the true religion
By ford_mts
@ford_mts (232)
20 responses
@urbandekay (18278)
27 Oct 08
Jesus Christ says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
Now who are we to believe?
Jesus Christ, who lived without sin and was therefore in perfect communion with God or Muhammed, who the Quran states sinned?
Clearly Jesus' word carries more weight, in fact because he lived in perfect communion with God, his word supersedes all previous and later scripture.
all the best urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
28 Oct 08
"Jesus Christ(pbuh) said follow me not worship me. Even Muhammad(pbuh) said follow me does that mean Muhammad (pbuh) is claiming divinity."
Yes, but I wasn't advocating worshipping Yeshua but following him.
"Jesus Christ (pbuh) was sent to jews (bible to says that."
Yeshua also commanded his disciples to spread his teachings to all the peoples of the world. (Also in the Bible)
"Muhammad(pbuh) is most successful than Jesus Christ (pbuh) as Jesus Christ (pbuh) had 12 follower in his era where as Muhammad(pbuh)had 150,000 people.!2 is incomparable 150,000."
Yeshua had 12 disciples but many followers and now has 2.1 billion, Islam has 1.5 billion.
"Jesus Christ (pbuh) warned coming of a prophet after him (that is in bible )."
No, he did not and no it is not in the bible
Thing is Muhammad doesn't really cut it as a prophet
1. He is not prophesised as coming
2. He performs no miracles
3. His life is not exemplary
all the best urban
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@ford_mts (232)
• India
28 Oct 08
Jesus Christ(pbuh) said follow me not worship me. Even Muhammad(pbuh) said follow me does that mean Muhammad (pbuh) is claiming divinity.
Jesus Christ (pbuh) was sent to jews (bible to says that.
Muhammad(pbuh) is most successful than Jesus Christ (pbuh) as Jesus Christ (pbuh) had 12 follower in his era where as Muhammad(pbuh)had 150,000 people.!2 is incomparable 150,000.
Jesus Christ (pbuh) warned coming of a prophet after him (that is in bible ).
Jesus Christ (pbuh) was raised up alive as his people misunderstood that he was claiming divinity.
JEsus Christ(pbuh) was born without the male intervention.
When he was sent to only Jews where come the matter of intercession of him with god.
Moses (pbuh) was thought in the presence of God he was the one with whom god talked directly.
Prophet Muhammad Is The Last And Final Messenger Of God And Quran is the Last testament of Almighty God.
@ford_mts (232)
• India
28 Oct 08
Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) is the last messenger of God and Quran is the last testament of God to humanity.
When JEsus Christ (pbuh)Comes to the earth for second time as he is raised up alive he will not bring any new teaching.He will guide everybody from the holy book Quran.

@hellcord (673)
• Romania
27 Oct 08
Hey, I smoke my holy herbs, I get to the sky, I see there that I should be good and kind to my fellow man. I come down and then I see the hatred, restriction and persecution that YOU PEOPLE spread about.
Let's try some free associations, and just tell me which one of these pairs you're more familiar with. See which pairs fit better in the same picture:
The Quran and an AK 47
The Quran and a sword, or BIG f*cking knife
The Quran and masked men filled with hatred, spreading threats
The Quran and flowers
The Quran and Peace rallies
The Quran and Freedom marches
The Quran and Hate Marches - see Homosexuals, Free Speech, or anything non-islamic
No offense my good man, but you'd best go back to square one and start looking for a decent hobby, not one that causes you to go to social sites and write in ALL CAPS, asking people to submit to your fantasies. Peace:)
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@urbandekay (18278)
27 Oct 08
Yeshua says, "I am the way, the truth and the light, no man comes to the father except through me."
all the best urban
@ford_mts (232)
• India
28 Oct 08
Brother ISlam says not to kill innocent people.If someone kill an innocent it is as though he has killed the whole of humanity.In islam if a girls or boy marry a non-muslim they should not be killed.Where it is in islam that says to kill the people marring non-muslim where do it says to kill innocent?NOWHERE.
A boy or girl should marry a muslim because there will not be danger for the offsprings faith.If someone marries a non-muslim it will be his duty to call the other to islam.If he or she converts to other faith it is their choice.
I ask you brother if someone says wrong or create false propaganda about a religion how come a person knows what is true about a religion keep quiet.Does Freedom of speech mean hurt people.
Pen is mightier than sword.The hurt with pen and speech last longer than the wound made by sword.
• United States
27 Oct 08
you are crazy and have the wrong idea about islam.there are 72 sects of muslim all of them will be in the hellfire except one and they are those who follow the sunnah(ways of prophet muhhamad).now those who speak about are not of the sunnah and they will face allah on the day of judgement for what they should stop watching so much t.v. and pick up a book and find out that islam is about being peaceful and not all fanaties.but with a name like hellcord i think i know who you worship and why you are so affensive towards islam.

@sahyd2don (2942)
• India
28 Oct 08
I Bear witness that Allah is the One true God and Muhammad is his messenger.I request my non muslim brothers and sisters to do their research on islam and then I am 100% shore that they too will say the same thing......
@urbandekay (18278)
28 Oct 08
I have done much research into Islam and do not say the same thing
all the best urban
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
28 Oct 08
I have done about all the research into the Qur'an and the Hadith I can stomach and I am sickened to the very center of my heart. I have never seen such a horrifying collection of instructions on how to live an intolerant life before and I hope I never do again.

@ramangill (1479)
• India
26 Oct 08
it may or may not be true religion,,i dont care.
but please stop your jihad vihad ,,whatever it is.
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@ramangill (1479)
• India
26 Oct 08
yes it is the best religion,,
and behead those who doesnt believe in islam.
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@ramangill (1479)
• India
27 Oct 08
i dont care what islam is,,
i want to live peacefully
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@tulipstrader (1467)
• India
29 Oct 08
Ask allah to submit to my will.
its me who is allah's creator.
without me allah has no existence.
i can change allah's character and design at will.
these vereses are not written in quran. but i read it in some article long ago. the person who wrote it with much clarity. but it is very difficult for the muslims to digest this fact.
true religion is humanity. concern for one another.
before ending let me also say: ask allah to submit to my will.

@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
29 Oct 08
ford again you have your facts wrong. In spite of theists best attempts to include him in their ranks ,Albert Eisenstein was not one of them. Your arguments would work better if you were sure of your facts before you posted them.
@Tynetta746 (264)
• United States
29 Oct 08
Why don't you ask Allah to curse you, since you don't believe in him?

@hafiz_saad (246)
• Malaysia
27 Oct 08
I believe that Allah is the only God in this world and Muhammad is the messenger.Allahuakbar(Allah the almighty).It depends on people to believe for their religion but I think Islam is the truth religion.If we thinking in deep we can see that only one God is exist.If there is a lot of God, the world will become trouble because they will fight with each other to make each decision.That why I choose Islam as my religion because I know only one God is exist and control the world.
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@hafiz_saad (246)
• Malaysia
28 Oct 08
Hellcord,I just want to ask you some question?If you are the God, do you accepting people that follow your religion or other religion?I think you'll get the answer directly by that question and saying no.Allah is the real God and the creator in the world.Why we still alive here and nothing bad happen to us right now whether we are the follower of Islam or not?This is because Allah still giving a chance to us to follow the truth religion which is Islam until we not die.After we die we don't have an opportunity to get back to the truth.All have been finish to us.People that die never wake up and saying that we have made mistaken not choosing Islam.Islam is not only a religion but it is also the way of live.If you think in deep and get more information about Islam you'll get the truth.
@hellcord (673)
• Romania
27 Oct 08
hafiz, I once had a friend from Japan.
And he told me that he was a Buddhist and a Christian. I was surprised: how can one man be both Buddhist and Christian ?
He told me that Buddhism is for this life, and Christianity is for the afterlife.
He also told me that the Buddhist did not mind him going to Church, but the Christian priest was against him going to the Buddhist temple.
From that I understand that Buddhists are indeed more tolerant, a religion of peace.
Now I ask you, If you went to your Mosque and told the Imam that you want to be a Buddhist as well as a Muslim, would he be tolerant ?
Peace :)
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@ford_mts (232)
• India
28 Oct 08
Of course not.When truth has reached how come a person tolerate what is false.
You might now say even christian do say that truth has reached,I reply that to understand the religion we should go to the main source.If you study bible no where in bible says that it is for whole of humanity neither it says Jesus is God.It is from the peoples mouth.
Jesus Christ(pbuh) was sent to Jews and the message which he was given was for that time and it is a landmark that it is corrupted,even christian who study his religion well will agree to this.
Buddhist they tolerate as what Buddha message is neither in its original state nor do Buddha said to worship him. But people do worship.That are followers of Buddha who do wrong.

@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
26 Oct 08
So I chose not to submit. What then? I chose to seek wisdom, not have what I should believe dictated to me. Am I wrong? What happens to me if I do not submit? What happens if I urge others not to submit?

@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
26 Oct 08
You think you are on the right path. I think that I am. The on difference is that I am ready and willing to question my beliefs. I ask questions and do not accept that something is so because someone told me that it is. I will neither die for my beliefs or kill for them. I might be wrong. What about you?

@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
26 Oct 08
I Bear witness that Allah is the One true God and Muhammad is his messenger.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
26 Oct 08
And the Quran also states," you shall have your religion and I shall have mine."
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@ford_mts (232)
• India
26 Oct 08
Allah says in surah kafiroon chapter 109
1. Say: "O disbelievers! 2. I worship not that which you worship. 3 Nor will you worship whom I worship.4.And I shall not worship that which you are worshiping.5. Nor will you worship that which I worship.
6. To you be your religion, and to me my religion.
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@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
26 Oct 08
Brother,I 100 % agree with you.Islam is the only religion which was given to the mankind for the first time and all the prophets of God were sent here to preach the same religion to the people.......No divine religion came with the name of any Prophet.In fact,people who came after Prophets made diversions from this original religion and named them on the names of their Prophets...........
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@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
26 Oct 08
Thanks for responding and sharing your views.You may be right in your arguments but what is the source of your knowledge about all such religions?.....Then you will also ask the same question from me.Dear,we are required to believe in the last divine Book,the Holy Quran.It is the most authenticated and the ultimate source of divine knowledge for the past,present and future.Almost all the prominent Prophets of God wanted to be Muslims and they also wanted that their generations should also become Muslims like them.Here is a supplication of Prophet Abraham and his son Ismail(pbut)in this Holy Book:
(Surah Al-Baqarah-128...........................The Holy Quran)
This is just one example.I can give same views of other Prophets including Jacob,Moses,Joseph,Noah and Jesus (peace be upon them all)They all wanted to be true Muslims and Islam means complete submission to the divine will...........
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@tulipstrader (1467)
• India
23 Sep 09
Firstly, i did not find anything holy in quran and the particular verse. it is more like a mafia boss asking the people in the area under his control to submit and pay him protection money.
how can god favour only a few, when he is the creator of all? quran is highly illogical in that aspect. if he created all as quran claims (or did he create only muslims alone), how islam was given only to arabs, and not to others? so this shows it was the work of a man of total ignorance and No knowledge.
whatever statement you made is out of ignorance. else you would not have depended on what someone had written in some website and quoted the same here.

@tulipstrader (1467)
• India
13 Oct 09
I dont understand why allah is angry most of the time? why does he see everything in terms of muslims and non-muslims? isn't it his duty to help those who have gone astray with kindness and knowledge than with anger? this theme is very common through out quran.
Your quotes DO NOT make any sense.

@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
26 Oct 08
Well in response I have known alot of religions. I know that in the mormon religion they believe in Joseph Smith and say he was the true prophet. No other religion believes in him. Every church that I have come across all say that they are the "TRUE" church. Now who are we to say that a certain religion is true? What I believe is that there was an original belief. But then human took over and all seperated. That is why there are numerous religions out there.

@Tynetta746 (264)
• United States
29 Oct 08
The prophet Muhammad(pbuh) sent letters summoning kings, govenors and chiefs to Islam. 'I send you the summons to accept Islam. If you accept Islam you will be safe, and if you accept Islam God will bring you your reward twofold; but if you turn away you will be guilty of the sin of your followers.'
"O people of the Book, come to a word which is common between us and you, that we should worship only God, not attribute any partner to Him, or take one another as lords apart from God. But it they turn away say, Testify that we are Muslims."
Qu'ran 3:64
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@ford_mts (232)
• India
26 Oct 08
Exactly lisa.
It is clearly in the holy quran in chapter 23 surah al-muminoon
About the topic.
The Religion of all the Prophets is Tawhid(monotheism); and the Warning against splitting into different Groups.
Muslim do believe in gospel and towra but the present towra and gospel are not the one which were given to the prophets.Even if you ask a christian scholar he will say this.You know 32 eminent scholars has worked to remove mistakes from bible.Imagine God's word are rectified by humans.It is open to your eyes that is the men handy work.
You study the religion Inshallah you will get the guidance.
Do not forget that one day we have to meet our lord.

@katb28 (225)
26 Oct 08
but that would very much depend which religion you belive in. i am a born again christian and in my bible jesus says i am the way the truth and he life no man shall come to the father but through me. and john 3v16 says for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that who soever belivath in him shall not perrish but have everlasting life.

@Tynetta746 (264)
• United States
29 Oct 08
God is wary that you associate partners with him and by saying Jesus is the son of God is a grave sin...God is great and has no need to father a son because it is He who is the Creator. All He has to do is say "Be" and it is.
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@ford_mts (232)
• India
28 Oct 08
Even people of moses (pbuh) cannot enter heaven untill and unless they follow moses(pbuh).Even prophet Muhammad(pbuh) said non will enter heaven untill and unless they follow him.Every generation follow their prophet.
And biblical sons of god is one who believe in god.Even in bible it is Adam is son of God,Abraham is son of God.
@Tynetta746 (264)
• United States
29 Oct 08
"Say He is Allah, the One and Only
Allah the Self-Sufficient Master, whom all creatures need
He begetteth Not Nor is He begotten
and there is none like unto Him."
Surah: Al-Ikhlaas
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@LoveForAll (69)
• Canada
31 Oct 08
The word Islam, means submitting to the will of God! The word Islam also has other connotations which can be applied to this verse you are talking about. Islam means peace and submission. In reality what this verse means is whoever submits themself to God, and does acts of goodness and promotes peace, those actions are accepted by God! Its not that you become a muslim, and only then you are accepted by God. That totally contradicts other verses of the Holy Quran! In another verse of the Quran, i don't have the exact reference currently, but it says that jews, christians and other faiths, if they believe in God and do good works, and believe in the hereafter, they shall have no fear, and will be rewarded for their actions. So, your interpretation of the Quran is wrong. Please, delve deeper into the meanings in these beautifull verses of the Holy Quran. Your interpretation doesn't make sense, because there's muslims in this world who are the worst people in the eyes of God. Remember all religions are from the same God, and Islam teaches us to respect all religions and never enforce your religion upon others. We believe in all the prophets, whether its Jesus, Moses, David, Buddah, Krishna.. Any prophet of any religion, we love them and hold them in high regard! Everyone should do the same, it will create an atmosphere of peace and harmony in the world! Just for your information, I am talking in perspective of the Ahmadiyya sect of Islam. Our motto is, Love for All, Hatred for None! And our message is peace! So Salaam (peace) to all!
@hellcord (673)
• Romania
1 Nov 08
Hi, you seem to be well informed of many affairs concerning Islam.
The Ahmadiyya sect sounds like a very sound approach to spiritual development. However surely you must have seen yourself some horrible things committed by Muslims, in the name of Allah. Do you agree that certain sects of Islam are very violent and intolerant in nature ?
Since you are well informed in these things, can you shed some light on the details ? Which sect do you think is most destructive, in your opinion ? Could you say why they are like that ? Did they twist the words of the Quran, or just take the most negative interpretation possible for certain verses ?
Is this something that has less to do with Islam itself, and more with older, pre-Islamic violent traditions from those areas ?
@ford_mts (232)
• India
1 Nov 08
* What you said is - Islam means peace.Yes,of course.Peace acquired by submitting your will to almighty God.Exactly correct.
I never said become muslim you will be accepted by God.A person who submit his will to god he is a muslim.
* About calling muslim.
A person who submit his will to almighty God is called as muslim.
* A person who is successful is said in surah al-asr.who believe,do deeds of righteousness,call people to the truth and patience.
Who the hell I and You are when Allah said he will accept he who believe and work with righteousness and call people to the truth and patience.
* About Quran saying dealing with other religions.
Allah says in quran not to kill innocent,not to attack the worship places of Jews,Christians,etc -Are we thought in madarsas these nonsence concepts?No we are not.You are creating mischief and saying that you have come here to make peace,you are creating mischief in the land.
* About prophets in Islam.
I challenge that in quran there is not a single verse saying Buddha or Krishna as prophets.(I Understood Well Why You said Krishna a prophet-i will tell later in this response.)
* You duff,dumb,blind creating mischief where does Quran says that all religion are of him.Allah says in quran. 3:19 Allah said, asserting that the only religion accepted with Him is Islam.
Allah says in The Holy Quran in chapter 23-al-muminoon. 51. O Messengers! Eat of the Tayyibat and do righteous deeds. Verily, I am Well-Acquainted with what you do.
(52)And verily, this your religion is one religion , and I am your Lord, so have Taqwa.
(53). But they have broken their religion among them into sects, each group rejoicing in what is with it.(54). So, leave them in their error for a time.55. Do they think that in wealth and children with which We prolong them.56. We hasten unto them with good things. Nay, but they perceive not.
You are of liars.You said all religions are one and krishna buddha are prophet inorder to gain goodness from there followers.You take compulsion in religion.Allah said their is no compulsion in religion.You are here to deceive people like hellcord,who are not knowing about your mischief.I started this discussion on the true religion not on Liar Qadiani who say that they are in Islam and follow their own.Where does scriptures say Gulam Qadiani is prophet?where does prophet said?He said Mahdi(a.s) and isa (A.s) will come not Gulam Qadiani.Gulam Qadiani created a great fitna in Muslim Ummah and his habits are adopted by you people of creating mischief and say no no we are creating peace.
If anybody read what you had said and what i made clear you will be caught openly.By saying all religion of allah and krishna buddha are his prophets.You say as though you are having knowledge more than God.
I personelly say to hellcord and those who read this comment that find in quran Allah saying 1) All religions are of ALlah. 2)Krishna and Buddha and like(what is this like Is he GULAM QADIAYANI.) are prophets of God.
You creater of mischief "loveforall"(actually it should be problem for all) historians said Bhuddha and krishna(not Gulam Qadiani) might be prophets of god or posssiblity they might not be too.You adding this inorder to make Gulam Qadiani a prophet.A Liar.Allah said Prophet muhammad is katim-un-nabiyeen in the Beautiful verses of Quran.Did not he?of course he said.
Prophet muhammad said after him whoever says he is prophet of God he is a liar.You go to psychiatrist.You have some mental problem.
Even i will call you to come to the true path.Follow Allah and his Rasool(pbuh).
Where did muslim created terror in the hearts of innocents.Many non-muslims agree this.And you out of human nature here on land to create mischief.When media is portraying Islam wrongly you enjoy.Why won't you enjoy-you will find this time good to insult muslim by calling yourself muslim and creating Dajjali fitna.
Just by word says peace and creating many problems.
Not only in pakistan you all should be condemned everywhere because openly teaching the holy quran wrong.Look in attire a muslim but are of Dajjal.
Brother whoever reads this discussion be careful here a person calling himself a muslim is actually here to create mischief between all.The most highlight here is he said Allah said All religions are of him,(i.e follow any religion).
By Allah if Allah had said this i would have never started this discussion.If he follow quran he would have never said this.
@ford_mts (232)
• India
1 Nov 08
Allah said in quran not to kill innocent people,not to attack the holy places of jew,christians etc..(we muslims follow what we commanded)In muslim madrasas we are not taught of killing and destroying holy places of other religions.)
You said this to mislead other people.How will not you as it is taught by Gulam Qadiani.
I had written this statement again because above written statement on this can be misunderstood as i had not checked well when i posted and could be taken as advantage of this mistake by other.

@cannibal (650)
• India
18 Sep 09
First give me a solid proof that your God exists. And I repeat, solid, concrete proof. Verses from holy books won't ever do. Neither would the terribly idiotic statement that since more than ninety odd percent people of the world are theists, God must exist. Both are not necessarily always correct.
After that, we could move to religion, i.e. Islam. I have got tons of questions lined up, all logical ones.

@ford_mts (232)
• India
19 Sep 09
You are warmly welcomed to ask your Questions brother.Inshallah I will reply to it.
Your Question:First give me a solid proof that Your God exists?
Answer: To give you solid proof of existence of Allah(swt) I will be quoting you verses from the holy Quran in comments one one by.But,also I advice you to see the lectures and debate of Ahmed Deedat and Dr.Zakir Naik like-- Is Quran God's Word?---He has also given lecture on how to tell atheist about existence of Allah.---Quran in the light of science.-there are many many more.
Dear brother,I sincerely advice you to take out some time to watch this videos.At most you too are human,have understanding,can have a good judgment character.You can judge what you should do,because our existence and understanding with which we are endowed with itself make a solid proof that our life has a purpose.What is it?
May Allah guide us on the right path
Thank you
@cannibal (650)
• India
19 Sep 09
You're talking of Zaki Naik and Ahmed Deedat the boneheads?
I have seen Naik and his works many a times. (in videos and irf website) Not impressed in the least. Instead I started pitying the human race that it started calling a dunce like him a scholar!
It amazes me to know limit how people easily believe in this stupid concept of an extra-cosmic, personal and anthropomorphic God. Haven't you ever thought that had it really been the case, the world would be perfect?
Time to grow up, eh?

@Drumman (305)
• United States
16 Oct 09
Well, Chapter 3 Verse 61 says "If anyone argues with you, despite the knowledge you have received, then say, "Let us summon our children and your children, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, then let us invoke GOD's curse upon the liars."
You better get started on that, because a lot of people are arguing with you here.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
3 Nov 08
I did not say that I was "leaving" my life peacefully and loving...I said that I live my life that way. I also did not say that I don't believe in a higher power.And did you just call me a loser? Oh and by the way....I am a woman...not a "brother". My opinion remains the same.
@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
26 Oct 08
"If you feel that you have found absolute truth, rest assured you are mistaken." -- me
@Tynetta746 (264)
• United States
26 Oct 08
When you call someone to Islam and they reject then let them be...for "they will not worship what you worship and nor will you worship what they worship". Islam is a religion that guides you through this life while on earth and on the last day all of the believers will be in the paradise inshallah and the non-believers will be in the hellfire for they rejected Islam and therefore rejected Allah-"Allah there is no GOD but HE, HE begetteth not nor is HE begotten and there is none like unto him".
@hafiz_saad (246)
• Malaysia
27 Oct 08
Yes I'm believe that Allah is the only God in this world and Muhammad is their messenger.AllahuAkbar(Allah Almighty).It depends on people what they believe but as a Muslim I believe in Islam.
@ford_mts (232)
• India
31 Oct 08
Allah said in the holy quran that the only religion acceptable to him is ISlam.i.e Islam means
Peace acquired by submitting will to almighty God.
You said in submitting will to almighty god no problem.Brother if you submit will to almighty Allah you will be called as muslim.It is a definition for muslim.Muslim are not by name,person becomes muslim by God consciousness.
You understood the concept of God well but might not know the meaning of Muslim and Islam, that's why you opposed calling muslim or saying my religion is Islam.