have you ever helped him?

@legend4u (1019)
November 1, 2008 7:17pm CST
While walking along the road side i am sure that you must have seen people begging for money and food..iam sure that some of you may be helped them but some may not...each person have their own way of looking at life....but plz check Does he deserves to be there?
2 responses
• United States
2 Nov 08
Well, I guess he has a right to be there. In a city near me, you must be licensed to panhandle. You have to go to the city and apply for a license. You are issued an id card similar to a driver's license with your picture on it. It is to keep track of the panhandlers and if there is a problem with one of them, you can report them. I don't normally give money to them because I believe that many of them are scammers and potentially live better than I do. There are jobs to be had out there if people want them, it seems many don't want to work. I'm sure there are in fact many people out there who are in need of help and depend on begging to survive and I wish them the best of luck, but there are also the ones who scam people and I find it disgusting.
@tanpan (34)
• United States
2 Nov 08
i totally agree with you on that one. i dont just hand out money if i see that they are capable of working and earning the money just like i do myself rather beg for it. i do help people who are disabled and cant support themselves by working.
@aprces (1082)
• China
2 Nov 08
this is inconsistent.help,when you help,then it will become a obligation,but you are not the god,if not,you will be taken as a man without sympathy.but i think the person who has limbs always can make a living more or less,what do you think?