Have you ever been in a car accident?
By katsmeow1213
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
United States
October 28, 2008 3:38pm CST
How bad was it? Was it your fault or the other person's, or perhaps some other reason?
I've been in a couple accidents, some were my fault.
The worst was back in 2000, I was driving my husband's pick up truck, and it was snowy and icy out. Luckily I was alone and did not have my son with me. I skidded on some ice and could not get control of the vehicle. I ended up slamming into the guard rails and then was hit by an oncoming car. The driver of the other car was okay, she just banged her elbow. I was also okay, although I've suffered neck problems ever since. Luckily nothing too serious.
Tell me of your car accidents.
Even if you've never been in one, I'd like to know.
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24 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
28 Oct 08
Yes I did just a couple of weeks ago, i was doing a U turn when a guy on a bike slammed into me, it was horrible i had never been in an accident before, but i had to admit to fault as I was doing a U turn I should have seen him but i just did not see him, it is strange how everything goes in slow motion at these times because it did...
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
29 Oct 08
I hope the guy on the bike was okay. And you too of course, did it do any damage to your car?
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@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
29 Oct 08
I have been in a few. Almost all of them were my fathers fault. Even been in a head on collision while he was driving. Which left me with a dislocated kneecap, A scar under my left eye, and a hairline fracture to my clavicle( collar bone). That was the last time I voluntarily got into a car with him. that was 1984. I have had knee problems ever since. And when I raise my left hand my collar bone pops. Sounds like yours was pretty scary. Glad you were ok.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
29 Oct 08
Men aren't really as safe drivers as women are. I've noticed that when riding with my husband. He's better when the kids are in the car, but if it's just me and him, watch out!
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
That's some accident there. Whew..
As for me, the only car accident I've been into (well I hope it would be the last though) was when I was in High School. We were driving home for lunch one morning, when suddenly, the tire of the on coming car broke loose and turned directly to us, our driver was able to slow down and eventually stop but the tire just ran directly us and it bumped over the front portion of the SUV and then bounced off to one person walking on the sidewalk!
The driver of the other car was okay, he didn't suffer anything serious since he wasn't really driving too fast. He was actually on his way to the automotive center to get a part of his vehicle fixed. Our SUV was ok too, except for minor bumps. As for the person, he was just shocked for a while and insisted that we pay for the broken radio he was carrying.
Come to think about it, it wasn't our fault because we couldn't stop the tire from running toward us, right? Anyhow, nothing I can do then. Nothing I can do now.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
29 Oct 08
Luckily that was nothing major. The guy with the radio sounds like a jerk, he should just be thankful he wasn't hurt.
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I have only been in one accident. My Mother was driving and we had been to town. A drunk driver came flying around a corner and hit us as she went to turn left. A bus driver saw the accident and told the police what happened. It only ruined my Mother's car on the passenger side where it hit us. That was in the late 50's when you didn't have seat belts. It threw me over into my mother who was driving, but we weren't hurt.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
29 Oct 08
That must have been scary considering you were just a child. I was never in an accident as a child, and only once have I had any of my kids with me.
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
29 Oct 08
I wasn't a young child. I was more of a young teenager. I usually went with Mother when she went to town. That day we had gone to see her brother and his wife who lived only a few blocks from where the guy hit us. It really didn't scare me. I was just glad neither of us was hurt.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
29 Oct 08
I've been in a few none were my fault and I was never hurt, neither were the other people in the other vehicles. My mom hit a deer once when I was with her. My ex-boyfriend was making a turn and thought he had time to get through the intersection before the oncoming traffic got to the light and got hit by an oncoming car. Totally his fault. I was siting at a red light when a car turning from another direction slide on the wet roads and went over the median and hit the car in front of me and then hit me. Totalled my car but no-one was hurt.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
29 Oct 08
It's good you were never hurt. I hope I'm done with accidents now, I've had enough, lol.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
29 Oct 08
yes, i was in a car accident about 20 plus years ago. i was crossing the street and got hit by a car, flew off the windshield and landed on my knees. i now have no cartlidge in my knees which makes it very difficult to get around and work. i am on sick leave at the moment and hope to go back to work with diminished duties.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
29 Oct 08
You're lucky you're still alive, that could have been so much worse.
@zeroflashx2 (2491)
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
When I started driving when I was 17, I started to bring the car to school. I really love driving I tend to experiment a lot. One day, it was a rainy day and on my way to school, a speeding car moved in front of me and stopped abruptly. I had no time to react and I hit its back. Since then, I am more careful and the latest one I had was last December 2007, where I was clipped hard from behind and I skid a bit. I've been thinking since then that even though I am careful enough, other drivers may not be and may still involve me in an accident. There are some other more minor ones such as bumper to bumpers. Just take care and drive safely. 

@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
29 Oct 08
We can't be responsable for other drivers, just do our best to be safe.
@gemini_rose (16264)
29 Oct 08
No, I am very fortunate in that I can say that I have not been involved in a car accident. I hate travelling on the motorway in a car, people do not take much care on the motorway and with all the lorries it becomes really dangerous.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
29 Oct 08
None of my accidents have ever been on a highway or thruway. I see some occasionally, but most are on regular city streets.
@samijo719 (1052)
• United States
29 Oct 08
I was in a car accident about a month after I got my license. I was driving down a road and going to get into the left turn lane. I looked over my shoulder to see if it was clear and the person in front of me slammed on there brakes. I hit them. I was in my moms explorer so there wasn't much damgage to her car but the other car was badly messed up. Thankfully all parties were okay. My injury from the accident occured talking to the police. I was walking to get my paper work and tripped over a boulder cutting my foot open really badly. lol Ironic huh? Anyways it was really frustrating to learn the reason the guy slammed on his brake was to talk to a friend in the next lane!!! Smart huh?! I was so mad.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
29 Oct 08
My first accident was also not long after I got my license, a month or so. I had bad brakes on my car but didn't know it, and I rear ended an older couple. Everyone was fine and mine was the only car with real damage.
@redkathy (3374)
• United States
29 Oct 08
I've been in a few car accidents but the worst ever was a motorcycle accident. I spent 13 hours in surgery, some days in ICU and then a few weeks more in a regular hospital room. To this day I don't remember the accident itself. I was a mess. Major injuries and an out of body experience to boot! Imagine I had a two year old at home and mom & dad didn't come home for a long time.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
29 Oct 08
Wow, how awful. Well it's just a good thing you didn't have the baby with you, not that you would on a motorcycle.. but some people are that stupid. Glad everything turned out allright, that also could have been much worse.
@rainnie (48)
• China
29 Oct 08
I have been in car accident few weeks ago,which is the first time it happened in my life.It was a bad day that day,and kept a downpour.My younger brother and i had something to do in a hurry,so we drove out the car which was lend by my consin.By the way,my brother obtained driver card only few months ago.how heavy the rain is!we almost saw outside from the car window nothing.i was so fear of the situation,but we could do nothing,except going straight slowly on the road.As a result ,it also couldn't aviod the accident."pang"another car was striked by mine,but it was lucky,nobody was hurt.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
29 Oct 08
If I feel it's not safe enough to drive, because the rain is so heavy, I will pull over for a little while until it lets up. It's always better to be safe than sorry.
@ginnypetree (267)
• United States
29 Oct 08
Yes, a semi came into my lane. I seen him coming over and was like what the hell is this guy doing!! He proceeded to come into my lane so I was run off the road into the median. So thank god, I wasnt hurt the only damage done was my freakin nerves! But could've been alot worse.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
29 Oct 08
Luckily you had time to react. The median isn't nearly as damaging as a semi.
@Apai1471 (41)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 08
I experienced a few car accidents in my life, and the wort one was way back in my teeange days, during christmas time somewhere in the Year 1992. My 2 friends and myself were on the way back from visiting a friend's house and cruising on the 2 lane road and as I was about to overtook the car in front of me (a small pickup truck), the pickup truck suddenly slowed down and wanted to turn into a small road on the right without giving his signal lights. Panic was the word that described my feeling at that moment and my car ended up hitting 1 tree near the roadside.
Luckily, all of us escaped any bodily injuries. What made us all mad was that the driver of the pickup truck said that it was my fault. We were brought to the nearest police station for some "interrogation" by the police but in the end, nothing happened to us. The cse was settled out of court by my father and the pickup driver, where I guessed the driver had to pay my father for the damages.
All of us were scolded by our respective parents. My father didn't say much but I knew, deep inside him, I had hurt his feelings. After that incident, I was never invoved in any accident again, touch wood.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
29 Oct 08
You are lucky that nobody was hurt and that you haven't been in an accident since. Stay safe.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
28 Oct 08
I've never been in an accident thank goodness. (knock on wood) I don't even think I've ever been in a real close call. I'm glad you weren't hurt seriously. My friend was in a car accident on the way to our graduation ceremony. Scared the heck out of me. She walked out of it fine, but she flipped her car on her roof. She had been doing too much and fell asleep while driving. I hope that I'm never in a car accident.
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
29 Oct 08
First accident I was driving down the street doing 80km/h and with the road conditions it was icy out but didn't seem to have any problem until I started coming out of the turn I slammed up into the median and then rolled off into the ditch. I banged my arm pretty bad and turned out that I broke it.
A few years later was driving with my mom and aunt. I'm in the back seat and driving down the road. When a car t-boned us on the driver side. Our car smashed into a pole and another car that was driving behind us. The seat came out from underneath me and I smashed my knee into the middle console. Turned out I had to get knee surgury from the damages.
In 2006 I was coming home from my fiances. Driving on the highway doing 120km/h I hit a patch of black ice. I swerved and regained control but to come out and hit another patch of black ice. I couldn't regain control from this one. I slammed into the ditch hard and rolled my truck 4 times. I am still fighting with a horrible back injury that has left me disabled.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
29 Oct 08
Ice can be a hazardous thing. I'm sorry to hear about your injury, but at least you are still alive.
@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
29 Oct 08
Hi ,
That sounds scary and im glad it wasnt too bad , could of been alot worse , ya know . I was in one accident when i was a little girl around the age of 5 . My dad was teaching my mom how to drive in a grave yard (ya i know) and well she was doing great and all the sudden she went crazy and hit the gas , speed and we rammed into a tree . dad was fine , mom was bruised pretty bad , and me well i broke my nose . it was scary and a stupid , careless thing that happened . my mom never leanrt how to drive from that and to this day uses that as a reason.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
29 Oct 08
That must have been scary for you. I ended up in a ditch while I was learning to drive, but never had a real accident until after I got my license.
@luiscpatag (355)
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
i had a car accident about 9 years ago.. i hit the rear of a car while i was on my way home.. it was a slight bump.. i guess i was running very fast and too close.. my brakes fail to stop immediately.. nobody got hurt except for my wallet.. although i have car insurance, i still have to pay usd800 for some fees..
@Anchopy (1453)
• Paraguay
29 Oct 08
Hi katsmeow, I think that the last car accident that I've be into was in 1998 with my fathers van.. I father crash another car taking the open door and a woman at the door that didn't realize that my father was comming in the opposite direction.. Luckily we all were ok about that accident and my father didn't kill that moron women (that didn't know when to open her door) by making a maneuver to advoid her..
@liz_2008 (40)
• United States
29 Oct 08
Yes i was in a little accident i was crazy i got high with a friend and two guys we went to turn on a bypass and when we did i barely saw the blue lights and i yealled stop it was to late and we wrecked into a police car that was flying and on his way to a shooting noone got hurt but the driver went to jail for no license he got out the next day but now i get so cautious when my mom gets close to other cars