Illegal votes
By bdugas
@bdugas (3578)
United States
October 27, 2008 8:26am CST
Does it bother you that even Pennsylvania says this election will be won on illegal votes. 140,000 voter registions alone in Penns that cant be verified. How do we trust that this was a legal and not fixed election.
Coem on now all you Demos and Obama supporters, tell me hwo Obama is playing fair when all the ilegal votes seem to be against his party. This man can't even run a fair race with out cheating the American people then you want him to be president, do you think he is going to do some thing special for you, are you one that thinks there will be a hand out for you, that is why you would vote for him.
It appears to me any one would want this to be a fair election on both sides, someone told me in another discussion that all the ilegal votes are being done by the republicans, funny it is never them that is reported on.
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8 responses
@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
27 Oct 08
First of all, it's voter registration fraud, not voter fraud. For example, Mickey Mouse was registered; nobody can vote as Mickey Mouse unless they have a valid form of ID with Mickey Mouse on it.
Second, why would you think it was Obama's fault? He certainly is not the one registering voters. I hardly think he can be held accountable for what other people are doing, do you?
Fair election? Do you remember the 2000 election? I do. I would hazard to guess that a lot of people do remember; many still think Bush did not "win" that election.
It's not just Democrats who have had problems. Have you not seen the story from California? A link for it is below. It has been "reported on" after all; maybe you just weren't aware of it.,0,3842357.story
I think it is about time that people stopped blaming everything on Barack Obama. Common sense would tell anyone that it isn't Obama who is responsible for what independent companies are doing or not doing while registering voters.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
27 Oct 08
"Second, why would you think it was Obama's fault? "
Maybe Obama was out there canvassing and signing people up lmao
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
27 Oct 08
In Indiana on college campuses their were volunteers who were signing up people who made it quite clear they were not old enough to vote...or could not register...The volunteers signed them up anyhow. This was reported locally on my news. It was volunteers from the Democrats campaigning for Obama...and they were college students who lovely to see we have a new generation we can rely on to be ethical, honest and value freedom of choice. (There is sarcasm there).
NO one is perfect, but if you do not question anything about someone you are a hypocrite. And that is what I have seen from his supporters. For the majority that is. If people can actually state a case on why he would be good for America I can understand and respect their views, but if it is because he has the bigger posters sayng HOPE and CHANGE with nothing defining these words....well it's like signing an agreement without reading the full terms of agreement.
@iriscot (1289)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Let's not let things get out of hand here. When I go in to vote there is always a person there that checks my name with the information in a large book with my personal registration information on it. Now as I understand it they are making people present their drivers license or another valid id card before they can even sign up for the ballot. There are two poll watchers there, one democrat and one republican who can challenge the person's information.
Oh, by the way I just read this news report: The Anchorage Daily News - the largest newspaper in Alaska endorsed Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama Sunday after declaring Gov. Sarah Palin "too risky" to be one step away from the Oval Office.
Not good for the McCain campaign.
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
27 Oct 08
And of course Barack Obama with his entry level resume is the one we want actually IN the heartbeat of the presidency! Idiotic!!
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I am not worried about voter fraud because like you said they have rules, but it's the principal here. No one can enforce either have it or you don't. And my point here was that since these were reported as being college volunteers harrassing and signing people up whether they could or wanted to or not....this is a clear lack of ethics. That is disturbing because in a few short years they will working alongside you and I and possibly making some big decisions that may affect you and I.
Very disturbing.
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Exactly who is saying Pennsylvania will be won on illegal votes? You can deduct those 140,000 votes and it won't make any difference. Obama will probably landslide Philly alone by a 600,000+ votes edge. In Pennsylvania Democratic registration outnumbers Republican registration by about 2 million. Right now Philadelphia and her very populated suburbs are polling heavily for Obama and no Republican has ever been able to squeek by when that happened before. In fact this may be the first time ever that all three suburbs on the Main Line have gone Democrat. (Two for Clinton & Kerry but never all three before)

@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Absolutely. Some of the heaviest population in Pennsylvania in the Southeast where Murtha isn't even known. This has always been a difficult state to poll but when a landslide comes in Philadelphia for a Democrat (it's always a Democrat in Philly) there has to be some wash for those votes in the heavily populated adjoining counties and it's not there this time. Take a look at Governor Rendell. When he ran for his first term nobody even knew who he was in the rest of the state but he was the most popular mayor Philadelphia ever had and he won Philly by 500k votes and swept the adjacent counties. That plus Pittsburgh gave him the governership.

@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
28 Oct 08
My mils friends son is 16, he came home from the mall telling his mom he was going to vote and vote for obama because the people at the mall told him so many good things about him and REGISTERED HIM TO VOTE!! hes 16!!
McCAin even said to Obama, what are you going to do win another 12 yr olds
I agree with McCains opportunity policy more than Obamas share the wealth policy
I want what I have worked hard for to stay in my family, and for my family not share it with those who chose not to work...
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
27 Oct 08
First there were tons of illegal voter registrations. In Ohio, one man was PAID 72 times to register 72 times!!! What the group did was illegal. He supposedly didn't do anything illegal until he tries to vote more than once or tries giving his voter registrarions to someone else to use vote more than once.
And I found an article yesterday that says, "Lawyers for the Obama campaign have written U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey, asking him to delay any investigations of voter fraud until after the election."
Well of course that's what they want.
Here's the link for the story:
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Just what I mean, after the election, does he think that if there is fraud on his side that because he is in the white house they won't take him out. He has this sick attitude that he some how has a right to be president. I am in Ohio and know of the stories that is going around about registering 72 times. I can' imagine putting a man in office that would even have to write a letter to ask for a delay in voter fraud until after an election. show me that he knows what is going to happen but believe they won't do anything about it.
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Does not matter what you say you will always have the demos that refuse to see anything but what they want to see. LIke I said anyone that has to ask that no look into the votes and donations be left till after the election has something to hide. Or he would of said go right on I have nothing to hide.
@aditya540 (328)
• India
28 Oct 08
iam sorry this ill dirt my hand if i speak something wrong,politics are highly inflammable never comment about it he he he
@danrunsfast614 (1396)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Really, voter registration fraud and voter fraud are two very different things. If one signs up Mickey Mouse and it gets past the screenings, it doesn't mean he can vote, unless he shows up with ID on the day verifying he is Mickey Mouse. Does this make it right? Of course not. It is very wrong. But that is not what would influence the election. And I'm not that big a lefty saying this either. While I will probably vote for Obama, I did just vote republican for US Senate in my state, as well as a couple important state seats.
@katrhina23 (1282)
• United States
27 Oct 08
I am surprised that this happens also in the United States since it is computerized and very systematic (I guess). I hope everybody will play fair..