Why would Obama not be a good President?
By Kmarie923
@Kmarie923 (875)
United States
4 responses
@Kmarie923 (875)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I never said I had no reasoning. I don't really agree with McCain either to tell you the truth, but I believe that the United States will do better with him than Obama. Nothing to do with race or political parties.
@tdavis (117)
• United States
28 Oct 08
If the real Obama came forward it would be easier to make a decision. Currently, he associates with extremely radical people and refuses to make a simple complete statement regarding those associations and in most cases, out right lies. Case in point, went to a church for 20 years and had no idea that the leader of the church held such radical views, hard to believe, Opra figured it out quick enough. risko and he buy lots next to each other, Obama pays alot less than Risko, sounds funny to me. Hold his political coming out party at an unrependant terrorists home, and lies about it on national tv. Also the women he claims threw the party said that she had nothing to do with throwing the party, but that it was held at the unrepentant terrorists house. Poor Joe the plumber asks a question and gets raked over the coals because of Obama's answer, he's worried about the people behind Joe and wants to spread the wealth around. Oh an by the way, in an interview in 2001, Obama explained his deep held belief that the supream court should have ruled that the constitution does not prohibit the goverment from redistribution of wealth, an he was extremely clear about this point, much more clear than he has been about anything else. Oh, and let's not forget about Acorn, a group that Obama has had ties with since his community service time, and that he has been directly involved with giving over a million dollars too. And of course the latest, Obama tosting a terrorist in Los Angeles, which was reported on by the LA Times in July of 2007, but no one noticed, or the fact that the LA Times also has a tape of the event abd refuses to release it saying that the story has been concluded. Not to mention the question of his birth and travel to an anti-american, muslim country (I can't remember its name right now) on a passport issued to him from another county, an that one I believe violates US law. I just remembered that an Ohio state computer was used to run checks on Joe which is very unethical and illegal. Oh, and the early voting polls were moved to the same building that Obama was speaking in, to give people the opportunity to cast their vote.
Now with that said, I really don't like Bush or McCain, neither are true to their party. Bush bent over backwards for the Demos when the Repub. had the majority in the legislature. Then once the Dems got the legislature he signed all their bills without a fight. There stand on immigration is let'em in by hook or crook, then give them citizenship for line jumping.
Bottom line, If I wasn't so worried about what the dems would do to this country, I would vote for myself as a write in. I guess i'll have to vote for McCain as a default vote.
@know21 (1250)
• United States
27 Oct 08
In everything from economic policies, to health care reform, to ideas on foreign policy, Obama has the edge over McCain.
Just compare and contrast their positions.
Obama wants to remove troops within the next few years, saving thousands of American lives and billions of taxpayers dollars in the process.
McCain wants to commit forces to the region for decades to come, continuing the drain on the country's defense capabilities and economy.
Obama wants to reverse Bush's deregulation policies that have allowed Big Business to suck our economy dry, and Obama also wants to close the gap between rich and poor by swelling the ranks and prosperity of the middle class.
McCain wants to reinforce Bush's deregulation policies by further removing government control of the country's economic policies, thus widening the gap between rich and poor, and effectively phasing out the middle class.
Obama wants to follow the example of many other successful First World countries in making it the job of the government to provide free, quality health care for all of its citizens.
McCain wants to make Americans pay taxes on their health insurance, without address the growing problem of American citizens who cannot afford health insurance, and so, do not have access to quality health care.