HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Will you be passing out Treats tonight???? or

ITS SO CLEVER AND SO FUNNY! Wish I had thought of that...LOL!
This is the website I found it on ;

United States
October 31, 2008 8:26am CST
Hiding in the dark, and praying no one rings your doorbell or knocks on your door??? I myself don't plan on being in the living room tonight, since I live back in town I don't have money to "treat myself" with chocolate tonight and I sure can't afford to be passing any of it out; I don't even have anything to give to the neighbor's kid, she'll have to have an apple and be happy she got that... so what will you be doing tonight fellow Myloter's?? Trick or Treating?? passing out those treats?? hiding in the darkened room?? go to bed early?? or go somewhere else?? you have to see this funny picture I found while doing a search, for one to put on here; LMAO! ITS SUCH A "HOOT"!!! here is the URL where I found it too, if you are in need of other great Halloween tips on pumpkin carving for NEXT YEARS'S HALLOWEEN PARTY or just to have out in your own yard.. oh CRAP! I forgot I STILL CAN'T COPY PASTE until I reach friggin 500! do a search for BearCreekLedger.com and you'll see all of their wonderful Halloween ideas; BE SAFE TONIGHT!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
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28 responses
@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
31 Oct 08
I hope no one rings my doorbell or knocks on my door because we will not be home but we need the porch light on since we will be out of town for a few days. We are getting ready to leave soon to go to my daughter's. I will be watching my grandson trick or treating tonight unless he goes to a friends house for a party. Hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween.
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• United States
31 Oct 08
{{HI TYC}}, Yeah I used to do that too, leave the porch light on when I'd leave town for a few days; OH that will be fun going to your daughter's and seeing your Grandson , how old is he? You'll have to show us a photo when you get back, have a safe and happy trip! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
1 Nov 08
Ninja - My grandson as a Ninja for halloween.
We are still at my daughter's and we had such a good time last night. The grandson has just turned 11. She and I took him and one of his friends out trick or treating, not many houses here were giving out candy because it is a small place and they had a football game here. hahaha We went to the town nearby, 20 miles away, and the kids got a pretty good bunch of candy, main thing they had a really good time. My grandson was a Ninja.
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
31 Oct 08
I'm turning off my front lights and hoping that no one knocks or rings the bell. I'm so not into this stuff. Besides, the roomie may get a sleep study tonight and if so, I've got to take her to the study about 10 p.m. and pick her up around 5 a.m. I may turn on the lights at that point.
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
31 Oct 08
Well, as it turns out, she didn't get the sleep study, so, no early wake up call. Instead we are going out to her folks place to celebrate their 49th wedding anniversery!
• United States
31 Oct 08
HI {{ELIC}}, I don't blame you one bit for doing that...(G)!! I thought I was the only nut up early of a morning!! GEEZZ!!! Well I hope you have a good one at any rate!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
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@keya2468 (289)
• India
31 Oct 08
I always welcome neighbours' children for treat. presently I don't have choclates in my house. so I will go to Kroger this noon to buy some choclates. then I will wait for the children to come . I love this festival.
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@keya2468 (289)
• India
1 Nov 08
happy halloween...
• United States
31 Oct 08
HI Keya: Yes today is the best time to buy Halloween Candy, most places will have it marked down; I hope you get lots of cute kids dropping by; The neighborhood where I am living is not the ( ideal place ) on any night but especially tonight; If anyone does Knock they will have to announce "who they are" first..LOL! Happy Halloween!!
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@Wyldrose (1216)
• United States
31 Oct 08
I would LOVE to hand out treats but I live too far back out in the country for kids to come there. If I lived in town, I'd do it in a heartbeat!! I will be going out to eat tonight, though so I will probably get to see some of the little ghouls and goblins.
• United States
31 Oct 08
Hi Wyldrose; That's ok I personally would love to be back out in the country; Have a good dinner in town tonight and I hope you do get to see some of the goblins and goul's running around; Happy Halloween!!! love that cute little puppy in the picture!! Your Avatar!!
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@Wyldrose (1216)
• United States
31 Oct 08
Thank you!! Happy Halloween!!!!
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@gemini_rose (16264)
1 Nov 08
We do not hide but our front door leads into our dining room and as we do not use that room other than to eat in it is quite easy to make it look like we are not in. Plus the council give out signs for us to put up in the window if we do not want to be bothered by trick or treaters. I did a special treasure hunt for my children this year as they did not want to go out in the cold, I painted their faces and sent them all around the house hunting for treats! Then the final bit was a ghostly scare off hubby in the garden for them, so it was great fun.
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• United States
1 Nov 08
Hi Gemini_Rose, oh a treasure hunt sounds wonderful, Great idea to do for your kids, and then you said your husband scared them too out in the garden...ROTFL!! That does sound like great fun for you and your family! Can't wait to hear what you all do for Thanksgiving and Christmas!! (G)! Treasure hunt!!=
• United States
31 Oct 08
i just gonna wait for those kids to come to my house. i just get like five kids to come to my house anyway. They are really young so they all wear like princess or pooh or something. So i just give them a hand full of candy from the bag and then I eat the rest myself. That's the best part. eating all the candy that is left over. I mostly but an extra bag, just so i can eat it all by myself. Yeah, as you can tell i love candy. Happy Halloween to everyone and enjoy eating those candies. I know i will.
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• United States
31 Oct 08
Hi there: Well that's good number really to get like the 5 kids to come; And eating the left over candy is the best part right?? Heck I used to buy bags of the stuff when I was still working, I loved all those bite size pieces of course they sell them that way year around and have for a long time, I guess I kinda just "dated myself there huh"??? LOL! LOVE CHOCOLATE TOO! ANYTIME of the year...Tis Good! its all good! have a safe and happy Halloween then!!
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
31 Oct 08
No, I won't be...I give a goodie bag to my Niece and Nephew but that's it. I just don't do it...I used to but have gotten out of the habit. I prefer to just spend a quiet evening with Hubby. [b]~~MY OWN PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG AND BELIEVE IN YOURSELF** [/b]
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• United States
31 Oct 08
Hi Twoey: nothing wrong with that either, spending a quiet night with your "hubby" sounds great!!! Yeah I used to do all that stuff too for my neices and nephew's they all are way way too big for that stuff now, in fact my oldest nephew just turned 37 on Oct 27, GGEEZZ where the heck did those years go too??? HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
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@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
31 Oct 08
Happy Halloween to you too! Yes someone will be giving out treats here. And I will be taking my daughter around the neighborhood. We will also hit the community center for a party that our municipality throws as part of a safe Holiday for the kids.
• United States
31 Oct 08
HI ersmommy: That sounds like a great idea and will be fun for your daughter!! I hope she has a really happy and Safe Halloween!!! So many crazy people out there these days!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
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• United States
1 Nov 08
Left a bucket out for the neighborhood kids and took my kids trick or treating. Nobody touched the candy I left so its still sitting out there. While taking the kids out we ran into this cool house that actually made trick or treating into a game which was so cool to me! They made you take a stuffed vegetable (or stuffed watermelon) and you had to throw it through this homemade decorated board to get your treat. The treat box (a coffin) made a sound when you opened it. It was funny because all the kids ran by the automated witch so fast everytime they walked up to the hole to make the shot, lol. The people hosting had on their Philly garb since today was the big rally--it was all just perfect for the occasion.
• United States
1 Nov 08
oh goodness--I might be ahead of myself. I could not do the haunted houses this year but I was thinking a big ole corn maze would be fun. My oldest will be 4 and my other 3 years old (and 2 months). I couldnt help thinking what perfect timing it was that I waited to take them trick or treating. My youngest just starting to talk and repeated everything she heard her sister say such as "trick-or-treat" and "happy halloween" and you can imagine it was the cutest thing to hear coming from a brand new talker!
• United States
1 Nov 08
HI there: Wow! You left a bucket of candy out and no one took it??? You must live in a really nice area (G)! Thank Goodness!! WEll I guess its more for you and your family then huh?? LOL! That's ok too !!! OH that place sounds great!!! Now that would be funny to see something like that! I used to love going to haunted houses, the best one I can recall ever was when I was around 16, or 17 they had one set up here in an old shoe factory and it was the best I had ever been in; Very scary!!!! Thanks so much for stopping by;
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
31 Oct 08
I, with my mother and friend Cheryl, will be avoiding the door all day except for when Mom's flowers are delivered that Cheryl ordered for her as a surprise. Which means, I have to get dressed because I'm not answering the door in a nightie. There's not that many kids who come along Mom's way anymore, anyway. There are no sidewalks here and the speed limit is 50, so it's dangerous for the little ones to walk up and down Main Street. The teenagers used to (like when I was one), but we were aware of traffic, plus there was less of it and it was slower back then. Now it's maybe 2 or 3 itty bitties whose moms bring them and that's it. I haven't given out candy in years. BTW - you could have typed the URL, you know.
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
31 Oct 08
Nope, frayed knot. I didn't notice because I rarely go to my profile page. Guess now I'll have to since you've decided to force the issue, huh? And, believe me - me being in my nightie ain't pretty.
• United States
31 Oct 08
• United States
31 Oct 08
Oh Look out now World, Jerzgirl is in her "nightie" LOLOLOL!!! Yeah I could've typed it out but it was a long one, that's why I did the first part of it, it still would take you to the main page of all the carved up pumpkins and stuff aren't those pictures great though?? I bet you haven't even noticed what I put on your profile page did you???
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
31 Oct 08
Since I live in a house behind a house I rarely ever get any kids coming to my door. But, every year I do buy some candy, just in case I do buy candy that I or my family likes though, so if no one comes knocking at least the candy will be enjoyed by someone
• United States
31 Oct 08
HI Fwidman: Right Exactly!! Thats the best way to do it right? Buy candy that you and your family will enjoy! I wanted to make popcorn balls this year but didn't even get around to doing that for my neighbor's kid...(sigh)! Oh well!!! That's what we used to do all the night when I was a kid, my Mom and I would make popcorn balls and pass them out; HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
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@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
1 Nov 08
Every year we buy candy and no kids come. This year we had maybe a dozen kids come to the door. Whatever candy is left though I will be happy to eat
• United States
1 Nov 08
you know I did see alot of young teens walking around trick or treating but in no costumes but still looked like their plastic bags were full but this neighborhood was like a hundred houses knit together and I imagine everyone knew eachother from somewhere.
• United States
1 Nov 08
Hi ShellyB; That's pretty good to have about a dozen kids come to your door; Were any of them really scary dressed up?? LOL!! Enjoy the leftover candy!! thanks for stopping by and sharing!!
@caskins (689)
• United States
31 Oct 08
hello my fellow myLotter, Happy Halloween! the kids went trick or treating in our area last night. why our city did that i have no idea. my partner took our kids trick or treating while me and our baby son stayed at home to pass out candy. so tonight we are planning to watch WWE Smackdown, Ghost Hunters Live, and Ghost Adventures and eat pizza and popcorn! happy posting!
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• United States
31 Oct 08
HI Caskins: oh Wow you've already had kids then huh? Cool!!! Well it sounds like you've got quite a night lined up at your house..(G)! thanks for stopping by and Happy Halloween!!! Did you dress up your baby son for it?? I think little babies dressed up are always so cute!!!
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@dazzled (66)
• United States
31 Oct 08
I will be handing out treats, I have a huge bowl full of candy for the kidlets! I love hanging out halloween treats and seeing all the little guys in their costumes. The past couple years I haven't had the chance to really because we've lived in neighborhoods lacking in children. This halloween though there are a lots of kids around, so I am kinda excited. I am a bit of a dork that way lol.
• United States
31 Oct 08
HI dazzled: That sounds like fun, I've never had enough $$money$$$ to be able to do that sort of thing myself...and too I used to live out in the country, where I used to live no body wanted to drive up in my driveway of a night, not even my own family...LOL! But it sounds like fun and I hope you get lots of cute kids coming to call!! No pranksters or nothing; Happy Halloween!
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
1 Nov 08
We live too far out in the country for trick-or-treating to be a possible thing out here, so no candy givig either. We've been curled up watching horror movies and enjoying apple cider all night. Halloween is an important religious holiday for me, so shortly I'm gonna be carving up a pumpkin (I know, mighty late...but it keeps to the original tradition a bit better, and that's just how its turned out this year. Even though I'm not using turnips to make lanterns and have no candles), and engaging in some meditation, prayer, and serious snackage of delicious goodies. =D
• United States
1 Nov 08
Nah, no bumps. Dear old Jack (the pumpkin I carved) did kinda give me the heebie jeebies though. I think I mighta made him a bit TOO spooky lol. Well, for me, I tend to say that the fake horrific things on tv help me deal with the real horrific things in real life =D Prolly helps I was raised on horror movies, I guess, heh. I see you've got little monsters running around too! Hehe. We just moved out here, and I gotta agree we are very lucky to have been able to do so. I did have alot of fun, and I hoped you had a good halloween too!
• United States
1 Nov 08
Hi there: Another person living out in the country where I long to be again; you are so lucky; I guess I'm just a big old puss, I could never get into the horror shows, I always felt that everyday life was ( horrific) enough for me to deal with..LOL!! I hope you had a great evening watching your shows, did you hear anything go "bump" in the night later on?? I was just about asleep when there was a loud THUMP [i][/i][u][/u] up against my bedroom window, darn ( little monsters) that run around here in this neighborhood... I just laid there and said out loud, VERY FUNNY!! I was all medicated up for the night... Hope you had a very very good evening;
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
1 Nov 08
You seem to be enjoying yourself. Cheers!!
• United States
1 Nov 08
Hi Underdogtoo: Yeah I've had quite a bit of fun last night and so far this morning on this topic,!! You never know really what's going to attract people so they stop by and post; Cheers to you too!!! I could use a glass of something right about now (EG)!
@skbh12 (2946)
• Philippines
1 Nov 08
[b]hi dreamweaverjan! i wont be doing trick or treating tonight. i'll be spending my boring day off here at home. sigh. well, at least i have time for mylotting and boost up my earnings for today. i have so many discussions to choose from to answer and that is fun. weee!!! hmmm.. i might watch dvd's the whole day anyway. happy halloween! happy posting and happy mylotting![/b]
• United States
1 Nov 08
Hello: Yeah its just another day for sure, but like you said at least you got to spend some time here in my lot and hopefully boosted up your earnings; Happy mylotting to you too!!!
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
1 Nov 08
We live in the country and no one ever comes to our door, so we won't be handing out anything and we don't have to worry about hiding because we don't have anything to hand out. I kind of like that it's so quiet here and well glad that we don't have to hand out treats.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
1 Nov 08
Halloween is still another hour and a half away. Hope your having a great night too!
• United States
1 Nov 08
Hi SomeCowGirl; ( love the name) I wish I was back out in the Country, where I lived before it was so dark you wouldn't be able to see your hand in front of your face, hardly any neighbors had any security lights it was D A R K !! Enjoy your peace and quiet I envy you!! Hope you had a Great Halloween!
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
31 Oct 08
I'm taking my kids trick or treating tonight. Nobody will be home, and even if we are, we don't have a porch light, so usually nobody comes by. I did buy a bag of candy though just in case. I usually do buy a bag of candy that we like so that if we don't hand it all out, at least we will eat it.
• United States
31 Oct 08
I guess we are lucky that we live week to week then, bit easier than living month to month. We're not crazy about Thursdays cuz we're usually out of everything by then, but we only have to go a day or two without snacks until we get paid again.
• United States
31 Oct 08
HI KatsMeow!! I hope you and your kids have a good time out tonight!! if no one does come by, that's alright too, you can have a piece of that candy you bought for me ok?? LOL!! I'm in chocolate de-tox stress here...might have to go make myself a cup of Hot cocoa!! I hate it at the end of the month when you are soooooo broke!! UGH!!! HAVE A HAPPY AND SAFE HALLOWEEN!!!!
• United States
1 Nov 08
It was raining last night, so a lot of people weren't out trick or treating. My sister did for a little bit(in regular clothes) and got a little candy. But, I slept in because I was tired -- I think it might've been the weather.
• United States
1 Nov 08
Hi there: I like your name/avatar too (G)!! Bummer, on the weather there ( for the kids ) anyway I can remember when I was a kid the weather was always FOUL on Halloween night, in fact it used to snow a lot or be raining really hard; Thanks for stopping by;