my views on pit bulls
By paulatics
@paulatics (14)
United States
November 7, 2006 5:18am CST
oh my god. i have a tattoo on my arm of my pitty, stella. she was the best thing that ever happened to me, she asved me from so many different forces of evil. she was the best companion i ever had. i was fortunate enough to breed her one time, while i had her, and that was the one thing in my life so far that was actually just pure, life. ginving birth to puppies is the greatest thing ever. helping her take care of them, helping her to understnad that not all of them were going to live.. it was her first litter, so she was alittle confused about the stillborns.. anyhoo.. they arent killers, theyre loving creatures just like cocker spainials.. which are KNOWN to attack children, but nobody hears about that on the news. or dalmations.. they're mean as hell to children as well. bottom line any dog can attack if its provoked. most people that own pitbulls are s***bags, and shouldnt even own a living creature, so you shouldnt be suprised when that dog comes out crazy..
pitbulls have the brain capacity of a five year old child.
if one child was mean, and fought with all the other children in the class, would you blame the child, say, oh well that child must have been born evil, he has no chanc eof being normal, and leaving a life filled with trust and love.
no way, thats insane. you would immediatly ask where is this child living, in whose care is he in, what abuse has he been subjected too, has he been fed adequetly? all these questions to make sure no foul play was amist.. but not for a compainion of someone. somebody mate. somebodies everything.
i knew a guy that had a pit, she was a fighter before he had her, he found her in an alley, half dead, just had puppies, thrown away like a piece of trash. and he found her and saved her life. and they were inseperable. she ate before he did, she slept right next to him, she protected him like he protected her. it was beautiful. but she never could shake that killer instinct. at any second we could all just imagine her going crazy and chomping into someone. she never did though, but she was always right on the brink i rememeber. and then when i brought stella home, all hell broke loose. they were in seperate cages, and grace, the fighter, she about tore through her steal cage, they had to be seperated in two rooms for the frist week, walking them around on leashes, so they never cought sight of eachother. then one day we just opened the doors real queitly, and they both crept out, and sniffed eaachother...
it was awesome, the good behavior lasted about 30 minutes, before they started to play, and we were all on edge because when pit bulls play, pit bulls PLAY, meaning they sound like they're fighting, so we didnt know weather to break them up, or if they were just having fun. they night went smoothly, and they miraculusly got along. mind you gracie, was CRAZY, she tryed to chase cats, and squirrels, and pigeons, other dog, anything... anything moving. so the fac that she was cool with another FEMALE dog... was just mindblowing. they got in a few little tiffs here and htere, but we handled them immediatly and they got to become gal pals.
gracie was put to sleep about a year ago, she got loose out of his grasp, and distroyed a small tea cup something or another, yupppies dog, and there was blood everywhere. there was other circumstances,regaureding the other peopl not holding their dog, i mean i think id go on the other side of the street, if i saw some beat pit coming at me..
so heres to beast pits...
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2 responses
@Trishzen (281)
• United States
7 Nov 06
here here. I'm sick of hearing about pitbulls being a mean breed. owners make dogs mean, no matter what breed it is. by the way, it chiwawas that everyone needs to be worried about! Just wait til' evolution makes them a little bigger.
@ButtrflyDreams (1139)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Thank you so much for posting that...I love Pit Bulls. They are such awesome dogs. I have 4 right now. Well, one is a Pit Bull/Lab. 2 of them are female & 2 of them are male. They all get along great. None of mine have ever been fighting dogs...I've had my 2 females since they were about 6wks. My one male is 12wks right now & my Pit/Lab male was 1 1/2 when I got him, but he was a pampered house dog. LOL They are great dogs...unfortunately they get such a bad rap for really no reason. I'm glad to see that there are people other than me that are trying to shine a positive light on these dogs. I'm tired of them always getting the blame for everything.