Did anyone tell you that your clothes are ugly?

@thanujad (405)
Sri Lanka
November 1, 2008 1:40pm CST
This happened to me yesterday when I went for my cousin's wedding. Most of my relations complmented my sari as it was different from others. They said that the colour suits me well and I look more beautiful than other days. But there was an aunt of mine (My mom's elder sister who is not married) who couldn't stand with the compliments because she never liked my family from the day I can remember. She likes only my mom's other sisters and brothers families only. She ill treated us from the day I can remember. I think she's angry because my mom never dependent on her like others. This is only a brief description of my aunt. Now I'll tell you what she did at the wedding. She was staring at me from the time she saw me and I just ignored her. But somehow she came near me and said that my sari looks very ugly and my husband looks very old. I did not get angry because my family is use to these type of comments from her. I smiled at her and thanked her for saying so. Dear mylotters, please let me know whether you have similar experiences. Thank you.
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1 response
• Germany
26 Nov 08
Hi thanujad. I really don't understand why people do this. Their behaviours are really annoying me. I also have an aunt who like to criticize people, she is very rich. For me it seems like she wants every one listen to her. =_= My husband is older than me 9 years, when they first met, she commented that my husband is very skinny and old. Then she spoke in english to my husband (he is a german) when i was not around, she said to him that he is too skinny and this makes him ugly. =_= This was really rude, but my husband didn't say anything and didn't show his anger. And then, my aunt started telling us she had been to germany before and said the people there are lazy because they closed the shop early, and that made them couldn't find a restaurant for eating. =_= Then she asked, the germans are lazy, aren't they? Omg...i really couldn't believe how these words came out from her mouth, since she had so many rich friends and attended so many high class meeting. I really cannot understand her attitude. Well, some of my friends always like to tell me that my clothes are ugly. But i normally don't take it seriously. :-) I just let them be. Some people are like this. Perhaps i should say this to them sometimes too, but this is not me. hehe...
@thanujad (405)
• Sri Lanka
26 Nov 08
It's good that your husband didn't get angry. I really can't understand why people have to be so rude. Maybe because of jelousy. This is the first time that I got a bad comment on my clothes. People always admire what I wear because I usually wear something different than others. Even on that day most of them admired my sari except for this aunt who couldn't stand it. I think best way is that we shouldn't get in to their shoes and be like them, just ignore and be cool. ha ha