The Saddest Wrong Number Call I had EVER had to Return
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
United States
October 28, 2008 9:31pm CST
i dont answer calls i dont reconize the number from and so when i saw i had a message after a call i dialed up to see what it was and it was horrible!!
"hi suzy, this is judy. i am so sorry to hear what happen to peggy..." and then it goes on to be a sobbing and awful mix of those uncomfortable words that you feel like you have to say but know they wont comfort anyone.. anyways.. i have been having horrible feelings like something bad was going to happen to some one i know family wise and my moms nickname is judy and i have an aunt peggy so it was BIZARRE to say the LEAST!!
i returned the ladies call.. thank god i got her voicemail since i hate talking to people i dont knwo on the phone lol.. anyways i told her that she had gotten the wrong number and that i was sorry.. i just couldnt NOT return it and have her think that her friend suzy was mad or hurt also.. i couldnt imagine how horrible that would have been on her!!
it was like one of those moments where your emotionally touched by a stranger and you almost wished you had known them so you could make them feel better.. but of course it all comes down to that you dont know them and that there is really not even a reason that you should have ever known about the whole thing..
whats the weirdest wrong number you have ever gotten?
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18 responses
@jamesgrub (673)
• United States
29 Oct 08
aw that is really sad and that would have been bad if she would have thought her friend was mad at her. i use to get wrong numbers all the time but the weirdest was this elderly lady and she always called my number by mistake and one time she called and was like "ricky you better get your butt here right now" and my names james. i had to stop her yelling and tell her she had the wrong number. it was so funny.
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
29 Oct 08
omg i had that!! there was this lady that was calling to track down her grand daughter.. she was convinced i was her or knew her!! i was like no im not ____... i dont know her... i cant give her a message because i dont know her.. etc etc.. this went on for 15 minutes and i finally was like "SURE i will tell her if i ever see her or know her" then hung up.. she kept calling but i figured out her number and avoided it like the plague.. what was so stupid is that my name was on my voicemail so umm DUH its NOT her phone!!
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@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
29 Oct 08
When someone called asked for someone with my name and it wasn't me they wanted. My favorite calls to get, and this is a little off topic, is when the military calls to talk to my youngest bro to see if he wants to join the army. We explain he can't talk, he is none verbal, and even if you could he has downs and autism. There all oh i am sorry blah blah blah, but then they call AGAIN!!! All together it has happened about 10 times. And better yet he is now getting calls from bill collectors, now how on earth does he have a bill somewhere???? He never has to pay for anything.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
29 Oct 08
probably some one doing those calls to fish for info on some one so they say they are a bill collector in hopes you will "pay over the phone"
@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
30 Oct 08
I would agree if I didn't know before hand that its a legit collection agency.
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
29 Oct 08
Oh, that is so sad!!! I'm so glad that you returned the call, and for your sake, that you got the lady's voice mail. Atleast she knew that her words didn't disappear and that her friend wasn't mad at her, and you managed to avoid a more uncomfortable situation. I hope things turn out alright for her.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
29 Oct 08

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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
29 Oct 08
How Sad Moonlit.. think someone laid all this out to someone and got the wrong are such a sweetie to call back and tell her what happened..
I've never had something like that except when i had a house phone, I'd get a phone call from a jail someone wanted to call someone and if you answer then you are paying a charge for them, so i never answered..they probably thought the person wanted them to stay in jail..

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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
29 Oct 08
i know i have had some jail calls too but i wasnt about to pay for the charges to tell them it was a wrong number haha
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@mercuryman3a (2477)
• India
29 Oct 08
Not al wrng numbers are actually so wrong that you can not hear them out, but some are painful. The situation you talk of is reaily painful to avoid.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
29 Oct 08
yeah.. i think i have one of those numbers that everyone gives out as a fake or something because i get calls for EVERYONE under the sun!! makes me wonder if the woman miss dialed or if she hadnt talked to her friend in years since we have had the phone number for years now
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
29 Oct 08
its one of those things you never think about happening.. you always figure if you dial the wrong number and leave a message it will only be the stupid ones that get lost.. such an serious one to get was bizarre..
@annettenasser (2992)
• Kuwait
29 Oct 08
I had my weidiest wrong number. i was the one to call and im trying to call my bank for balance inquiry and i was alone that time with my friend baby. i put speaker so that we can watch the baby even im doing my balance inquirt with the phone, but to my shocked action i almost run or shout. There was a weird voice from with in and its like not in the bank,,,its not yet ringging...a ghost or a lost soul?
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
30 Oct 08
oooohhh that reminds me of when i was a little kid and had this toy phone that i was playing with.. i picked it up and was playing like i was calling some one and when i said hello i heard a "hello" said right back to me.. it scared the heck out of me!! i was too young to watch horror movies to get any ideas on ghosts or anything (was raised to not believe in them anyways) so its not like i was having my imagination go wild.. it was so scary.. of course if i hadnt been the kid i would have written it off as a million things but the voice was weird like your mystery voice so i would think if i was gonna imagine it it wouldnt have been so freaky mechanical sounding.. ah well.
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
29 Oct 08
Well hopefully judy got everything straightened out. My strangest wrong number was while i was at work. I worked as tech support for a dsl company and this elderly lady called up and started telling me her bill was too high. I told her she needed to call our billing dept and preceded to give her the number. She then asked me if I was with the water company. (I almost laughed but held it in) "No mam, Im sorry you have the dsl tech support" Then she said "Oh well can you give me their number?" I said No mam we dont have that info here. She kept insisting I find the number so I finally asked "what city and state do you live in?" She told me and I went online and looked it up for her. Gave her the number , then she said Cant YOU connect me I am blind" So, I put her on hold dilaed the number then transferred her over. I didnt have to but I thought it was the nice thing to do. I dont know if she ever got her bill fixed or not but at least I got her to the RIGHT person. (I HOPE) lol
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
30 Oct 08
omg i had gotten my phone number changed once and it had been an old hotel number and i was getting people wanting rooms all the time.. some of them were rude enough to ask if i could look up the number for them!! im like uhhh your calling me.. for yourself.. interrupting everything i have going on and im suppose to drop everything and look up a hotel for you?? (i had no idea what hotel they were talking about as is.. must have gone under or something)
@p1kef1sh (45681)
29 Oct 08
That's a very sad story. So here's a more cheerful one. I used to have an elderly aunt who was very eccentric. One day her phone rang and a woman asked if she could speak to "Flossie". "She's drunk", my aunt replied. "What? Again!" came the reply. "Well I'm phoning from Australia and this call has cost me a fortune so I'll talk to you instead." They chatted for about 10 minutes! It was a wrong number of course. LOL.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
30 Oct 08
LOL well i guess she figured she might as well get her moneys worth haha
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
30 Oct 08
That's really sad
. I've never gotten a phone call that bad, but I DID receive one before that was a lady and a little boy or girl singing happy birthday! The call happened NEAR my birthday and my friend's birthday, pretty much right inbetween both of our birthdays. The caller was asking for Lisa but the call went to my number. It confused me, I thought maybe they were trying to call her but called me. NOW I think it was just a wrong number that came at the right time. It was pretty cute.

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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
30 Oct 08
well if i dont know the number i always let it go to voicemail but this lady left that long sad message so i had to do something.. it took me a few minutes to get my gut up to do it though lol
@jaymezroolz (231)
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
Hi moonlitmagikchild. the post was really sad, and weird. I also had received a weird phonecall before. There was this guy who incessantly called our home phone one night and always asked for a certain Mr. Alvarez. I told him this is the wrong number he's calling but he insisted that it's the right one. I let the phone hang for about an hour. He called again about 3 hours after I put the phone back properly and still asked for the same person I told him to stop calling or else I'll report this incidence to the cops and I have his caller ID (I was just bluffing that time but it worked). The weird phonecall stopped after that.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
30 Oct 08
funny how some people wont believe they have the wrong number.. like you wouldnt know who you are!!
@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
30 Oct 08
You are such a nice person for taking the trouble to return that call as most people would just ignore it. Cheers to you!
So far, I do not have any weird wrong number case but I did get lots of annoying wrong number case.
One of them is when this girl kept on calling my number thinking that my number belongs to a guy that she knew. I kept on telling her that she has got the wrong number and she kept on telling me that I am lying and I am trying to hide that person away from her. She would call many times in a day and that lasted for a few weeks. She would even get other people to call on her behalf and all of them thought that I was lying but finally it had stopped.
The other annoying called was when my phone number had almost the same last digit with a bus company. mine last 4 digit is 2076 and the bus company's last 5 digit was 20762. If the caller forgot to dial the right prefix, the phone will just dial up to 2076 and the call would be coming to my cellphone. Especially during school holidays or festive seasons, I would have to answer lots of those calls from people trying to buy bus tickets and I had to explain to them how to dial correctly to get to the bus company. That went on for a few years but now I think the bus company is already using a different number.
Well, those are my two most annoying wrong number cases. Cheers!
@taripres (1499)
• United States
30 Oct 08
OK, it was nothing like that! When I was younger, I received a call from a chick looking for some dude! I don't remember if I had caller ID or not, but anyway, I told her it was the wrong number, she said ok and hung up. The phone rings again and it was her, she asked my name, I tells her, she says I have a sexy voice, I say thank u! We talked for awhile and she wanted to go out, we never did, but that was the weirdest wrong number call I've ever gotten!
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
30 Oct 08
that is weird!! makes you wonder what kind of person she was.. i mean if she was cool and it was just a freak of nature thing or if she was scary lonely or something lol
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
30 Oct 08
yeah it was hard to do but it would have been worse all around if i hadnt
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Oct 08
hi moonlitmagikchild I got one wrong number that I
was so glad was not the right number. this man w ent on and on about how angry he was at someone named May and was really
'abusive to the point that I thought about calling the police'and telling them about it, but all I had was a strange man who called himself Paul talking to someone he thought was May somebody. So I just c alled the number, got a womans voice mail and told her that a Paul had c alled a May on myanswering machine and that was definitley a wrong number. then I deleted it before it worried me anymore. Now I am curious to know if the woman was May or not May. She had just used her married Name Mrs. Sitvers. so I will never know about Paul who was furious with May.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
29 Oct 08
had a soap opera going on on your phone there lol
@deathvans (301)
• Philippines
29 Oct 08
hhmmn.. do you think that's coincidence? The same that you know? And the same name that she know..? Hmmn.. That's creepy if it is a coincidence.. whew... ahm, nothing ever happened to me like that.. wish that it will not happen.. hehe..
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
29 Oct 08
thats what worries me.. because i had that horrible feeling something bad was gonna happen and then all the names matching but i forgot/over slept and didnt get to call my mom to check up and see if anything happen to my relative peggy.. i figure no news is good news 

@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
29 Oct 08
That's sad but it's great that you called back to let them know. I really wish that people would listen to the voice mail greeting before leaving a message. Ours says 'hi, you've reached my name and the fiance's name, please leave a message'. But we still get messages for other people. For a while we had people calling for someone else telling us that someone had just had a baby and a whole bunch of other stuff. You would think that when no one called back the first time and that since some strange name was on the greeting they would put two and two together. We have also got calls from law firms and collection agency for the last FIVE years for the person who had our number before us. I usually call those back and tell them to get our # off their file. I guess they don't listen to the greeting or know how to check the white pages either.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
30 Oct 08
i guess they figure the people are staying with other people or something because i always wondered the same thing