hi acne suffress

me on my 21st  - me on my 21st with no make up on theres loads of acne
@lisa45 (87)
October 28, 2008 6:12pm CST
hi to everyone out there who has acne i have it its horrible and i hate it and feel for anyone who is the same situation i would like to learn of any tips anyone as got for getting rid of it or cleaning it up faster ive used t tree oil from the body shop thats good for anyone with mild skin acne its about 12pound for the set we can throw tips around and hopefully combat our acne.
4 responses
@peedielyn (1207)
• United States
29 Oct 08
I know you probably have heard it all. I found out that if you use a mild cleanser--and yes, Dawn dishwashing liquid can be used, that it clears up. I accidentally found out because I got poison ivy recently and had to use it to get the poison oils out. 3 days later I was clear. And I have the acne that hides under the skin, making my face red and sore and then it erupts. The other thing is to get as much air and sunlight on the face as possible. My dermatologist told me that I could continue using Dawn--it has to be dawn--and go tanning about 5 minutes everyday or 10 every other day. It helps dry out the skin and tone it. I also used Proactiv, but I found out that you have to use it all the time. I thought after it cleared my skin I could stop using it and a week later it was worse than ever. Keep your face clean, but don't scrub. Wash with a cleanser in the evening, and then just a clean damp cloth when you get up. Another drying technique is the paste--toothpaste. It does quick fixes and it doesn't smell bad! Hope this helps honey, I definatly know what you are going through. Please keep me posted on your progress. These are inexpensive ways to do it. If it gets worse call the derm and get an anti-inflamatory (motrin) and an antibiotic just for this. Best of luck!!
@lisa45 (87)
29 Oct 08
thankyou peedielyn 377 some good info there ill defintley be checking them out reall liquid though i never knew that illtake your advice and see if they work out for me i think its one of those things though it is the individuals skin so how certsin tricks act is dependent on the person ow well we can only try ill keep you informed about my progree happy halloween for fri
@peedielyn (1207)
• United States
29 Oct 08
Thank you and happy halloween to you too. Remember the commercial "Dawn takes the grease out of your way". This is how we knew it would take the poison ivy oil off our skin. It dries the pores out. Best of luck to you!!
• United States
1 Nov 08
whoa whoa, peedieyln.... Dawn dishwashing soap clears acne!?!?!? I've never heard that before, ever!!! How well/fast does it work!!??! Is it safe, what are some of the side effects it can have!? Thank you for this tip! :D I am willing to try anything! I haven't been able to clear up my acne in years! No matter what i try!
• United States
1 Nov 08
Hey Lisa :) One thing that seemed to work for me was a honey/aloe vera mask. You can either put an equal amount of each in the mix, or a little more honey. But after you make the mask, keep it on for 30 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. And then after it is all washed off, you should spalsh some cold water on your face to tighten the pores up a little bit. Do the honey/vera mask about 2 times a week, 30 minutes each time. You can also try sleeping with the mask on, but obvisouly that can be very messy and uncomfortable!!
• United States
2 Nov 08
Yeah I don't like wearing stuff to bed either, with the exception of Aloe Vera (no honey). Aloe Vera really helps soften the skin, and if I lay on my back for a little bit while I'm still awake it seems to dry a little bit so I don't worry so much about getting it on the sheets or anything. Plus it isn't as sticky and uncomfortable as honey, it is actually really light and hardly noticable.
@lisa45 (87)
1 Nov 08
our thankyou lilyofthe3298 that sounds like it would work ill buy the products and give them a try all though i dont think ill be wearing the mask in bed ive tried putting toothpaste on my face before and tried sleeping with it on but its always uncomftoable but thanks for the advice i appreciate it have a lovely day and feel free to respond to my other diccusions it would be great to hear you input
@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
31 Oct 08
I've tried the Body SHop's tea tree oil products as well and though it provided temporary relief, it wasn't enough. I really got clear skin thanks to Proactiv. I used the line for three years or so before I finally stopped. When I stopped, my acne came back. I've been trying out different new products and so far only Benzac wash has worked for me. Aside from a good facial cleanser, you should also exercise and get enough sleep for your skin to look healthy. :)
• Malaysia
30 Oct 08
hai lisa... no kidding, i am also suffering from the acne on my face. my solution is i clean my face with warm water everymorning and using Himalaya product for my skin care. It works well on my face. U get the details on internet about himalaya product, it's make from herbal. U can try it..no harm