNoWriMo... I mean really looking forward to it... but I dare not start writing until it begins XD lorl....
@Genevie (140)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Actually I am doing research for a book about marriage. (after 3 marriages, I guess I should have something to add). But it is a joy and a blessing to be a part of writing it! I have been told for years that I should write a book but God only knew what it would be about! Thanks!