wOrk as a NursE or as a busiNesswOmAn?
By akirawaffa
@akirawaffa (8)
October 28, 2008 10:57am CST
hi pEepz! iM a nEwLy rEgisTerEd nuRse.. i pAssEd thE nUrsiNg bOard exAm Last juNe'08! buT sAd tO sAy, untiL now i stiLL did nOt appLy a wOrk as a vOLuntEer nUrse iN aNy hOspitaL.. iTs bEcAuse my dAd wOn't aLLow mE tO wOrk unLess my LicEnse is aLrEady givEn.. my LicEnse riGht nOw is stiLL oN pRocEss aNd it wiLL bE reLease 5 mOnths or moRe aFter rEgistrAtiOn! imAgine? im jObLess For 5 mOnths or mORe? i dOnt Like cOz my othEr batcH aLrEady wOrked iN a hOspitaL aNd sOme oF thEm tOok IELTS aNd thEy Are FiLing thEir pApers For NCLEX! i aLso wAnt to appLy For an NCLEX exAm FiRst but stiLL my dAd wOnt aLLow me.. grRrr! riGht nOw, iM tEmpoRary heLpiNg my dAd iN ouR FamiLy busiNess whiLe wAitiNg For my LicEnse.. i reaLLy dOnt Like cOz My dAd wiLL aLwAys gEt aNgRy.. hE's a hOt-tEmpEred pErsOn! evEry misTake, he wiLL shOut aT me iNFront oF mAny pEopLe.. i FeeL so asHame, i dOnt hAve aNy chOice but tO go to CR aNd cRy.. haLLer? humAn as wE aRe, wE're nOt pErFect! wE commit mistAkes! AND im nOt iNto busiNess, thAt's wHy i dOnt Like wOrkiNg wiTh hiM! wHat sHouLd i dO??! :{
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