Assassination plot; is anyone surprised?
By shamsta19
@shamsta19 (3224)
United States
October 28, 2008 1:53am CST
I wasn't even surprised to hear that this had happened. Now we have skinheads plotting to kill Barack Obama? I was actually wondering if there were going to actually be any attempts on this mans life. Racism is very much alive in the United States and abroad for that matter.
The ugly thing about it is it's one thing to disagree with a mans politics, or oppose him being President, but now we are talking about snuffing out a life here. Should the Barack Camp be worried beyond this threat? Do you think the man will make it into office? Is this going to be a continuing thing during his campaign?
I am appalled at this behavior and thinking on this. It is truly a shame that there are people in the world who still are this narrow minded. What do you think of all this? How should team Obama have reacted? Do you think they did react accordingly? Let me hear it. I need to know.
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11 responses
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
29 Nov 08
Ya know they had not really mentioned it on the news here. I'm not shocked I imagine there are alot of people who are PO'd that not only was Obama nominated but won the elections.
I think there are just too many folks running around with hate for someone they don't really even know. And that goes for everyday people, not just public figures.
Let the man do the job we elected him to do. Turn this country right side up and that's one heck of a job he has ahead of him. Hopefully he'll not only go down in history for being the first non-white president but for turning this country around and make us the powerhouse we truly are.

@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
30 Nov 08
He's already started assembling his cabinet and starting on his policy changes. Just like you said I hope he can follow thru on his promises and not let the policies that have ran us down hill since 9/11 continue to deteriorate our economy and values.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
1 Dec 08
I truly hope he sticks to his word and doesn't become another run-of-the-mill politician!
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
30 Nov 08
Amen to that! I certainly hope he doesn't just get comfortable with his position and do exactly what has been done in the past. It is now time for him to prove his words are more than just talk. I do hope he can bring a much needed change to America. The assassination plot took place a month before he was elected. It wasn't even certain then if he had secured his win as president at that point. I believe this was not the first "attempt" but it was the first one deemed serious enough to act upon.
Anyway thanks for posting and stay informed.

@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
28 Oct 08
I am not at all surprised.
I am Canadian and obviously can not vote for Obama but I would vote for him if I were an American.
I have spoken to a few of my friends and family about this same issue and many of them said they would vote for Obama as well. We also feel that there will be some sort of attempt on the mans life before long. That is truly disgusting to me. Who cares what race he is as long as he can do the right thing for the people of the country.
Grow up people. We all put our pants on one leg at a time. We are all the same under the skin.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
29 Oct 08
I truly believe there are those who are casting a vote for Obama on the basis that he is Black alone. I have to say this is a factor for me but I am impressed with his demeanor and his political views. His call for change is precisely what is needed to stir up our government and I think many fear that.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
9 Nov 08
Especially when you have cynics in the media pumping our heads with nonsense like he is a terrorist!!
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
9 Nov 08
That is true. People can be afraid of change though as well. 

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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
2 Dec 08
Well considering how the media made Obama a demigod and how that he is against much of what America stands for, I am not surprised. Mind you I hope that he is removed by legal means, i.e. finding out that he is really not a U.S. born citizen because I believe two wrongs do not make a right. It is not about racism that people who oppose Obama, in fact, it was racism that got him elected. They wanted a black president and it did not matter to him that he is the most far left of any democrat and come January, he will make sure to remove every protection that ensured that some states are pro life, and pro family, allow illegal immigrants more rights, etc. The trouble is this would have been unnecessary for there are other African Americans or part black candidates who would have made a better choice as president. Unfortunately there are only two major parties in the States, the Democrats and the Republicans and the others were third party candidates.
So if you want a black president, first check the morals and what they will do, not just the financial things, but their morality first. You did not, and you got Obama.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
3 Dec 08
suspenseful are you still going on with that? I hope he does everything right just so you can stop the nonsense. I do not believe just because he is Black, he will be the greatest thing that ever happened to American politics but he hasn't even gotten into office yet man. You are still going off of the paranoia and ignoring facts here. If he was not a citizen, he wouldn't be our 44th president! End of story. So what if he is pro choice? So am I, though I oppose abortion. Who said it was right to force the decision of abortion on anyone else? I thought this was a free country. Even I feel abortion is immoral but to each his own. He also has a cabinet of politicians and the two other branches of government to hold him in check.
This country was built by immigrants or did you forget that. How is giving any liberties to illegals hurting you at all? Is he still a terrorist too? I mean come on already! Racism got a Black candidate elected? You say it isn't about race but every time we are talking about these things you say some pretty ignorant things that make me wonder where you stand sometime.
At the same time when you say he,"is the most far left of any democrat.." I welcome that as no politician has been perfect in the past, Republican or Democrat. Some of us do feel it is time for radical change in our government. I wouldn't have voted for the man if he had the McCain plan, just because he was Black, as I feel many people have. I respected his character and his politics. How can he do worse than our current president. We are in a recession remember or is that Obamas fault as well?
Yeah we got Obama and by we I mean all of us, you included my friend. Let's just see if things are going to be as bad as you say.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
3 Dec 08
And mamaafrica THANK YOU for those heartfelt words, I could not have said it better myself. There isn't really any question about it and the average white American has yet and will never understand that! It's not about the white man being evil, but the majority of our white politicians since the inception of this country have been evil (and some of the Black ones as well). Of course we are rejoicing in the fact we have a black family in the White House, much like America celebrated its independence from England and elected George Washington as president. I am sure they celebrated as well. This is our first President who has not been white, and how, in a country so ethnically diverse, is that even right? White people don't even make up the majority of the population in America so why should there even be a white man in office? I have no problem with white people in general but it is just ridiculous when you think about it?

@Simoneetah (420)
• Canada
28 Oct 08
Hi Shamsta. I haven't responded to any of your posts but have read a lot of your posts. You are very articulate...a breath of fresh air. I am Canadian and do my best not to follow American politics but that doesn't seem to work out since my parents live on CNN. You'd think they'd pay attention to our own election.
Anyways, I am not surprised that this has taken place. I think the Barak camp should be worried. Barak should be too. However I think this is something that he and his family have spoken about. Their safety. A black man for president is HUGE!!! And there are a lot of people who don't want to see that happen. This will continue throughout the campaign, when/if he becomes president and maybe even beyond that. This saddened me to the core and had me deep in thought this morning just thinking about all those who still have so much hatred. I've been fortunate enough to have only experience racism once (the n word) to which my friend and I promptly dealt with this kids case on the play ground. I still don't understand it.
So to make sure I answered all your questions...Should they be worried? yes. Do I think he'll make it into office? I think so. Is this going to continue during the campaign? Yes. I'm surprised nothing was attempted already. What do I think of all this? I think people need to accept change. Nothing stays the same. Evolution is necessary for the revitalization life. I also think this is all nauseating. This is the longest election I've been forced to bare witness too. I want to throw up on myself. SNOW ALREADY so we can talk about something else. How should team Obama react and did they react accordingly? I don't know. I'll get the 411 from my parents CN and N tonight.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
28 Oct 08
Thank you for reading my posts. I do try to use this site as a forum of for adequate literary skills as well. I aim to please!
I fear I was a bit emotional with this post and though I believe I got my point across, I could have done more with it. The topic is out there and I appreciate the response.
I too grow bored with this campaign rhetoric. It is a shame what has become of this political race. And the whole fiasco has no one focused on our current President and our governments current policies that are being initiated. In short, George W. can do dirt while no one is paying attention!!
And who knows how many attempts have been made at this mans life? How do we know someone isn't plotting right now? When I asked above if I thought he'd make it to office, I really meant would he survive, as I already believe he's won the election. I hope he is around in January to be inducted into office. A Black man for president, even I am taken aback!!!
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
28 Oct 08
And I do appreciate you reading my posts and I'd like to encourage you to respond more, I promise you'd make more money if nothing else. And I don't bite.

@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
1 Nov 08
What surprises me is that there's been no mention of the 4-5 people that they arrested in Denver during the Democratic convention for plotting to kill Obama then.
I'm sure he has received threats from day one. I do know that while most people don't ask for secret service until March of the year of the election, Obama requested it and has had it since the beginning of his campaign.
May I be frank? The church that Obama attended for 20 years promoted racism. I didn't realize that there was something called
The various churches I've attended - in the north and south - have never once done that. A real Christian church would recognize that Jesus loves us all equally. The church I've attended taught that.
There will always be some weird hermit rednecks in the hills. There will always be a few skinhead types. But for the most part white people have grown to love their black neighbors.
Put two very young children together in a room, and they'll play together without any thought to race or color or even gender often times. They're just two kids playing. Children are taught to look at people differently, if not at home, then by their peers, by teachers, and by leaders in the community.
It appears to me that black leaders don't want us to be united. They don't want us to be able to live together. And it appears that those same African-American leaders want to tell their communities how bad everything that people will rely on them to lead and fix things - whether they are preachers or politicians. Or, in some cases, both.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
1 Nov 08
Is this in fact racism? I keep stressing to non Black people you can't understand the feelings in the Black community. What some call racism others may label as empowerment. The black man in America has been under the rule of the White minority since this countries inception. Has everyone forgot about Slavery? The Civil Rights Struggle? While we are in 2008, the psychological effects have trickled down from generation to generation. Whenever a Black person stands up to address these issues someone wants to step in a label them racist.
I am not going to speak up for Rev Wright as I really don't know his doctrine, but I know of people like him and at least they are addressing some things that are being neglected among the Black community. Unlike our leaders now who don't even bother to mention there is a problem. I know for the most part the majority of white America isn't racist, but many are completely unaware of the problems that have been created due to the actions of their ancestors. Slavery broke down some of the common traits we had acquired as a people and we were reinvented so to speak, in order to better suit our captors. You must realize 400-500 years later this STILL has an impact on the psyche of our nation today. I am talking about things that are deeply sewn into the fabric of our existence. The attitude of superiority/inferiority. The images we hold up as true beauty. The things we hold in regard. Our family values. Our history. Our religion. And there is no going back to Africa, we are a people with no real home. Maybe this is difficult to grasp or you think I am rambling but it is fact!!
Why are rims and diamonds so important to us when we are the poorest in this nation per ca pita? Why do we eat the way we do? ( a perfect example!!!! You know the slave was fed the worst parts of the animals. Pigs feet and chitterlings, ears, tails, neckbones, etc.. You'd think these are regular parts of Black peoples diet nowadays but we were not eating these filthy animals prior to our introduction into slavery!!) Why is the Black family so torn apart now?
(There is a Biblical quote that pertains here. A woman had come to Jesus and was possessed by a demon. Jesus refused to heal her saying," It was not mete to pass the bread meant for his children unto the dogs." I know that I am mixing up the wording but the jest of this is that even Jesus practiced some sort of favoritism. This woman was an Edomite I think. I am not quite sure but I remember the verse. It is in the Bible!!)
Ones interpretation of things can be different than another's I guess is my point here. And I am not saying you or anyone else doesn't know what is going on but one can never really know what is going on in the Black community unless they are of he Black community.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
9 Nov 08
And did you catch Rev Wright the other day? He was explaining how the media took SO much of what he says out of content and how they tried to use him to bring Obama down? He said he never even though Obama was in much of agreement with his doctrine and explained how this often occurs in any church where one might not agree with everything their Reverend might say.
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
1 Nov 08
hmmm. There's a blank in one sentence. It should read:
The church that Obama attended for 20 years promoted racism. I didn't realize that there was something called black liberation theology.
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@glords (2614)
• United States
1 Dec 08
I hadn't heard that there had been any direct threat, although I am also not surprised. It is sad how vocal the racists in this country are. The only peace of mind that we have is that the Racists are the minority. I think that was proven by the vote. Now lets just hope that the majority can prevent these nuts from doing anything awful.

@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
1 Dec 08
The event I am talking about happened well before he got into office. It was thwarted by the FBI and he has been elected our 44th President. I was watching the news today and Obama has built a strong security team as well as a political one.

@sid556 (30953)
• United States
1 Dec 08
Well, h e's made it into office and yes, I think he should be concerned. I have seen so many racists come out of the closet during this election!! People that I really had so much respect for and I thought they were above such narrow minded thinking. Guess not. I guess I was naive in thinking that the racism issue was pretty much resolved back in the 70's.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
1 Dec 08
I think racism will exist in some form no matter what. As long as we are people and have differnet cultures there will be misconceptions about each other. It is when we get hateful is where it gets ugly and that is what we need to avoid.
@samijo719 (1052)
• United States
28 Oct 08
Ya know the sad thing is that it DOESN'T surprise me. That's how bad things in this world have gotten. I just think people are so hateful/racist that it was almost expected. And I don't think it will end there. It's sad to say it. But there are still so many close minded, judgemental people in the world. And weather or not I am voting for him, agree with him etc. that is still no reason try and take a persons life. I think that everyone has the right to live and have their own opinion. You'd think after as far as so many other things have come in our country that race would be a long gone issue by now...what a shame!
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
28 Oct 08
That's what I am saying and it's a shame to say so but I am not surprised at all!!! I think persons of all creeds and political alliance are quietly talking about this, or have been. We've all sat around the table or watched the debates and hoped no harm comes to this man. Why he might not be the savior of modern politics, THE TIME IS PAST DUE FOR GOVERNMENT REFORM! I feel Obama represents at least a beginning to that change regardless what he accomplishes in office. And that is alone more than enough reason to vote for him.
@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
28 Oct 08
In this day and age you would have thought we had advanced beyond such hatred. But there are some people in this world, that can not accept change and they react violently to anything that disturbs their status quo. And I know some who also hated Hillary, so who knows what may have happened if she were the candidate.
It is very sad, to me I do not look at color, race, gender or religion when I vote. Most people who are running for offices have good intentions and are decent people, but some focus on one little issue and go nuts. I sometimes wonder if there is something in the water making us all crazy.
After all we are all humans last time I looked.

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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
29 Oct 08
I think some of us are still not looking.
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@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
28 Oct 08
Unfortunately, I am not surprised. I have mentioned this to friends while talking about the campaign. Everyone would say, that I was speaking negatively. I felt as though I was telling it like it is.
I find it so disturbing that people have to have such negative reactions about Obama.
Black Americans have always fell under the leadership of whites, all I can say is What's the problem that a Black man may become the leader?
I pray for the safety of him and his family now and always.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
29 Oct 08
Excellent point. Why can't a black man be president? What would be so wrong with that? I see there are those who do not feel this way. It's not like I didn't know this but when this type of attitude rears its ugly head, it's shameful to see. In 2008 no doubt!
On the other hand, with all of the negative propaganda out there in reference to Barack Obama, it's no wonder people have these types of feelings. I heard this man was a terrorist!! Now really? Would a terrorist be running for public office?
@bellamommy (192)
• United States
3 Dec 08
From what I've heard, there have been several threats on his life before he even won the election. Some people are extremists. I hope he has a heavy amount of protection.
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