ultimate runescape level up guide for f2p
By gbeast95
@gbeast95 (505)
United States
November 1, 2008 4:39pm CST
are you a weak noob? does everything that you fight end up pwning you? do you have to be dependant on food and potions in order to beat something? if you answered yes to any of those then this is the right guide for you. please comment and rate this guide. This guide will assume you are level 3.
Before you start trainining combat make about 300k, i will assume you have 300k cash as a starter. Try to raise your smithing to level 68 so you can make mithril full, mithril is the nonmember's "cheap but good" armor. go to the grand exchange. buy yourself a iron, steel, mithril, adamant, and rune scimitar. next, buy yourself mithril armor set, adamant armor set, and rune armor set and exchange them for the platebody plateleg full helm and kite shield. now teleport to lum and keep walking till you find a chick farm. train your attack to level 5 first then wield a steel scimitar and get strength to 5 and defence to 5. Pick up the feathers they drop and all the bones and keep burying the bones until you get the required levels and then sell the feathers to the grand exchange so you get some money too.
5 attack 5 strength and 5 defence
Next, keep exploring until you find a bunch of cows. When you find the cows world hop until you find a pretty empty world because lots of people kill cows too. with your steel scimitar kill cows and get your attack to 20 then get your strength to 20 and finally get your defence to 20. pick up only the cow hides and when you get a full inventory go bank them to the closest bank. After you get the required levels sell the cow hides to grand exchange it should cost about 100gp each.
20 attack 20 strength 20 defence
Now you can wield full mithril. with your full mithril and mithril scimitar go to al kharid(you need to pay 10 gold as a toll but it will be worth it) and keep walking until you find al kharid warriors. kill them and pick up their bones and bury them. get your attack to 30 your strength to 30 and defence to 30. now, you can wield full adamant.
30 attack 30 strength 30 defence
now, you have two options I would perfer option A but you can choose whichever one you want.
Option A:continue earlier method train on al kharid warriors and bury their bones for prayer xp
Option B:this option requires food and a brass key. go to varrok and look for a small shack. open the door and go down the ladder. and kill hill giants. bury their bones for prayer xp too.
whichever one you choose get your attack to 40 strength to 40 and defence to 40.
40 attack 40 strength 40 defence
now you can wield full rune. go to the hill giant place and get your strength to 45 and defence to 45. bury the big bones for prayer xp and make your money off limpraw roots. now rack up 33 quest points and do dragon slayer. after you do dragon slayer get your attack to 45 strength to 50 and defence to 50.
45 attack 50 strength 50 defence
now go to crandor and train on moss giants. get your attack to 60 your strength to 60 and your defence to 60. bury all the big bones and make your money off whatever they drop. the instant your prayer level is 43 stop burying the big bones and start collecting them and selling them.
60 attack 60 strength 60 defence
you are more than halfway there so just keep trying. now kill lesser demons and get 62 attack 67 strength and 65 defence. they do not really drop good things but they do drop rune med helms but that is pretty rare so you have to rely on their large quantities of gold coins drop.
62 attack 67 strength 65 defence
now the challenge of your patience really comes in. go to the place where ice warriors and ice giants are. keep killing them and using their drops to get some money. get your attack to 70 your strength to 75 and defence to 73.
70 attack 75 strength 73 defence
now you have to get your attack strength and defence to 99. I suggest killing cockroach soldiers. get your strength to 99 first then get your defence to 99(this should cut food costs dramitically) and finally attack to 99. but wait you are not done.
99 attack 99 strength 99 defence 1 range 1 mage
now your work is only 60% done. you still need mage and range up. lets start with range
go back to the chicken coop with your bow and arrows there are a few armor suggestions. first one is hardleather body leather chaps ammulet of accuracy a cape(maybe a skillcape) and a rune full helm. get your range to level 20.
99 attack 99 strength 99 defence 20 range 1 mage
now wear the same outfit but replace the leather body and leather chaps with studded body and studded chaps kill cows and pick up the BONES ONLY and bury them until you have a 40 range. after that replace the studded body and studded chaps with green d hide body and chaps.
99 attack 99 strength 99 defence 40 range 1 mage
now go to hill giants and kill them and pick up their big bones and limprawl roots and bury the big bones and sell the big bones. get your range to 60.
99 attack 99 strength 99 defence 60 range 1 mage
go to moss giants now. kill them and pick up their big bones and pick whatever is expensive and bury all the big bones. get your range to 80.
99 attack 99 strength 99 defence 80 range 1 mage
now you have 2 options.
Option A: use this option if you do not have 99 prayer. go to ice giants and kill them and bury their big bones till 99 range.
Option B: go kill cockroach soldiers (they are level 83) pick up their law runes,rune scimitars, rune sq shields, and gold drops. train range till level 99.
99 attack 99 strength 99 defence 99 range 1 mage
congratz you are 80% done now for mage training.
now look on the world map and look for a place called the "Fist of Guthix" buy yourself a amulet of magic and a staff and then go there. talk to the wierd bug thing and enter fist of guthix game. they provide you with free runes so you can practice mage for free. every game you lose due to you not being strong enough you get 1 token. after you get use to the game you should keep winning. when you get 300 tokens exchange reggie for combat hood, combat top, and combat bottom. after that keep playing until 99 mage. use the tokens on adamant berserker shields then use the shield on reggie to decharge it. and recharge your robes too.
99 attack 99 strength 99 defence 99 range 99 mage
congratz you are level 126 if your prayer is not level 99 buy bones until you get 99 prayer so you get 126 combat. remember please comment and rate my guide.
happy mylotting...peace out -gbeast95
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3 responses
@Snoopielyn (66)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Definitely not a bad guide. You should include more information as to where you can find certain things to fight. The beginning is a bit confusing regarding buying armors. You stated to get smithing up to making full mith, but then said to buy all armors. Of course, when it all comes down to it, in most cases, it's cheaper to buy the armor than make it, considering you'd make enough money with some left over by selling the goods you collected to make the armor.
One thing you don't seem to be considering in your guide is how much experience goes into getting a skill to 99. That would affect your percentages. At the point that you got your levels to 60, you state that you're more than halfway there. You could be referring to just levels in particular. However, it's not taking into consideration that experience-wise, you don't reach the halfway mark to 99 until you are about to hit level 92. It's a little over 13 million experience for 99 in any skill.
Overall not a bad guide if you need a quick reference.
I'd give it a 7/10. :)

@Snoopielyn (66)
• United States
2 Nov 08
If you post a more detailed guide somewhere else, and start it the same way, with telling the player to get 300k first, I would definitely either tell them how to do so, or for the sake of not having a combination guide, link to a money making guide, perhaps even one you write yourself.
@albertpwnok (4)
• Chile
3 Nov 08
Nice Guide I Got 99 str and 99 attack 70 def lol -.- 60 magic 53 range......
But i think the best way to get money is Wc. Im lvl 82 wc and got 20m :O
Im getting 99 def now but nice guide dude :O ok bye =D
If u wanna check me in Runescape On HigthScores My Name Is Camilo_1995.
@luvandpower (2048)
• United States
23 Nov 08
Not bad guide I guess, but I do have a couple of points to make.
1) Tell them to kill cows at either craft guild, or one of more unknown places like east of draynor mansion.
2) Lol you have any idea how long it takes to get 68 smith( note: i am presuming you are talking about mining and smithing and not buying the bars) that is like long long long time.
3) You can take liek 4 days and make 300k from getting 1-60 wc at deserted willows south of port sarim ( burn them to save time of droppin them ). you can get this in like maybe 6 hours if you do it right. then get 60-65 wc. ( that should get you about 300k from yews. cut yews at rimmy. that or at the yew tree south of varrock.
4)i dont reccomend ice monsters to anyone, just for the sole factor that at lessers you can have food made there promptly unlike at ice monsters wher eyou have to either have food in bank or have to go make more( which takes alot more time)
5) flesh crawlers are always good for any form of cb from like 40 in a cb stat in up.
6) i reccomend getting 55 mage first for high alch. ( he could just make mith pl8s with your 68 smith:P)
7) also giant spiders (lvl 50) should be an added option to get to 99 because they have the most hp in the f2p world. (50 hp).
Besides those points, here is my rating
keep it up.
@gbeast95 (505)
• United States
3 Dec 08
the cow thing is not really a problem because in the crafting guild or most of the less known places are usually far away from bank which means no storing cowhide as efficantly. the 68 smithing, i said try to get 68 smithing i said it was optional. nah i would not really woodcut for money because getting 1-60 woodcutting took me about a whole week and a half. ice monsters were chosen by me because they are aggressive while being quite weak to attacks you can kill them wasting the least money on food. flaesh crawlers are not recommended because of the fact that there is a lot of competation for them even on the less crowded ones, believe me i tried. the 55 mage for hi alck is useless because do not really need hi alck because most of the stuff the monsters drop are bought a lot at grand exchange. and finally, the giant spiders format is horrible because giant spiders have quite accurate attacks and not only that but they often hit double didgets(10-99 are double didgets) and lots of food is required. unless money is not a problem(it wasn't before i really just wanted god armors then i wasted the 1.8m on guthix and i lost practically my whold fortune but i have about 180k now i can't waste). anyway i would follow your formats if money was not a problem
happy mylotting...peace out -gbeast95

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@luvandpower (2048)
• United States
8 Dec 08
you may be right about the ice warriors, i honestly have never tired to fight one lol.
@gbeast95 (505)
• United States
15 Nov 08
all you need to know is where to train. i have a few errors on this guide so i shyould make a revised version because of the fact that there are betteer places to train i have oberved as i expiermented with killing different things for xxp. i will soon be making a different guide that is revised and better. please check out my moneymaking guide i will be revising that too. oh and please commment on my moneymaking guide.
happy mylotting....peace out -gbeast95
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