what ghost stories or urban legends have you heard/read about?

October 28, 2008 11:29am CST
Time to set the spooky mood now that Halloween is near. Back when I was a kid, my grandma would usually tell me stories of ghosts and supernatural creatures. The story I remember most was about the white lady who hails buses and taxis during wee hours of the night. There's this place in a town a few kilometers from our city which this story took place. Bus drivers have also had different stories of their experiences and encounters with the ghostly kind. The most spine-tingling story I heard was from the bus driver who actually let this lady in white ride the bus. It was a midnight trip around 12:30 am and he saw from a distance a long-haired woman with a white dress. Thinking this was another passenger, he let the woman ride in the bus. The woman took the third seat behind the driver's seat. Just about a few minutes of the ride, the woman wanted to stop over near a large balete tree next to a blind curve. The driver refused and said it was an awkward stopping area and he'll have to stop beyond the curve. The woman still went for the door. Annoyed by the woman's persistence, the driver told told the woman to wait a while because he will open up the side door for her. Just when he was about to push the button for the door to open, the woman who was standing near the door disappeared. Baffled, he stopped the bus to see where the woman had left off. There was no one on the road and the side door was still locked. Spooky isn't it? How about you guys? Have you ever heard of any ghost stories or urban legends?
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5 responses
@rainmark (4302)
28 Oct 08
Wheeww, that's scary, you make my hair standing up lolz! Well actually, speaking of horror and scary stories my auncle is expert of that and he is naughty too. Every night my auncle always told us a story, a scary story, back in the year that we are in Philippines, living in the 2 hectares cornfeld land, and our hosue is in the middle of the cornfield and the nieghboors are kilometers away. During at night, he has different stories to told us. The one that i never forget is. The story of the old woman and the two men. Where heard about the old woman living in the hut in the middle of the forest alone and they know that she got a gold ring. One day they knocked the door and the woman open it, they asked for the glass of water then the old woman gave them a glass of water then the two men saw the big gold ring. Then on the night, the two men plan to steal it. They went to the house and killed the old woman and they tried to take the ring from his finger then no choice they cut the finger to take the ring. AFter a couple of nights, there's someone knocked the door of the two men. When they open it, there's an old woman standing behind the door adn asked for the water. When they give her a water, they notice that her finger is missing, they asked them who cut her fingers? then the old woman replied "YOU". lolz. Then my auncle switch off the light hahaha and we are all ended up running to our parents and granny lolz. Happy posting.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
28 Oct 08
hahaha. Nice story. If I were a kid right now, I would have peed on my pants with that story (",). Thank you very much for sharing. Happy Halloween.
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@pehpot (4762)
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
I love hearing urban legends and scary stories, well me and my friends also love talking about it and once we shared really scary stories that we got so scared and we all shout well I don't have any peculiar experience before and can't seem to remember one tonight, I just wonder why this stories are being hyped when November 1 came, ha ha so much for commercialization!
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
29 Oct 08
Well I used to live with my roommate in a house where during the winter months you could hear someone running from one part of the house to another. Never passed my bedroom door though, and it would start in the middle of the kitchen. My grandmother said that she was sitting inside a house ( I don't remember whose she said) when she saw her uncle floating up in a motorcycle jacket and chains and whom talked to her. Other then that, I am not sure of any other spooks.
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• United States
28 Oct 08
Around here, our favorite ghost tale is the Maco Ghost Light, or better known as The Story of Joe Baldwin. Legend has it that long ago, Joe, a train engineer was working a late night shift on the train when he noticed that there was another train on the tracks headed straight for his train! No matter how he signaled, the other train's engineer never acknowledged his signals and the two trains collided, beheading poor Joe Baldwin. They say today, if you go out to the train tracks in Maco, you can still see Joel Baldwin shining his lantern to and fro searching for his head!!
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• United States
2 Apr 09
This one's supposed to be a true story.I read it in a book called Hell House.It's very creepy. This guy was a farmer (I don't remember names well so I'm calling him A,lol) long ago.I cant remember what happened but something happened to the king at the time.They accused him and locked him up in their dungeons. The king went on a trip and forgot to give the handlers the key to his cell.Wich was the only one.By the time he remembered he was already done with the trip.When he got home he reluctantly went to A's cell.When he went in he saw A's body with the hands and feet chewed off. After that he heard the sounds of A screaming in his cell and yelling for food. A few years later a woman (I think she was a maid) revealed that A was the son of another maid and was also the illegitmate child of the king. That's not the exact way the story was told.But,A) I didn't want to copyright and B)I have a very sucky memory,lol.