A life's motto

@mojcica (1511)
October 25, 2008 4:33pm CST
Is there any motto you live by? There are a few I live by: 1.) things are never so bad that they couldnt be even worse 2.) what doesnt kill me, makes me stronger. Im sure there are a few more I just cant remember them now lol. What is your life's motto?
7 responses
@Metalchick (1391)
25 Oct 08
There are two main mottos I try to live by the first being "what goes around comes around" meaning that if someone does something bad they will get their comupance in the future...the same applies if you do something good as something normally happends in the future to reward you. The second being "pride comes before a fall" meaning don't get too over confident too soon.
28 Oct 08
It's something my mum taught me when I was younger...it's funny the things you remember as a kid.
@mojcica (1511)
• Slovenia
28 Oct 08
Karma, yes we have to consider that too. Im not familiar with the second one but sounds ok too.
@pryce_mbg (716)
• Philippines
28 Oct 08
my life's motto are the following: 1. "Time is precious so treasure every moment of it" 2. Time is gold- for i always comes in late in the class..
@mojcica (1511)
• Slovenia
28 Oct 08
treasure every moment...I love this one.
@redrover (597)
• United States
25 Oct 08
I have a few: 1)Treat others well and they will do the same to you. 2)Always do your best, even if it's something you really don't want to do. 3)DO better every day 4)Do what you love
@mojcica (1511)
• Slovenia
28 Oct 08
Do what you lovee...a god one
@relundad (2310)
• United States
25 Oct 08
Live today, like there is no tomorrow. For me that means that yesterday is gone, whatever happened or didn't happen there's nothing I can do it about it. Tomorrow is not promised. Today is all that I have to be the best mother, sister, aunt, employer and friend etc. that I can be.
@mojcica (1511)
• Slovenia
28 Oct 08
Its a good one, though I have to admit I more live 'for tomorrow' meaning I do consider what my action would mean tommorow and not jus live for today. thx for answering.
• United States
25 Oct 08
the first one my mother taught me 1) When in doubt, take the safe route (like if you arent sure whether mom would let you eat the chocolate or not, dont eat it, just to be safe) 2) the worst comes first (as in earn the good part...or like take the bad end of something before takeing the good end, that way you can really enjoy the good end) so yeah :P
@mojcica (1511)
• Slovenia
28 Oct 08
Taking a safe route is a good advice, though I never follow it...Im stubrn and usually want to do things my way and if that means walking through the wall thats what I'll do hehe
• United States
25 Oct 08
There are a lot of things to live by...love, life, etc. Here are some that affect my everyday life: 001. There's one thing you can give and still keep: your word, 002. Give back to those you take from, 003. There's always someone who has it worse than you, 004. What goes around comes around, 005. If there's an opportunity, take it - you only have one life. 006. There's a first time for everything, try it.
@mojcica (1511)
• Slovenia
28 Oct 08
Quite a few :) I like the third one, even if it sounds a bit mean it can be quite comforting knowing you're not alone in this and its not the worse thing that can happen.
• Australia
25 Oct 08
These are some I use: 1. Nothing is impossible. 2. Things could be much worser 3. If life throws you a lemon, make lemonade!
@mojcica (1511)
• Slovenia
28 Oct 08
Nothing is impossible...yeah that one I like too. Everything can be done, maybe just not the way we're doing it...so from a different approach everything is possible.