Are you SELFISH?

United States
November 1, 2008 9:34pm CST
Obama wants to spread the wealth. He wants everything to be "fair". He thinks that something like 2% of the population paying over 70% of all the income taxes is not enough. Now he has said that people who don't agree with him are SELFISH!! Yep, he was talking about his policies and said that McCain & Palin call it socialism. Then he said "I don't know when they decided to make a virtue out of selfishness!" So if you are a McCain supporter, are YOU SELFISH? Let's discuss selfishness. Obama is a multimillionaire. I believe his net worth is something like 4.5 million. He gives only around 2% to charity, most has gone to the church of Rev Wright who makes no bones about how much he hates the US. Obama's aunt, who lives in Boston, lives in public housing. She has sent a few hundred over a period of time to Obama's campaign, but what has Obama done for her? Nada. She lives in public housing and it turns out is an illegal alien, having had her request for asylum denied in 2004. I dare say Obama could have sponsored her and applied for her to be legally in the US, but apparently he did not. He could have put her up in his mansion -- hey wouldn't it be good for the children to be exposed to another culture, esp an African culture? Heck, he could have bought her a small house or apartment, very modest, and never even felt the difference in his wallet. He did not help her. He now says he didn't know she was illegal, but since she is all appropriate laws should be used against her. Still no help for auntie. Obama's brother lives in a hut in Kenya. He's not doing too well financially, and there are precious few opportunities in Kenya at this point. Obama has visited him there so he knows of his plight. No help. Again. Now his brother supports his run for President. He's very proud of Obama. But he feels Obama doesn't need to help him -- he's OK. However, others in his village have shaken their heads in shame for Sen Obama that he doesn't help his own flesh and blood. The rate of exchange between Kenya and the US dollar is such that a small amount of Obama's US dollars can go a LONG way in Kenya. Again, it would not hurt him to do a LOT to help his brother. But he doesn't. I would like to point out to Americans that even tho his brother doesn't want anything from him does not mean that he doesn't want/need help. Africans are very proud people. They are also extremely FAMILY ORIENTED. SO the villagers criticizing Obama for not helping his brother are more in line with the real sentiment and traditions. Obama has said that any man who doesn't take care of his own is a man that you know probably isn't going to care about other people either. But Obama doesn't seem to take care of anyone outside himself, his wife, and their two kids. Shouldn't spreading the wealth start at HOME? Moreover, Americans ARE the most charitable people on earth. Americans as a whole send more than any other country to charity. And he says we are selfish, even tho he clearly is NOT among those of us who send money to others? Let's talk about Joe Biden. He says it is patriotic to pay taxes. (Never mind that no one I've heard is saying they don't want to pay taxes. They're saying enough is enough.) Biden made 2.5 million in the last few years. He has donated a whopping $3500 to charity in all that time! But the American people, who support McCain are SELFISH? McCain is also a multimillionaire. He gives something like 33% of his income to charity. Not only that, but he and especially his wife, have a long, long history of charity work. Palin I don't have any figures on, but she is NOT a millionaire, so not sure she belongs in the comparison anyway. So, who do you think cares more about the average person? The one who talks beautifully but puts no money or work behind it? Or the one who puts his money and his time where his mouth is? It is simply FALSE to say that McCain thinks only about the rich companies. He did NOT vote a break for big oil -- guess who did? Yep, Obama.
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7 responses
@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
2 Nov 08
"It is simply FALSE to say that McCain thinks only about the rich companies. He did NOT vote a break for big oil" His tax policy makes it so that they get an unprecedented, HUGE break WITHOUT a vote. The Tax Policy Center's analysis makes it very clear that McCain favors the wealthiest, while Obama favors the middle/working classes. Why do you feel the need to lie? No matter, it's already failed. Enjoy your flailing.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
2 Nov 08
McCain's policy involves tax breaks for everyone. Obama's plan raises taxes for 20% of Americans. Of course that will be more if he keeps lowering the number he defines as middle class.
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• United States
2 Nov 08
We can't afford tax breaks for everyone, especially when the MAJORITY of them go to the wealthiest few percent. McCain's tax breaks for the middle class are a pittance compared to Obama's, and it is the middle class that is suffering the most right now, not the richest.
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• United States
2 Nov 08
I'm not lying. That was Obama's vote. McCain does NOT ignore the middle class or lower income. He knows that the PROVEN way to grow the economy and PRODUCE MORE JOBS is to (in part) reduce taxes on the corporations and small businesses. Obama is more concerned with fairness across the board than he is with making the economy grow so that we all have more opportunity to increase our earnings.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
2 Nov 08
These are all very good points. 0bama wants to be very generous with other people's money, namely the taxpayers. It is the old adage of "Do as I say and not as I do". 0bama is a liar and a hypocrite. He is also a Socialist, and the forced redistribution of wealth is a communist ideal ... while class envy and division are tools of communism.
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• United States
2 Nov 08
Can you give me a link or source where you found all this information? I wanted to read more into it. It seems interesting.
• United States
4 Nov 08
Yeah. He apparently can't give me any links or sources where he conveniently got all his informatin. I swear, people believe anything they hear. It's borderline gullible.
• United States
4 Nov 08
First of all, I'm a SHE, not a HE, as you could easily see from my profile page. Also, the links and the news articles are ALL OVER THE PLACE -- surprised you never saw them or heard of them and don't know how to find them. Before voting you certainly should take the trouble to LEARN. Here's a link to a CNN newscast about Obama's half brother, George. If you watch it, you can see EXACTLY what I said: George says he is "OK", but the other villagers complaining that he gets no help. There are many other youtube videos, but you have to be careful as some of them are just trash. And his aunt was all over the news in the last week or so -- you missed that, too? Remember that Obama is AGAINST deportation of illegal aliens, but for his aunt, since it would be politically dangerous for him to say that, he says she has to go by the law. Not even just an offer to get her a lawyer to appeal her case. Now, for the charity donations, my 2% figure was actually off a little. I hadn't seen the more recent years. He actually gave LESS than 2% each year from 1998-2004 -- I determined the percentage by using the LOWEST yearly income and the HIGHEST amount donated!!!! When his book sales increased his income in 2005 and 2006, he increased his giving up to about 5-6% VERY SMALL for someone who preaches the way he does and claims he will be fair and even the playing field and make sure poorer people and middle class get "help". Note that even in the years from 1998-2004, his income was still somewhere in/near the range that HE calls "wealthy". I didn't include the 2007 charity figure of $240,000 because it is just what he said and not from his tax returns; also we don't know his income for 2007 -- altho if he made at least as much in 2005 (and it's likely he made more) that would be 15% -- and just in time for campaigning...,obamagive032608.article McCain's newest figures are around 26% instead of 33%. He gives ALL of his book sales to charity. He gives ALL of his pay increases from the Senate since 1991 to charity because he did NOT agree with the pay increase for Congress and so refused to take part by accepting the money -- instead giving all to charity ever since 1991 -- it is not clear to me whether that total is included in the 26%. Actually, according to one article, he gave about 46% of his income for 2006-2007. (made over $740,000 and gave over $340,000) and here is the 26% estimate from Here's Joe Biden: Their tax returns for 2007 are supposed to be on the website,, but I can't find them. Have fun -- I've given you plenty to look at and think about. But judging from your lack of knowledge of all of this being in the news, I figure you'll just go and vote for Barack without checking this out.
• United States
2 Nov 08
i'd like to know how the poster knows so much about Obama's personal life and how he engages with his family.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
2 Nov 08
It would take a long answer to appropriately tell this, but my mom, a republican, was well-respected and admired for the way she treated people. As a single mother she worked and I was raised by housekeepers. It went beyond just being the hired help. They trusted her and knew her word was gold. When the son of one asked if he could have his wedding at our house, my mother readily agreed. Much to the chagrin of our white neighbors I would say. At Christmastime she didn't hand them their gifts behind the, she invited them to do participate. It was the time we served them, showed our gratitude to them. Sure, there are selfish people. It isn't one sided either no matter what anyone says.
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@newtondak (3946)
• United States
2 Nov 08
For some strange reason, Obama can do no wrong - not matter how much dirt they did up on him, he justifies it somehow and everyone thinks it's okay.
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@celticeagle (172598)
• Boise, Idaho
2 Nov 08
It is pretty amazing to me that Obama is able to do some of the things he is doing. And alot of people are going to vote for him. He has some pretty strange ideas. I hope that people vote for someone who will help our country get out of the slump it is in.
• United States
5 Nov 08
Obama needs to burst into flames and take out Biden, Bush, jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton all at the same time.