GuY wiTh girLFriEnd =D
By akirawaffa
@akirawaffa (8)
October 28, 2008 6:37am CST
wHat sHouLd yOu do iF sOmeoNe yOu Like a whoLe Lot For a prEtty Long tiMe, hAs a girLFriEnd? yEt, hE LikEs yOu bAck evEn mOre thAn hEr aNd aLso sAys thAt wHen hE's wiTh hEr, hE FeELs nOthiNg buT wHen hE's wiTh mE, hE FeeLs soMethiNg thEre evErytiMe.. i dOnt wAnt tO givE up! BUT wHat shOuLd i dO? iM sO coNFusEd! hOw dO i kNow iF hE's teLLing tHe tRuTh iF hE's stiLL wiTh hEr?
4 responses
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
28 Oct 08
You know what, if he really likes you, then he will break up with her girlfriend. My advise to you is don't mingle with a committed person. Be patient first, wait until the guy you like is not committed anymore. He should prove what he told you that he likes you more than her girlfriend. Because it is also possible that he is just saying that to hook you more, but he is not really serious. He might be a playboy. He might have more than 1 girlfriend. Don't be number 2, wait until he becomes available. Just be careful. Don't easily trust what he is saying, he should prove it first. Well, I hope you get what I am saying. Have a nice day! =)
@akirawaffa (8)
• Philippines
28 Oct 08
thAnk yOu For yOur aDvicE.. it couLd heLp me aLot! yEs i gEt iT.. i rEaLizEd the sAyiNgs: "ActiOns spEak LoudEr thAn wOrds", riGht? i'LL hAve tO wAit untiL hE pRovEs it.. buT wHat iF, hE dOesN't Like me For reaL? untiL wHen wiLL i gONna wAit? iTs diFFicuLt For mE tO acCept it cOz i LikE thE guY sO Much.. BUT im nOt suRe iF its jusT aN iNFatuAtiOn or wHat! mAybe i oNLy admiRe hiM or im just aTTractEd tO hiM.. arrgh! i SHOULD kNow hiM mOre beFore i tRust hiM! i ThiNk i nEed tO bE mOre cAreFuL.. i shOuLd FoLLow wHat yOu hAve sAid: i wOnt tRust easiLy tO wHat hE is sAying, hE must pRove it First! =] thAnks aLot mArk! ^___^
@markmoney (2868)
• Philippines
28 Oct 08
Yes, actions really speak louder that words. And it is easier said than done. Uhmm.. in case he don't really likes you for real, then it will be a hard decision for you. One choice is, yes you can be with him but since he don't loves you, it's like you're just borrowing him from his girlfriend. And your dignity will get down. And you will just end up crying when he left you. You can get temporary happiness but ended up crying. Another choice is to help yourself to forget him and find another guy since he don't loves you. It's really hard but I know you can do it, it's for your own sake. There's a lot of better guys out there and I'm sure you will meet better guys around, just open your heart. Free yourself from that guy. But if you want to wait for him forever, it's up to you, but I think you will get more of a negative result based on the situation. Well, study the situation. Good luck to you. Hope my response give your problem a little light. Take care always! =)
@akirawaffa (8)
• Philippines
28 Oct 08
OUCH! it wiLL reaLLy hurt my FeeLiNgs iF iN cAse hE dOesn't LovE me.. oh weLL, iF i cAn FeeL thAt hE reaLLy dOesN't LovE me, i dOnt hAve aNy cHoice BUT tO givE up! yOu're riGht, iF i cOntiNue this stuPid FeeLings, i mighT eNdEd up cRyiNg aNd i dOnt wAnt thAt tO hapPen! i sHouLd mOve On.. i wOn't sticK aNd ForcE myseLF tO hiM.. i cAn't pLeasE hiM tO sTay wiTh mE aNd Leave hEr girLFriEnd cOz im suRe thAt hE's nOt evEn sEriOus tO me.. hE's jusT a wAste oF tiMe aNd eFFOrt, right?! i WONT wait For hiM FOREVER unLess hE pRovEs iT tHat he LovEs mE.. =] thAnks agAin For yOur aNothEr cOmMent.. hAve a NicE dAy mArk! =]

@merphius (225)
• Philippines
28 Oct 08
We'll maybe boys are really boys. We rather speak much or vice versa in any kind of situations. If he says i like ur eyes means he wants to kiss u or if he says I love you in a short period of time knowing each other means he wants to take you to bed. It's what they act or do than what they say that really counts. We boys can take out other womens cloth just by looking to them, so be care nurse. hehehe. Happy mylotting. Aja!
@aidenofthetower (1814)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I must say...I would just drop him. It is hard to do since you like him. But he has a girlfriend. He is with her. He is telling you he wants to be with you, but not breaking up with her. Additionally, if he is willing to do that to her, then he will be willing to do that to you. He will talk with other women (maybe even do more) behind your back as well. He doesn't sound like a one woman kind of guy and that will only get you hurt, one way or another.
@akirawaffa (8)
• Philippines
28 Oct 08
so, yOu wEre sayiNg hE's a pLaybOy.. hE is nOt a sEriOus tyPe oF guy, riGht? OMG! wHy aM i FaLLing to a guY wHo is nOt riGht For mE! aNywAys, thAnks aLso For yOur cOmMent.. i sHouLd put tHAt oN my miNd! For nOw, iM gOnNa mAke disTaNce.. =]
@marshiemallows (1010)
• Philippines
30 Oct 08
i think your situation is very hard to deal with especially because you have to consider how the other girl would feel. i think you shouldn't risk being with this guy because you have been somehow a witness of his unfaithfulness. just try to put yourself in the other girl's shoes and think about how possible it is that he will be doing exactly the same thing to you.