No "handouts" for Obama supporter????? Can you believe this?
By thedogshrink
@thedogshrink (1266)
United States
November 1, 2008 7:51pm CST
I heard on Fox news just now that a lady somewhere (I walked in after they had said where) was asking each child before giving candy, "do you support Obama"? If they said yes, or their parents said yes, then she would not give them any candy. Only McCain supporters got candy!!!
She even had a sign in her yard: No handouts for Obama supporters!!
This was even carried out to the littlest child!!!!
Can you believe this? She said this was her way of "campaigning". THAT is NOT campaigning, but it might qualify her for a mental institution. That kind of support we don't need! or want!
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26 responses
@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Candy or not, an adult going around asking CHILDREN which politician they support is beyond ludicrous; and I'm talking both about the act and the person.
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
2 Nov 08
This is disgraceful. Did anyone tell her children don't vote in elections??? Even as a McCain supporter I am against this hate filled behavior. That's not campaigning and I know any candidate would not find this humorous. This woman needs help. But I got to ask with the sign in her yard why would a parent subject there child to any interaction with this woman. I saw it on the news and I'm just as much against the other guy who had Obama all up and something about Obama gives all children candy, although I understand much of it was in response to that woman for McCain. Politics and kids should not go together. They should not be used in this way. Let them be innocent for a few more years and develop their own political opinion when they are old enough to vote.
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@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Now that don't make a bit of sense. A child is a child; what do they know about voting except what they see on tv and hear at home? Halloween is for kids!! not if your for McCain or Obama or what have you, you just having a good time and all. I don't do Halloween, but if a kid comes my way and I got candy, get some candy; white, black, whatever. Not Democrat, Republican. shoot.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Unfortunately there are extremes of stupidity on both sides. As much as some people hate Bush I've never seen them act this way.
I hope to God this woman has no children. Imagine what a warped upbringing they had.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Unfortunately, this country has it's share of nuts. I would be willing to bet that that house was TPd at some point last night.
On a more serious note, I saw a news report about campaign sign stealing that included a security video of a boy being zapped by a McCain/Palin sign that had been intentionally electrified by the homeowner. The boy wasn't hurt but those folks should have been arrested for endangering the public. 

@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
2 Nov 08
HOw should he have been arrested? It was his sign. If the kid would have done the right thing and left it alone not one would have gotten shocked at all. Serves teh kid right. He is lucky. There was a new story not long ago about a kid that got shot by someone for stealing his yard sign.
Now that guy when over board. You do not shoot people over a yard sign.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Have you ever seen the signs stating "Warning Electric Fence"? They're not there as a courtesy. I'm not an expert on the laws for the entire country but down here in Hooterville, when you electrify a fence, you're required to tag it with a warning at set footage intervals so that no one is accidentally injured. I'm not condoning the sign stealing but sending x number of volts of electricity through a child's body is outrageous to me. You do not endanger someone in order to protect a sign. I agree with your last statement; you do not shoot people over a yard sign and you don't electrocute children over one either.
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@tahiti_rose (150)
2 Nov 08
Idiotic, nasty minded, mean woman. I'm glad we don't have your kind of politicking here. It seems to bring out the worst in some.
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
2 Nov 08
To quote someone from a particularly shameful time, " Can't we all just get along?" Seriously, that woman needs to understand that all she's doing is hurting children--children who can't even vote!!! It's because everyone forgot the real purpose of the elect the best candidate for the job! I swear, this election is giving me an upset stomach--and I'm not thrilled with EITHER candidate!
@bdugas (3577)
• United States
2 Nov 08
I think shei s a cruel and horrible person, to take out your spite on a child that doesn't even know about elections or what is happening is a bunch of crap.All she did was make the preublican party look bad. There are idiots on both sides of the fence here and it is not only electins, but in any thing that is done anymore. Sometimes I believe that they crawl out from under their rocks when something like an elections, or such is happening.
I play in several game rooms in yahoo and the hatred this election has brought out in people is unreal. I would of liked to have been there she could of explained to me just what she thinks is so great about a man that refuses to help his own family, wants to spread your money around, but don't believe in spreading his. I am terribly afraid that this election if he wins is going to bring war, and not with overseas countries but from with in our people here in the United States, he b/s has some how told the people that support him that hatred is the way to go. I would of had to tell my child come on this is a hateful old hag and left. She would of deserved it and I would of made sure the newspaper knew her and her address the next day. Maybe she thought it would get her a spot on TV like hanging Palin from the roof, you know there are some sick people in this world.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Heh - even Fox news thought that was extreme:
Seriously, though - picking on kids because of who their parents support? She's right, everyone has a choice. I hope some slighted children made the choice to egg her house later that night. I sure would have, and I don't even like vandalism. What a witch.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
2 Nov 08
This woman is a vile and despicable excuse for a human and MORE than deserves any mischief that might come her way!! Holding innocent children accountable for the politics of their parents is about as low as you can get. I'd love to see a follow up story that her house was egged, TP'd, soaped and her tires flattened (I do have a streak of mean in me sometimes). 

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@wildplace (154)
• Germany
2 Nov 08
Just a stupid lady. Pure nonsense to do such a thing.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
2 Nov 08
My goodness that is wrong. Happily in my neighborhood we gave out candy to every child and never even asked about politics. I did not even see one yard sign. Most people put up Halloween decorations and left it at that. I did not even see one political costume.
If I would have seen the sign that said "No hand outs for Obama supporters" I would have skipped that house and we are not even voting for Obama. But sense we support Ron Paul I guess we would not have gotten candy. It is a childs holiday and politics do not need to be mixed with it.
Why punish the kids for the parents decision of who to vote for? Plus is it any of her business who anyone plans to vote for? She should have just decided not to give out candy this year at all.
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@MizzLadyB08 (1174)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Right now don't anything suprises me about how people are acting. I am not trying to be racist or anything, I am an Obama supporter and I went to vote this past Friday. I wonder if Obama was just another white man going for President will any of the things that are going on now even be happening. And again I am not trying to be racist, I am pretty sure I am not the only one who thought about that. And for the lady who did that to the little kids she should be ashamed of herself for judging them on who their parents was supporting.
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
3 Nov 08
Maybe she thought that she could bribe the children to get them to change their parent's vote. That makes as much sense as thinking children vote. Its all a cunning plot. lol.
Some people are really quite odd. It could also be that she wanted to get on TV for that 15 minutes of fame.
@UtopianIdealist (1602)
• United States
5 Nov 08
Yes, I can believe it. People do this kind of thing all of the time, on both sides.
I think it is kind of sad to get children involved like that. If your young enough to trick-or-treat you are young enough to not have the burden of understanding these things and going about your youthful existance. Are these children going to vote? No. More than likely those kids were not even sure what she was talking about. Is her not giving candy to the children of likely Obama supporters going to change the vote they will make? No. A good way to get your home egged though.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
3 Nov 08
It's her candy and she can do with it what she pleases. Personally, I'd turn off the porch light and keep all the candy for myself.
@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
2 Nov 08
Some people would do ANYTHING for 15 seconds of fame. If this doesn't prove it I don't know what does! This has nothing to do with who she supports it just has to do with her being an idiot that wants some news coverage! And the sad part is she got it!
@tamarrairs (54)
• United States
3 Nov 08
I think everyone has the right idea about this. There is no reason why anyone should target children and call it "campaigning." I think a lot of things during this election season have gone wrong, but this definitely tops the list!
@not4ureyes2c (5)
• United States
2 Nov 08
That is nuts. Not to get into a big campaign debate but I am voting for McCain and that makes McCain voters look crazy. I have friends who are voting Obama and even if I don't like the guy that doesn't mean I wont stop being their friend. HA HA Poor little kids, they don't know what is going on or why they are being denied candy. I think if I went by her house I would have skipped it because of the sign...regardless who I was voting for.