About Barack Obama...
By thedogshrink
@thedogshrink (1266)
United States
October 31, 2008 12:32am CST
Many people think McCain and others who bring up Senator Obama's relationships with certain people are just slinging mud in a "desperate" attempt to win the election.
Well things are desperate all right, but not in the way people mean.
Keep in mind, it is not just one person who is friends with Obama but has a questionable background. It is REPEATED, there is a PATTERN of associations with people with radical views, radical backgrounds. Moreover, there is a pattern of LYING about these associations and then backtracking and telling PARTIAL truth when caught in the lie. This man is running for President of our country, and these are character issues and also issues of PHILOSOPHY. Philosophy that could deeply change and affect our country, our very lives.
Take a moment to look into this a little further:
Rev Wright, has a long history of teaching Black Liberation Theology, railing against the US and against white people -- NOT just the white people who did something wrong to him or others, but ALL white people. Now, a couple of people have tried to explain Black Liberation Theology -- or rather explain it away. But if you look into it thoroughly and openly, you will find, just as you find with most all of Obama's associations, a theme of socialism, Marxism, even communism. Obama sat under Wright's teaching for TWENTY YEARS!!! He went twice a month, faithfully for 20 years!!!! First he told us -- and this was covered in main stream media -- that in all that 20 years of church going and being close friends with Rev Wright, he had NEVER heard him say such things and he was just as shocked as we all were to hear it. Then he said he has been SO CLOSE to Rev Wright for SO LONG, that he could no more disown the Reverend that he could disown his own "white grandmother". Then he said he had heard the rantings of the pastor, but he "ignored it". Finally, under pressure, he did disown the pastor that he could not disown. The presidency was more important to him. But it's a false disowning, because he didn't do it until pressured. Think about it. If you went to a church where they were vehemently preaching hatred for the race that you don't belong to, would you just sit there and listen and consider the man like your father? I dare say MOST of us would walk out in outrage.
Next, consider Obama's own books. He discussed how he grew to have a hatred for those of his mother's race. (that would be white people -- same as Rev Wright. No wonder he wasn't outraged by Rev Wright's preaching.) In his book he also talked about being always drawn to socialism, Marxism. AND he said he chose his friends very carefully, always was drawn to activists, socialists, etc. These are NOT slurs from McCain!!! These are FACTS, from his book and what can be seen from his life!
Now to William Ayers. A known, admitted terrorist. He and his gang blew up buildings, including bombing the Pentagon, bombing the home of a FAMILY with young children WHILE THEY WERE IN THE HOME ASLEEP. He didn't go to jail on a technicality, but no matter, because he has admitted. Now, some say oh, but now he is a "respected" professor, and that was 40 years ago. Think again. He is older and just goes about his revolution in a different way, but he is most definitely still in the revolution. In 2001, on 9/11, he told a reporter when asked if he regretted his actions back then. His answer was that his only regret was that they didn't do enough!!! Now, he wrote a book in 1974, entitled Prairie Fire. It is very rare. In it he talked all about the revolution, etc. But here is the most important thing: He dedicated his book to about 100 "political prisoners". He listed them all. One of them was Sirhan Sirhan. Yep, he dedicated his book to the person who assassinated Robert F Kennedy right before my eyes, as a 12 yr old child, excitedly watching the TV at school, so we kids could hear his speech. Bill Ayers is a life long promoter of socialism. Even now, his "education professor" title is dubious, since what he teaches is radical education of children. Yes, he wants children to be indoctrinated to his social and political agenda from a young age. Sound like anyone else in history? AND Obama has said that his only interest in Ayers is -- you guessed it -- his wonderful ideas about education!!!
Regarding Ayers, Senator Obama first said oh, he's just a guy that lives in my neighborhood. When it was pointed out that he knew him better than that, he said he just had served on a couple of boards with him. But the truth is Ayers actually sought out and HIRED Obama to chair one of the boards. They worked together a good bit. Ayers had a get together in his house, for the purpose of introducing Obama -- a meet the candidate kind of thing, which was the LAUNCH of Obama's political career. Now, WHO would launch or help launch the political career of someone who's views are vastly different from his own? No one. Look at the political discussions on mylot! You endorse people whose views are similar to yours -- or you follow the crowd. Ayers is NOT the type to follow the crowd, we already have seen.
SO, Obama also LIED about that relationship. And socialism/Marxism again is a THEME.
And remember how he discussed socialism in his books.
Tony Resco is a convicted felon. He and Obama have a long history of working together, with Resco raising money for Obama's campaigns, and Obama making deals that benefited Resco.
Again, Obama has this pattern of associating CLOSELY with people of radical or unsavory character.
Now, we hear about Rashid Khalidi.
This story was reported by the very LIBERAL LA Times! They have described a party that Obama attended in honor of Khalidi. Khalidi is an American born Palestinian. At this party it was stated how close Obama and he were, and Bill Ayers was there also. They were praising Khalidi, and someone read a poem that was very anti Semitic. You can read the article at the LA Times online. Do a search for it on their site. Problem is, they wrote the story, but refuse to release the video they have of the party, even tho they described it in some detail.
The LA Times and others say that Khalidi was the spokesperson for the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) when it was still a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION. I heard one of his speeches tonight on the tv. He criticized the US' dealings with Palestine and Israel and compared the US policies to POLITICS IN CHICAGO!!!! ( he said dirty, money grubbing, cheating, etc). Another Obama friend who has radical views.
Now there is also the fact of Obama going to the million man march under Louis Farrakhan, another radical, another radical Muslim, and also another "guy in Obama's neighborhood".Yeah, he denounced him too -- after the campaign started. And the assertion that a foreign Muslim PAID for Obama to go to Harvard!! Who knows if it is true, but it fits the pattern.
And if Obama is President, we have to wonder how many and what kind of people will he be beholden to?
Why does he have SO MANY in his background to disown? If it was just one person, I could believe that it was just someone he was friends with despite the person's philosophy. But there are so MANY!!! And why didn't he denounce or disown any of them BEFORE he was called on it during the Presidential campaign? These are reasonable, legitimate questions to ask of someone who could become President of the US!!!!
Am I the ONLY one who finds all of this TROUBLING!!!!????
Let me leave you with one more thought. Also in one of Obama's books is the statement that he will "side with the Muslims" if things should take a bad direction.....
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6 responses

@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
1 Nov 08
As far as the candidate that most pushes for togetherness, it's McCain.
His record for 20 years is one of mediating, of reaching across to liberals, of going against his own party when needed. He has a long history of bringing people together.
Obama is THE most liberal and THE most PARTISAN -- the most strictly liberal Democrat, of ANYONE in the Senate.
He does NOT have a history of bringing together, but one of always taking the most extreme liberal point.
Also the long relationship with Rev Wright does NOT support ANY hope that Obama wants to bring people together. He said in his book that he had grown to HATE the (white) race of his mother, in addition to then sitting 20 years under the teachings of a man well known for his HATRED of the US and whites.
@deedeehall (1144)
• United States
1 Nov 08
ok just keep in mind we are many nations under god.and we are in trouble!please help to support those that are trying to put are country back togeather,i would find it to be a very hard job to run this country much less mend it.i am not trying to promote any one, but please understand that obama is not only black but also white what about the other nationalities?you see its not about our color remember we are many nations under god! lets find away for peace and i say the man or women that finds or strives to find that should be hired.please dont come back at me to hard this political stuff is not my favorite subject but i know is a must . i love you all dont hate me.
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@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
31 Oct 08
I think the most troubling thing about this,is that people know all of these things are true.There are probably a lot more accusations that are facts that just haven't been proven yet.Yet,it seems,people just want it all to go away instead of asking themselves why they are going to vote for a man that has all these questionable relationships.When someone brings them up,the first thing they bring up is racism.
Doesn't anyone think it's a little racist for blacks to be voting for Obama simply because they think he's black?He's only about 6% black.
While I don't think the country will be that much better with McCain,it will improve a little.Then in 4 years,maybe we can get someone worth voting for.
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@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
1 Nov 08
At least if McCain wins we know we can take OUR country back if he screws up bad. If Obama gets it, he will let Islam take over and we will be a war zone crap hole like Iran!
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
31 Oct 08
If McCain had ANY of the past associations that 0bama has, it would have disqualified him from running and the people would be screaming for his head.
Since 0bama is a democrat, a minority, and the messiah... none of this matters. This is just a further example of the double standards practiced in our political system.
When McCain's status was questioned, he immediately produced his legal and real birth certificate to prove his eligibility.
0bama can't be bothered and has taken steps to hide his past.
McCain is the one with the experience, and 0bama is the one who was helping ACORN destroy our economy and commit voter fraud.
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@freefogging (356)
• United States
31 Oct 08
All that is crap. I could find just as much junk on Mccain. The fact is people are freaking out because they are prejudice and "oh no!" there might and likely will be a black person for our president. Well here is how I look at it. He has better policies than mccain and also, the Bush administration just took us into a depression. So we need to get those republicans out of the white house and put a democrat in to clean up the mess AGAIN. Its been a cycle, but I really believe obama can get some good stuff done.
@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
31 Oct 08
For my answer to the racism accusation, please read my comments to ery10 and to janeives.
I am NOT racist -- FAR from it.
If such 'junk' could be found on McCain, someone would have done it by now!!! We've known McCain for 30 years! We KNOW who McCain is, and we know that he has a history of standing on his principles rather than going with the crowd or even going with his own party.
Even Palin, with all the small army of reporters that converged on Alaska to dig up dirt you on her, you can put her down all you want, but the TRUTH is THEY FOUND NOTHING. That is why they rant about her clothes, the troopergate nonsense, and stuff like that. Silly things. They have nothing else on her.
And they have NOTHING on McCain either. So they just keep saying he's lying about everything and being negative about Obama.
The Bush Administration has NOT brought us into a Depression! First, we are NOT in a depression. Second, what has happened was NOT the fault of Bush. Altho people can point to different things thru the years and say it is very old problem and both parties are at fault, the real, unavoidable FACT is that both McCain and Bush saw this coming and tried to regulate Fannie and Freddie and the DEMOCRATS, including Obama protected Fannie and Freddie (cause they were getting money from them)and BLOCKED the regulation. That brought us directly to where we are now.
Obama's planned policies are nothing new. They have been tried before, and they have always WORSENED our economy, NOT helped it.
It is Obama and his plans that could possibly end us up in a Depression!!!!!
You need to go and do some more study.
@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
1 Nov 08
He doesn't have any better policies than McCain. He can't even make up his mind. First he said the limit would be at 250, then 200, now it's down to 100.
He said he wouldn't take public funding until he got caught taking money from terrorists, then he decided it was ok to take money from what he called a "broken system". He's still getting money from terrorists only in smaller amounts and he put a block on checking credit card IDs so noone can figure out where the moeny is coming from.
He won't get "stuff" done, he will let Islam take over country.
He must be stopped!
Or economy problem came from Clinton pushing loans to people who can't afford them. At least all the news reports got that part right.
Stop blaming President Bush for all the problems of the world. He's been met with nothing but resistance and pork by Democrats who want to amend our constitution so much our forefathers would think it was just toilet paper if they saw it today...
@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
1 Nov 08
You are 100% right as far as I'm concerned and should be considered a patriot for speaking out trying to tell America the truth.
In fact Obama has been raised around racist, terrorist Muslims like the Nation of Islam. The NEW Black Panther PARTY endorses him. Louis Farrakhan calls him the "Messiah". He wrote in his book that Malcolm X is one of his "mentors". Gaddafi in Lybia endorses him and President Jihad of Iran would probably endorse him but he's sick right now. You/we don't even know the half of it.
Don't forget he refused to recite the pledge, or to put his hand on his heart. Won't wear a flag pin and just now I found out he took the American flag he had on his plane off and replaced it with his tacky logo. If you notice, all his speeches are about how baaaaaaaaad America is.
Young people today didn't grow up listen to truly great speaches like those of Martian Luther King Jr, JFK and Ronald Regan. They are looking for hope, he tells them exactly what he knows they want to hear.
He's a Jew hater, he's out to destroy our country!
Please people wake up before it's too late.
McCain isn't perfect but at least we can take our country back from him. We may never get it back if we GIVE it to Obama.
He will turn our country into a crap hole like Iran!
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