texting is it easy for you?
By jhl930
@jhl930 (3601)
United States
October 30, 2008 10:33pm CST
ok i wasn't a big texter until lately honestly, and its only been becaues my girlfriend has so much going on that honestly its just easier for us sometimes to just text each other, and with me it takes me like a few mintues to type out a text message and with calling its just easier because all i have to do there is hit the contacts tab and the first letter of her name and its there and for me its just easier but for her she says that texting is easier because she can text really fast and its just hard for me ot do that with the small buttons...so what about you which is easier? i would like to take this time to thank everyone for taking the time out of your day to come by and read and review my discussion and hopefully answering, and trying to help me, and i hope that you all have a great day and night tonight, thanks again for taking the time to stop by.
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30 responses
@punkin1803 (526)
• United States
31 Oct 08
Tesxting is like the next kind of communication. Unlike most people i would choose texting instead of calling. A lot of people look at it as a useless feature that are provided when you have a cell phone, but i look at it as a fun loving tool. Thats not only enjoyable, but easy to use as well. Especially if you have to ask someone something and you dont really have the guts or the ummmph to call them or tell them something face to face. Texting can save you the hassle of doing things like that. Or lets just say that you are having an emergency and need to get into contact with someone and it dangerouis to risk actuallt USING the phone to talk, Texting can be a life saver. I am a very fast text messenger. I guess the more that you do it, the more that you will get the hang of it. Keep trying i bet that you will become a text Champion sooner than you think.
@junerainemay (346)
• Philippines
31 Oct 08
Hi there! I've read this post and yeah, i agree with you. texting has been the most and widest used medium of communication. Even here in the Philippines, i must agree that Filipinos are avid texters to the point that a person could send an average of a 100 text a day. It may be true that texting is the easiest and most convenient way nowadays especially to teenagers, however, if will come to think of it, cell phones recently has been used in so many abusive ways.
It's not that I'm against to those people who love texting and who love to subscribe to unlimited texting services by telecommunication networks. It's just that I've noticed recently that most of the teenagers have used cellular phones in some wrong ways.
If you go to malls, you'd often see people texting while walking, texting while waiting for their turn in the cashier's booth in the supermarket, texting while walking on the roadside, or worst texting while driving (which I may admit, I really hate the most). There's is nothing worng with texting and exchanging messages but I guess it would be better if we bear in mind when would be the best time and best place to use this gadget.
Some may be convenient in texting at public places but we should also be considerate to the other poepler who might be in a hurry because we might unconciously offended them especially if we get oblivious with the things around us because we are so grossed with exchanging text messages to our friends.
Another thing is texting while driving. I guess, if it's really urgent and you really need to text, let's make it a habit to stop and park our vehicles first before we text to avoid unnecessary accidents. We should be responsible citizens as well. We may not meet accidents by texting while driving but who know you might be the reason for an accident because of negligence.
In addition, some individuals are also taking advantage of this innovation as part of their scam business. This is one thing that we should be careful with. a lot of scammers are using cellular phones for their activities. Asking you to do something in exchange for another thing. In the end, it's all you loss.
On the other hand, you were right in saying that texting has a lot of advantages. It's just that, if we don't know how to handle ourselves, it might lead us to something we wouldn't wish for. Bottom line is, we better be a responsible individuals and don't be like those people who are totally addicted with texting. Let's learn to put thing into proper perspective! :)
@creative_genius (992)
31 Oct 08
I am fast at texting so I also find it pretty easy. It is more convenient as the person you text can answer whenever they like.
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@pryce_mbg (716)
• Philippines
31 Oct 08
texting for me is the easiest way for me to communicate others specially my classmates for asking some important informations to them. I am a texter for quite some time now. It is my way of communicating to other people and my friends. moreover, it provides way for me to know my friends more.
@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
31 Oct 08
I personally think calling is a lot easier than text messaging. Only reason I have any type of messaging on my phone, weather it be emails or text messaging, is because of my job. I have a blackberry & I get tons of emails on it as well due work related issues. It can be really annoying. My girl friend, however, she doesn't mind texting. She has same plan as I do except for the emails. Even though she has unlimited calling plan, she'd rather text message me at times.
@ravitejareddy (101)
• India
31 Oct 08
even me too, not a big texter i use to send mail and message via e mails but coming to moblie phones i am a dumb user of messeging i just use to call but not a message or otherwise i will forward the best ones coming to my mobile sometimes i use to send very very short messages depending on the emergency of the situation i will send message like where are you or i am in the class or come fast or waiting for you
@nadiana_s (23)
• United States
1 Nov 08
Personally I do think calling is way much easier than texting. SOmehow, I prefer texting because I can do it anytime anywhere. This is not true for calling because as for me, I need to find a suitable time and place to call somebody. I can not make a call in the middle of my class which is unethical but I could texting someone for important things anywhere anytime.
@harishbabukr (21)
• United States
1 Nov 08
I live in USA & i believe that text messeging in much more efficient. because most of my friends talk less than a minute & stop the chat. for small discussions , its always better to text messege. Also i cant talk when i am attending a class.
the class is boring & i can't talk, so the best option is to text messege. its fun, easy & reliable. no one can know wat u r talking. overall i believe text messeging in far more helpful than talking. since we r busy most of the time talking with the person in front of us.
@skybluearmyontour (21)
5 Nov 08
Today I called more because I have ran out of free texts and only had free minutes available... So it depends a lot on what type of plan or time of day it is (calls may be a lot more expensive)
@skybluearmyontour (21)
31 Oct 08
I always prefer to texts and I choose my phone contracts to include a lot of free texts. I guess I've just never really liked talking on the phone, you get those awkward silences sometimes that you don't get with texts. I can text pretty fast and don't take long to adapt to different phones. I find it extremely difficult and annoying to use predictive text although some people find that a lot easier. It's also good to just get a couple of points across. Like if I was running late I could text my mate 'be there in 5' and that would be it sorted...
Do you guys use normal or pedictive text?
@abysed (16)
• United States
31 Oct 08
I've always done normal texting, it seems to be easier for me than having to type a few letters and scroll through a bunch of options before getting the correct one..especially if the word I want isn't in its dictionary, I don't have to scroll through all the options before typing it out anyways.
@candela305 (31)
• United States
31 Oct 08
I use txt at work to avoid being detected while I communicate with friends and fam. I also use it to communicate quick messages like "HI" "Wuts Up" or as a means of just letting someone know I'm thinking of them. But my primary way of communication will have to be calling.
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@ideamanx6 (45)
• Philippines
1 Nov 08
In Philippines it is more favorable to txt than to call. Probably because here texting is far more cheaper than calling. But if the rates of call and text are the same, well I just go on and call someone. It is faster and better. Youre more confident that you are really communicating to that someone. But I do make a call only if it is really urgent.
Here in our country, majority of Filipinos are fast texters. They just get used to texting that they can do it fast.
@calyxus (825)
• Philippines
31 Oct 08
i am the type of person who thinks first before i speak, and that goes out also to text messaging.. i think first before i type a text message, and thats just the difficult part for me, to think hard for what im going to reply..
well, i believe you also have to be responsible with your words when texting, and personally i dont just send forwarded graphics and especially chain messages...
@pratikdas (52)
• India
31 Oct 08
i dont think texting is easier its definitely is a hard work and i feel bored to type a lot i just w ant to fish it in a seconds of time but i now that thinking so is as waste as earning money quickly on mylot. i think there sould be other way from which we could save us from typing. i will request all to help me by saying me the way to escape gom typing.i think u understand frend
good night and happy mylotting
thanks forthis good disscusion,,......
@zoneday (142)
• Malaysia
31 Oct 08
I found reading text is quite difficult for me, reading need times and i usually take more times than the others. But if typing can make money, then why not?
@summertymesboutq (146)
• United States
31 Oct 08
I love texting just as much as calling. Although I consider myself the texting queen. I know all the abbreviations and what nots.... It is too fun, sometimes I find myself engaging in more than four conversations at a time. It is funny how many people actually use this as a source of communication. I have tons of fun while texting plus I enjoy all the media texts that i receive. Some of them be too funny. What I do not like is all of the chain texts because I neverfwd them.
@yohanes_yan02 (84)
• Indonesia
31 Oct 08
i think texting is easier.. i type not very fast,, but i can think first to type a message.. not like if i am speak face to face with someone..
i cant think clear if i am face to face..
maybe i am too shy..hihi
@abysed (16)
• United States
31 Oct 08
Texting is definitely easier for me and all of the people I talk to. I find it way easier than being woken up or interrupted by a phone call, having to check voicemail, quickly write down their number, etc.. Having the T-Mobile Wing helps too (keyboard layout); it's been so long since I've texted on a 'normal' phone :)