I Just Got Caught LOL

@yuna15 (2706)
October 30, 2008 6:38pm CST
I think a few of my friends here know that I access the internet at work. Err. Here's what happened, I usually just stay here in my station during my lunch time. I got like 8 minutes left till I login again so I left for a while to buy myself some donuts in our canteen. When I got back my computer station was logged off by a supervisor. I did not lock my station so that they can see that I only have a few minutes left (they needed the station for other agents who does not have a station). My mistake was, I did not turn off my proxy server (the one I use to have access to the internet since outside sites are blocked). I was told not to use it. But then here I am posting another discussion haha. If I get caught again they might suspend for like 5 days? I don't mind at all I really need a vacation from work. Anyway Christmas is coming and we are going to receive our 13th Month Pay.
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40 responses
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
31 Oct 08
A 13th month pay? What is that? And good luck this time not getting caught.
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
31 Oct 08
13th month pay is bonus for us employees here in the Philippines every end of the year. It's government mandated. I will receive another month of my salary in December. So my money is going to be doubled december not to mention our Income Tax Return at the end of the month of December.
1 person likes this
• United States
31 Oct 08
whoa you get a full months salary every year like that?! talk about awesome! damn, wish we had that!
1 person likes this
• United States
3 Nov 08
yes. that s how they do it in the philippines. i was actually surprised why there is nothing like that in the US :P that's why christmas holidays for working people are always exciting because of that.
@GardenGerty (160242)
• United States
31 Oct 08
I do not know what 13th month pay is. I would worry if I thought I would be suspended from work. Right now we need all the money we can get. I imagine they will be checking up on you more often now since you have been caught. I hope you are okay.
@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
31 Oct 08
13th Month Pay is mandated by our company. It is usually paid during December. It's actually extra money for us. So it's like we get paid twice for the month of December. I don't think they will check up on me because we have different stations all the time and I just did something to my screen so that they want catch me again. Hehe
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@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
31 Oct 08
lol well my manager is over 300 miles away from me so I'm not too worried and also they don't block most sites here. PS did you see my discussion about IP anonymizers, sounds like that's what you're doing. lol
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
31 Oct 08
I haven't seen that but it's kinda like that just from the sound of it. The name of the program is Freedom.
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@carinio98 (2929)
• Philippines
31 Oct 08
that a bad story indeed. hope your doing fine in your work there yuna...
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
31 Oct 08
I'm doing just fine. I'm still having fun while posting. I just hid my toolbar so that they won't see my freedom icon.
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@carinio98 (2929)
• Philippines
31 Oct 08
2 people like this
• Philippines
31 Oct 08
hahaha, lesson learned! good luck, dear! just do your work well and I'm sure they'll eventually forgive you for it. Take care
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
31 Oct 08
I actually have always been forgiven. My direct supervisor sees me every time he just ignores me. Just warns be about the other people who might see me especially the big bosses. I do my work well even if I do this that's why he just ignores me. He just tells me to be careful.
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@hildas (3031)
31 Oct 08
Hope you do not get caught on the internet. My friend got sacked for going on Bebo during her break. You might get a permanent vacation, so be really careful on there during work. I am so glad your country gets a 13th month pay, that is excellent. At christmas my husband gets a cake and a fruit loaf as he works in a UK bakery. How mean is that. Scroodge would not come close here. Well take care and enjoy your extra pay. You deserve it.
@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
31 Oct 08
Actually I'm overly conscious when somebody walks at my back I feel like there is always somebody there who will catch me. . Well I just need to be more careful next time. Thank you so much for your response!
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
31 Oct 08
That is a little oops. I guess it happens to alot of people. Mylot is addicting. Even if you are at work. Hope you don't get caught again.
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
1 Nov 08
LOL. Thanks! I was really careless. I'll be sure to be more careful next time.
@kdhartford (1151)
• United States
31 Oct 08
Well I don't know if I would risk it. But...a 5 day vacation might be worth it!
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Oct 08
hi yuna sorry you got caught. just dont goof up enought you lose your job. jobs here in the USA are hard to find these d ays. Your 13th month pay sounds interesting and must help with christmas coming. that will be very nice for you. happy m mylotting yuna. hugs from hatley.
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
31 Oct 08
Yup I'm really excited! I think they'll be paying it in early December. I'm going to buy a Master Bed for our room since we don't have it yet. Don't worry I'll be sure to take care of my job and be careful next time of course. Hihi. Thanks for the response hatley!
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@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
31 Oct 08
Well I guess you better start being careful about what you do, but then again you said you could use a vacation..lol. Oh well, at least you still have Mylot to get you by in the meantime.......Have a good day
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
3 Nov 08
I will! I need to hide it carefully next time. I'll be sure to exit my proxy server before I leave my station. Hahaha
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
31 Oct 08
There was a company in the US (in Texas) that fired 25% of their employees one Friday afternoon because they had been using the internet for personal things and sending emails during company time. It was in the employee manual and the company had sent company-wide notices letting everyone know it was against the rules. Still, they were all so surprised when they were fired.
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
31 Oct 08
Actually they used to terminate employees for browsing the internet. Here if they get a screenshot of I'm doing and is reported I get suspended. I think it's like 5-7 days. A few of officemates got caught as well but I was more lucky because I at least got a warning. They were not warned at all. They e-mailed our direct supervisor about it. Good thing our supervisor is nice.
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@Jezebella (1446)
• United States
31 Oct 08
Its always a bad idea to access the internet from work when you aren't supposed to be. It could be a sign that you don't have enough to do or that you don't care enough about your job to focus on it instead of surfing the net. Employers really don't like it unless they give you permission for it.
@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
3 Nov 08
I usually do it when I don't have calls but If I'm talking to somebody of course I cannot surf the net or else I won't be able to concentrate with my call. Thanks for the response.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
31 Oct 08
Don't you feel you are cheating your employer by doing personal things during the time they pay you. If you were the Boss and it was your money what would you do? It's very childish to play these games. Just remember if it gets on yur employment record it's very hard to overcome later when you need a promotion or a new job. Think about it
@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
3 Nov 08
LOL. No I don't think I'm cheating I'm just breaking the rules that's it. I don't need a promotion I'm happy with my current position.
• United States
31 Oct 08
Awhhh, the internet will have you caught up. Sometimes when I am at school I am so caught up in browsing, all of my attention is on something, the professor calls on me for an answer.... I am like doesn't she/he see me doing something. I mean this happens in whatever class I am in. I have just made up my mind as far as that goes. Now that I have the new G1, I can put it in my lap or under the desk/table and surf from there :). The internet will have you a complete junkie after so long!
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
3 Nov 08
Haha it does happen to most of us. Thank you for the reply!
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
10 Nov 08
This is a week old discussion so I was wondering the outcome..did you get caught again? With Christmas this close and money needed I don't know if I would take the chance. Wish you well and hope you don't get caught.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
12 Nov 08
Well, I am just glad things are okay never know how things might turn out.
@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
10 Nov 08
Nope I didn't get caught again but a lot of supervisors sees me though . They just simply ignore me. Probably because I'm not the only one doing it? Haha...I still do myLot at work.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
31 Oct 08
oh o hbe very carefiul fo r I have a friend in Venasuala that lost her job on account of theat and took her over 2 years to find another one!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
2 Nov 08
well yea call centers do hire regularly. But still be care ful if ya ike working for this one!
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
3 Nov 08
I will thanks for the warning!
@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
1 Nov 08
Woah that's not good to hear. Well good thing I won't have to worry about that either. Call centers are very much in demand here in the Philippines since a very long experience it would easy for me to find another one believe me (I don't mean to sound boastful or anything I'm just being realistic). The interview process here only takes 1 day and then I can get hired.
@wrangel15 (1443)
• Philippines
3 Nov 08
Your supervisor might really be kind to just log off your computer instead of reporting you to bigger bosses. Just like you we usually just ear lunch in our working area just beside our laptops. Just be more careful next time. Your supervisors are considerate. But don't abuse it. They won't be considerate next time if they are the ones who will suffer if bigger bosses caught what you are doing. In my company there's no restriction n what site to visit. No site is blocked and we are free to visit whatever site is accessible. But we are to minimize accessing sites not related from work during office hours not to slow down important jobs done online. Though no penalty is given to those caught doing another thing on computer during work, it is embarrassing when bosses caught us. They usually check us around during office hours.
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
3 Nov 08
Actually he logged my computer because somebody else needs to use it. But she still let me use it after shutting it down since I only have like 4 minutes left before I login again. Thanks for the response!
@samijo719 (1052)
• United States
31 Oct 08
Wow how nice to get that extra money! *is envious* lol. And might I say you are a very dedicated mylotter! It takes dedication to risk suspension from work! haha. Happy mylotting! Try not to get caught!
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@fgaloma (163)
• Philippines
2 Nov 08
what a story! heheheh, well right now i'm using the internet at the office for my online gigs, it is not prohibited at this company since it is a Telecom Company, and it happend to be i'm working at the operations department that have access to the internet, and on top of that i'm the Network admin at the office so i have all the authorities to surf the net. heheheh lucky for me that i have access to the internet since at home i don't have an internet connection. hehhehe,
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
3 Nov 08
Wow that's good for you! I hope I can be hired for a company where I can also do the same thing as you can! Hehe! Thanks for the response!
@maroseqf (3657)
• Philippines
3 Nov 08
that's so funny and quite embarrasing at the same time. Actually, that happened to me as well with a social networking site. I was so addicted to it that time that i was accessing my account during office hours. As a result, the said site was blocked by our it department as ordered by our superior.
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@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
3 Nov 08
I guess it does happen to most of us. Hahaha. I'm stubborn. I am at work right now and I'm still myLotting! . What can I do, it's addicting!