AGE does/doesnt matter when it comes to LOVE?

October 28, 2008 5:01am CST
Do you think that AGE does matter or doesnt matter when it comes to LOVE? Some are saying,"When it comes to LOVE....age doesnt matter" as long as they love the person. others,they dont believe and they dont accept that phrase. for guys, they choose younger than them and for girls older than them or vice versa.. What about you guys... Share your views and opinions Happy mylotting to all!
8 responses
• Pakistan
28 Oct 08
hi grace i think that and i heard that love is blind. and the from the above sentence it is prove that love have no boundries either age or wealth or anything else. i think that age doesn't matter in love( if you are in real love then) thanks for the nice topic ( MAHAL ) Prince Sad
• Qatar
28 Oct 08
Hi there Prince yes u r rite.....without boundaries in any aspect hhmm! and you know what "MAHAL" is? hahhaha Thanks and regards... Grace
• Qatar
28 Oct 08
well...hahhaha squeeze his head so that he will tell you the rite meaning....joke! lolz you can be my "KUYA" or i can be your "ATE".... Kuya Prince lolz hehehe
• Pakistan
28 Oct 08
hhhhhhmmmmmm i don't know but shazy told me that Mahal is called (sister) in your language. that is why i called you mahal. Am i did Wrong ????? Prince Sad
@subha12 (18441)
• India
29 Oct 08
It varies from person to some cases people think Love is much important to do away with the constrain of age. in some cases i think age does matter. if you fall in love with some, age is not something that should be a constraiunt
• Qatar
29 Oct 08
Thanks for sharing happy mylotting
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I figure if they are happy and love each other it doesn't matter what others think or how they feel it can make no difference if they love each other love has no age barrier or limits. Age doesn't matter.
• Qatar
29 Oct 08
yes absolutely! as long as they love each other they can adjust in any situation whatever their age gap THanks Mtdewgurl Happy mylotting
@syankee525 (6261)
• United States
28 Oct 08
i really see when it comes to age. it shouldn't matter but there is alway problmes with age different. say if the female is way younger then the male. he will often think she's not able to think on her own. he might act more like a father figure. and its the same if the male is younger then the female. i'm talking like 20 to 36. or 20 to 40 something or older
• Qatar
29 Oct 08
yes there is some problems with age different but as you get to know the person both of you can adjust in any situation.... THanks syankee525
• Philippines
28 Oct 08
in my case, i really don't care how old my boyfriend is as long as i love him. it's stupid to stop yourself from loving someone and eventually end up getting hurt just because you think he/she is too old/young for you.
• Qatar
28 Oct 08
yes as I dont really care about the age... as long as I love the guy... in love., there is no boundaries, all is fair! thanks marshiemallows Happy mylotting
• Philippines
28 Oct 08
Having different ages is difficult but doable. For as long as both parties are consenting adults, it should be alright for them to have a relationship. A big age gap has its own pros and cons and for as long as the couple is aware of all these then it is fine.
• Qatar
28 Oct 08
Thanks for sharing Happy mylotting
@n30wing (4767)
• Philippines
28 Oct 08
Well I respect any opinions about this matter. But I think when you love someone, nothing will change, love doesn't have boudaries, love is not asking in return, and love is not selfish and unkind. No matter if it's older then you or younger then you as long as you love each other. Good night!
• Qatar
28 Oct 08
I do respect others opinion and belief in this kind of situation. U said it well n30wing Thanks Grace
@egdcltd (12059)
28 Oct 08
Age matters if you think it matters. If you don't. it doesn't - within reason, of course.
• Qatar
28 Oct 08
thanks for your thoughts. Happy mylotting