should cellular phones be banned in schools?

October 28, 2008 12:50am CST
what do u it really needed to ban cellular phones in should be considered as the purest place for study alone and then what is the need for a student to use mobile phones during study hours?this question may be genuine..but aren't they against the rights of kids by not allowing the cellular phones..
4 responses
@Jezebella (1446)
• United States
31 Oct 08
Yes cell phones should be banned in school hours. They are in school for a reason to learn and be taught, but if they have their cell phones texting each other how can they be paying attention and it's distracting to some of the other kids. I hated it when my classmates were texting in college.
• India
31 Oct 08
Yes, cell phones should be banned in school. The other day i saw my nephew talking bogus with his classmate. Its no practical use giving these small kids cell phones. If urgent they can call from the school telephones. Personally, i think they should not be exposed to cell phone radiation at such young age. Also using different cell phones would trigger a unhealthy competition among them.
• India
28 Oct 08
Yes!!!!! I can tell you that cell phones don't belongs in the class rooms. A student with a cell phone is an uninterested student, one with a short attention span who cares most about socializing den education. wen i was teaching all too often i turned from writing something on the black board to find students text-messaging or otherwise playing with deir phones. Come the end of the term, A handful of student would fail the class N far too many would drop out of school.The onus for failure shud be placed on distraction in the class room, specifically cell phones. Parents thinks of cell phones as connection to deir children in an emergency but i wonder wat the last situation was dat genuinely called for an immigrate phone call to a child. In most cases contacting the hospital or the police would seem more urgent And parents can always call the schools main office to reach their children. cell phones are status symbol for teenagers because when their phone rings while the teacher is talking, everyone laughs. Because playing video games on their cell makes them look cool. Because text messaging their friend in the next room is more fun than learning about topic sentences. So is listening to the new three6 mafia songs they just downloaded onto their cell.
@cristis12 (125)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I had a cell phone in school its a good thing you can call your mom or dad or siblings on your break but it should only be used at appropriate times!