ATF Has Disrupted Skinhead Plot Against Obama!
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
October 27, 2008 5:00pm CST
Here is the very disturbing story as reported by the Associated Press:
The ATF says it has broken up a plot to assassinate Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and shoot or decapitate 102 black people in a Tennessee murder spree.
In court records unsealed Monday, agents said they disrupted plans to rob a gun store and target an unnamed but predominantly African-American high school by two neo-Nazi skinheads.
Daniel Cowart, 20, of Bells, Tenn., and Paul Schlesselman, 18, of West Helena, Ark., were charged Friday with making threats against a presidential candidate, illegal possession of a sawed-off shotgun and conspiracy to rob a gun store, according to MSNBC.
The two men were arrested in Crockett County, Tenn. The MSNBC report said the plot unraveled when one of the men was arrested on other charges and in the course of interviews he revealed plans for the plot.
The pair discussed robbing a gun shop in order to gather weapons and ammunition to use in a "killing spree." According to MSNBC, the defendants allegedly further discussed their killing spree to include targeting a predominately African-American school, and to continue their spree until it culminated with an attempt to assassinate Obama.
I posted the whole article here because it wasn't something where there are just one or two important lines to sum up the whole story. This is just plain horrible but I guess we really shouldn't be surprised. Thank God these two sick young men have been caught and didn't get the opportunity to carry out their deadly plans. It should be mentioned that it's also been reported that officials doubt this plan had gone very far or that the two men would have had the ability to complete it, but it's still horrifying to think there are people who would even think of doing such things!
Any thoughts? Who thinks the divisiveness of this Presidential campaign has helped to spur this type of behavior?
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19 responses
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
27 Oct 08
Annie, this particular plot has nothing to do with deviciveness among parties. It is purely racist hate. The skin heads are a white suprmemacy group, not a wing of the republican party or even it's supporters, they have their own party. while I have been saying I dobted any plot would be successfull, I have also believed there would be a number of plots hatched and busted or foiled by autorities and it would stem from groups like the skin heads.
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@fiona08 (454)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I do think racism is rampant in this campaign. We have all heard people raving about whether Obama is actually a US citizen, because his father is Kenyan,and freak out about his name because it sounds Arabic. I mean, my God, his middle name is HUSSEIN! He has got to be a terrorist! It is ridiculous. And John McCain defending him, not by telling the woman that Muslim and Terrorist are not synonymous even if he were Muslim, but by saying, "Oh no, he is not Muslim, he is a decent, family man." And I have heard more people than I care to count say that they don't think we are "ready for a black president." That statement drips with racism! I am ashamed every time I hear the fear associated with Obama, and perpetuated through ignorant chatter. We have many citizens in this country who are eligible to run for president,and are not white Christians. We, Americans, come in many lovely shades, and believe in many different Gods, and some in no God at all. Neither thing should make us fearful and hateful, and that fear being spread around is definitely partially responsible for the latest stupidity planned by these two racist psychos.
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@fiona08 (454)
• United States
1 Nov 08
I agree Shamsta, any "racism" toward whites is caused from all the very real atrocities that were/are brought upon people of color by white people in this nation. So yeah, there is some bitterness, but who wouldn't be bitter. As white citizens we have never been through anything close to the racism people of color have seen. I took a college course on cultural diversity, and was shocked to see how the majority of white students became completely defensive and wanted to say they too were victims of racism, when we discussed white privilege . Have we ever heard anyone say we weren't ready for a white president? Or heard a plot to kill a candidate because he was white? And some of these same people who go around saying we aren't ready for a black president think it is Ok to say things like, "He'll be assassinated if he makes it in. We are just not ready." If WE'RE not ready, then he won't be elected. If he is elected, then I guess the majority of us are ready. It is completely stupid to me. His ethnicity should have absolutely no bearing on whether he is the right man to lead our nation! The most qualified man or woman, who most closely follows your views should earn your vote. The fact there is so much discussion about his race should tell us we have a long way to go in eliminating racism in this nation.
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@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I too live in the south, and hope they throw
the book at these two idiots!
I don't know how America is ever going to come
together, when the media gets so much joy in
putting out everything that is bad or negative
about both candidates and parties.
One thing I do wonder about too, is that we are
hearing so much about the whites being racists.
H-m-m-m-m - - does that mean there isn't any
racism among the African - American folks?
I have no problem with skin color, and have
friends that are black - hispanic and gay as
well, and we all get along fine.
Every Saturday night a friend of mine and I,
pray for the candidates, the presidency, and
the nation. May God help us to come into some
type of peaceful co-habitation. If not - we
could end up destroying our nation all by
ourselves, and then our enemies can just c'mon
over and take over.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
27 Oct 08
I was just about to post the same discussion with a link to MSN article.
I think this is dreadful but I do not think this is the only attempt that will be made either now or in the future. No wonder Obama has more secret service protection that any other candidate when there are crazies like this around.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
28 Oct 08
It's awful that there is still this stuff going on in the year 2008. I don't think this group of hate is part of right wing group of hate. I don't know though. This has actually left me pretty much speechless.
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@chameleonsdream (1230)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Wouldn't you love to see some real honesty in reporting? This is being run as "ATF has broken up a plot to assassinate Obama". How about running headlines that read "Federal officials arrest pair of cretins for ill-conceived plot to murder 100 blacks, including presidential candidate"? Sensationalism sells. I hate to say it but I wonder if those email exchanges between the two would even have been noticed if they hadn't involved a presidential candidate. Would we be reading about another school or church shot up by a pair of hate-filled creeps?
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
28 Oct 08
That's an excellent point! Tragically, you may be absolutely correct, if there hadn't been a political connection the whole story may have gone unnoticed until something horrible had already happened like another school shooting. You're right about how they choose their words for the headlines also because it wouldn't have even gotten as much attention from the public if they wouldn't have highlighted the threat against Obama. It's like we've come to take murder and mayhem in our strike anymore like it's just another typical news story.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
28 Oct 08
(sadly shaking head) This is just disgusting. Just because those two idiots do not like his skin color they think they have a right to end his life (not to mention all the other innocent people they were planning on murdering). I will never understand this. I may not agree with Obama's stance on the issues but I sure as heck KNOW he has a right to live and be president if he is elected by the american public. I hope they throw the book at these two jerks.
And I just want to say that as a southerner, we are not all racist jerks. When stupid people like them do things like this it just makes us all look bad. They are the reason a lot of people still think all southerners are racist and stupid. The large majority of us aren't. But unfortunatley the few stupid ones get more media attention.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Oct 08
Lil, I sure know you're nothing like that! I hate stereotypes of any type, I don't think they ever ring true because we're all individuals regardless of where we live, what color our skin is, what race or ethnicity we are or any of the many other little boxes some love to stick people into. These two are horrible, monstrous jerks, period!
Hey, we had an American al Qaeda member from right up the road arrested a couple years ago. To prove how inaccurate stereotypes are, his name was Michael Reynolds - pretty All American sounding, right?
@chameleonsdream (1230)
• United States
28 Oct 08
lil, I've lived down south, so I know better. Like everywhere else in the country, there are good, loving people and there are jerks. I've met just as many racists up north as down south - and my introduction to racism was in a northern city. I'll even go further than that - as the daughter of two people who are racist in many ways, and whom I love dearly, there is good and bad in all of us. It's a shame that so much of the hate gets focused on skin color and national origin.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I DESPISE ANYONE WHO IS A MEMBER OF A SKINHEAD OR NEO NAZI ORGANIZATION!!!!! There, I said it. They are a bunch of wusses who want to think they are better than everyone different then they, because they know that they are low class.
I have spent my life fighting against idiots who would seek to physically harm their fellow human being because of race, color, nationality or sexuality. It doesn't surprise me. Obama is half black and therefore, not pure. And he will probably be our next president. If they kill him, they will achieve notoriety(sp). That's their goal. And if they are excecuted, they will become martyrs for the movement. They are terrorists, but they are no better than a street gang thug.
They are wusses, Pus$ies and they have no balls. And I hope they see this, although they won't have the balls to respond, since they have none.
This is not about Obama. It's about a person who doesn't deserve to die just because of his race.
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@Bd200789 (2994)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I'm not saying it was McCain's fault, but if he would have stopped some of the hate-filled talk coming out of his campaign, maybe some of this wouldn't be happening. I'm so glad they were caught before they could carry out the plot.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I guess I was late as I posted a discussion on the same topic and have yet too get responses. I was honestly not surprised that this had come to pass. We all know there are many people in the world and in America that have hatred in their hearts. Simple as that, there are persons who do not want too see this man become the President of this "great country." I understand hating the mans politics but we are talking about snuffing out his life here. The report I watched said that they considered these men a considerable threat. AS if they actually had the power to carry out such a deed? And to kill 88 people, young people at that? What is the world coming to?
This indeed does show us that racism is very much alive not that we didn't already know this. Suppose Barack Obama becomes the next president?
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
28 Oct 08
Annie..its a shame to hear anyone plotting against anyone whether they are any color or running for any office...
Why does people think violence is getting them anywhere?
So Sad...
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
27 Oct 08
It is horrifying but not unexpected considering the campaign of hatred and fear the McCain camp has been runnning. Yes, the divisiveness of this campaign helped to spur this on...just look at this board as a small example. It's acceptable to call Barack Obama supporters be insulting instead of discussing the issues...because the tone has been set by McCain. Pals around with terrorists...socialist...not an American...real Americans (meaning those who support McCain)...Muslim. Have I left any out? Daddy McCain and Mommy Palin have been spoon feeding hatred to the public for months. These men were planning to kill innocent Americans, Americans...something not actively planned to such a degree in how many years? But, it's a coincidence according to the Righteous Right. I don't believe so.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
1 Dec 08
I'm so sorry I hadn't gotten back to respond to this sooner, Spall. I agree with every single word you wrote here. Absolutely, I have no doubt the divisiveness of this campaign has helped to spur this on, these sick people take words spoken at some of the campaign rallies as confirmation of their beliefs.
@SeventyTwo (273)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I just posted a short discussion on this subject and it worries me for obamas well being and the after effects if something should happen to him. I think it's more evil in people that spur this up. The attention brought by these campaigns is probably encouraging though.
@summertymesboutq (146)
• United States
28 Oct 08
It's clearly a racial issue... I am with Obama all the way until he takes his seat in the White House because that's who the next president will be. I am sure of that... he is killing McCain and we all kow it.. the government is only releasing the information to the media that they see fit! Once he wins... I am going to be HAPPY AS I DON'T KNOW WHAT!!!
The skinheads, terrorist and nothing else can stop what GOD has instore for no one. I think those two LITTLE boys were be silly and inconsiderate of other peoples lives. They should get time just as if the killed someone and it will PROBABLY teach their a$$es a lesson!
As everyone should know Obama will not be the first black president but it will be good to see some color added into the White House other than Ms. Rice....I am not a racist by n means but everyone deserves a chance to be who they want to be at the end of the day!
This is just my opinion and anything else is just conversation!
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@big_paparoch (111)
• United States
28 Oct 08
this is bull i dont know why people cant just say hey maybe its time to try something else what we are doing is not working lets get a diffrent point of veiw but NO we are going to try to shoot the black persident nom. this is very very disturbing and i for one am sick to my stomch over this just let the man try to help people he is better that the crap wad we have in the office right now
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
28 Oct 08
It has absolutely nothing to do with the divisiveness of the election Annie. If that were the case then the same issues would be on both sides. These were racist skinheads who have always had the hate that lead to this. It was inevitable that people like them would want to try something like this as soon as a black candidate seemed likely to succeed at being president.
@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
28 Oct 08
This had absolutely nothing to do with politics. These guys were just out to kill black people. They were going to start by going on a killing spree in a predominately black school just to make a statement. Then they were going to try to work their way to Obama or die trying. They mentioned nothing about his political stance. It was all about race for these guys. And unfortunately I saw this coming and I'm sure these two guys won't be the last nut jobs to plot against Obama. I think it's really sad that this sort of pure hate is still being taught. I live in Tennessee and it's very unfortunate that I hear racist remarks all the time even from people that are close to me. Although with that said I will echo what someone posted earlier. Not all southerners are racists. It's just the racists that give us a bad name. I really truly fear for not only Obama but for his family. I really hope that if he does become our president that his security will be ready for any and all assassination attempts.
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@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I saw this on the news this morning as well. It is just plain scary. I am very glad it didn't get too far. We are in the 21st century, I hoped things like this would stop. But I guess it will take more time. I don't think the Presidential campaign had much to do with it. Just the color of the candidates skin. Wonder what they would have come up with if one of the candidates was still a woman? No matter which way you slice it, it's a shame.
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@di1159 (1580)
• United States
28 Oct 08
Leaving the political elements out of it, I think its just a sad, sad reflection of our society when people resort to murder as a means of getting their way. I'm glad this plot was discovered in time, however I am left wondering how many other similar plots are being formed as we speak. I hope there aren't a lot of crazy copy cats out there.
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@Ricardosan (215)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I feel another problem related to race would be the fact that African-Americans will vote for Obama, not because of his merits and policies, but because he is "black". Check polls at Gallup and Time and 100% of all black voters polled say that they will vote for Obama. Hopefully voters will think about the candidates' leadership ability at the ballot box. I mean electronic voting machine.
@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
28 Oct 08
Amen. I couldn't have said it any better.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
1 Dec 08
It's also interesting that some of the same people who have complained incessantly about all the blacks supporting Obama have also said, sometimes in the same discussion right here on myLot, that all women should be supporting Sarah Palin. So many blacks would not be voting another another black person just for that reason if he or she stood for the opposite of what the majority of them believed in any more than many women would vote for someone just because of gender even if they believed that woman was setting them back many decades.